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Enterprise — Page 4

I still think that if they were to stop releasing Star Trek related shows and merchandise for 10 years, they could come back to a ravenous fanbase. Just like what happened when they came back with The Next Generation. I think it would be huge. But the franchise needs some time on hiatus.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
I'm with Bossk; leave it for 10 years, but no more. otherwise, the creators may forget what their ideas were in the first place and start modifying the existing series to fit with the new time lines.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

well you guys got your wsh then. enterprise has been canceled, this is its last season. series finally is in march sometime.
It's not my wish. We were discussing the fact that it is going off the air. We already know. I posted the news article about five posts ago.

I like Scott Bakula and don't want to see his shows get canceled. We were just discussing what should be Trek's strategy for the future.

You really should read more than just one post before replying. Things that you read can be put in context when you do that.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
k nm then, lol that is the one post i skiped over i started reading right after that one.
Context is sorely lacking these days.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Well, it'd sorta be like Star Wars...wasn't anything new movie-wise until 10 years later (books and games not counting, of course.)
Shimmy, thought you might want to read TheDigitalBits' perspective on the cancellation. You'll like the Bits even more than you ever did. Go to the Bits site to get the version with links to these sites.


Okay... that's it for the DVD news today. As some of you can probably guess, the thing that's gotten me all worked up this morning is that UPN officially announced the cancellation of Star Trek: Enterprise yesterday. 10 more new episodes will air on the network with the series finale tentatively set for broadcast on 5/13 (right, of course, in the middle of the media furor over the release of the final Star Wars movie to theaters on 5/19 - which do you think will get more coverage?). I heard the news early yesterday and received hundreds of e-mails from angry Bits readers (who also happen to be fans of the show) overnight.

Look... I know not everyone is a Star Trek fan, and there were plenty of people who didn't warm to Enterprise. But come on! Look at the crap on TV these days. The same old doctor, lawyer and cop shows, crappy sitcoms and the most offensive batch of reality programming in years. The Biggest Loser?! Jesus. Mark my words, the cancelation of Enterprise bodes poorly for other TV science fiction. Sci-Fi costs more than regular programming by its very nature, and with its audience becoming ever more fractured (bickering over which is better - Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek or Stargate), do you really think broadcast and cable networks are going to continue to foot the bill with small and declining ratings?

The real shame of it is that the show, creatively, has never been better. Don't believe me? Bite the bullet and watch the rest of the season. If you tune in for the last 10 episodes, I think you'll be disappointed that there aren't any more coming. Star Trek, as a franchise, probably DOES need to take a good 10-year break. But there's just no reason Enterprise shouldn't finish out its full TV run. No reason that is, other than that UPN doesn't know what the hell to do with it. They've never promoted the show, which doesn't seem to fit with their goal of going after young urban or young female audiences... or whoever the hell they're trying to program for these days (I don't think the network even really knows).

As you can imagine, fans of Enterprise aren't taking this lying down. MSNBC is running a poll about the cancellation that's overwhelmingly in favor of the show continuing. SaveEnterprise.com and The Enterprise Project are organizing letter writing and boycott campaigns. There's talk of fan-sponsored advertisements in magazines and newspapers, and a rally outside the Paramount lot. Plus, there's always the DVD release of the show's first season on 5/3. We have Bits readers among the show's production staff, and we've learned that the DVDs may even include cast and crew audio commentaries in addition to deleted scenes and outtakes - pretty much everything we've been asking for from the studio for the discs.

Anyway, if you're a fan of TV Sci-Fi, we encourage you to go to the above websites and participate in some way. Who knows? Maybe the show can still be saved for another year. If not, we can at least send a strong message to the powers that be. Bastards.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Well, at least we're going to learn the Klingon head-ridge secret before the show is over.
That alone will make the show worth watching.

It's kinda sad because I really wanted to watch this show when I first heard it announced and I did watch the first couple of episodes and enjoyed it. However, because I had just gotten married, my wife and I had to figure out what shows we wanted to tape and which ones could go by the wayside (we were never home when the show was on so it was tape or nothing). This one wound up by the wayside.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
taht sucks, but this thing about the shows was that the first two season were overall really bad, they had a couple great eps but most of it was filler and bull shit, after that first season people stopped watching cus it got hte rep of being bad, now when the show is finally get good, it gets canceled because there isn't enough interest. another things that pissed me of was the captain, i know bossk you said you liked the actor that played him but seriously he did not fit the image of a captain. in the roll he made archer look like a dumb-ass.
You never know.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
I read an article at st.com stating that Shatner was interested in having a part on the show, but when they asked how much he'd want, he gave them a figure and they said no way.

BTW: Those of you that said that DS9 episode: In the Pale Moonlight was one of your favorites, it was on Spike TV yesterday at noon.

-Eric Cartman
Which is the more foolish, the fool (the OT) or the fool who follows (the PT)?

"Stay back, or Mr...Fett gets it!"

Originally posted by: starkiller
I read an article at st.com stating that Shatner was interested in having a part on the show, but when they asked how much he'd want, he gave them a figure and they said no way.

BTW: Those of you that said that DS9 episode: In the Pale Moonlight was one of your favorites, it was on Spike TV yesterday at noon.

my favorite st episode has to be trouble with the tribbles

Originally posted by: PSYCHO_DAYV

they cant

kirk appears like 150 years after enterprise

enterprise is like 22nd, the original series is the 24th and TNG os 25th centuries. i think.
Shatner could play a relative of Kirk's, like Brent Spiner did.


On other topics, Shatner talked a bit about Boston Legal, the new show he's starring in this fall. He revealed that Rene Auberjonois from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine has been written into the show with a recurring role. Also, Shatner spoke about his discussions with Paramount regarding a possible appearance on Star Trek: Enterprise. "I came up with a story, and I met with everybody ... So I said, here's the story, and they said, 'Great story!' And I said, 'Here's how much money I want.' They said, 'Great story!' And that's where it's at now — I want too much money for it."

startrek.com article- James Doohan's last public appearance
Well, if you want to think of it this way, Noonien Soong was Data's "father".
Oh yeah... Soong looked like Data... I mean he made Data look like himself.

Geez what a vain guy...


Most twisted geniuses are.
Which is the more foolish, the fool (the OT) or the fool who follows (the PT)?

"Stay back, or Mr...Fett gets it!"
From TheDigitalBits.com...


Speaking of BIG news, here's some: The effort to save Star Trek: Enterprise just got a huge boost. Three anonymous doners working in the aerospace industry have offered a combined contribution of $3 million. According to their official statement: "We think Star Trek and especially its latest incarnation, Enterprise is the kind of TV that should be aired more often. The people responsible at Paramount think this is just a show and we want to tell them, it is not. We are in the commercial space flight industry and would like to testify that at least one out of two of all the actual entrepreneurs involved in this industry has been inspired by Star Trek; and we are not only good at watching TV sci-fi , we are also good at writing checks, big checks. [EDIT] Enterprise needs to be renewed, for the sake of fan loyalty, for being quality TV, for bringing imagination and hope for a better future to our homes, but over all that, for inspiring us so strongly that we have fought all our adult lives to bring that future closer to our children and to us."

BRAVO! Congrats to everyone at Save Enterprise, The Enterprise Project and Trek United for keeping hope alive. Click here to read the complete statement at Save Enterprise. Eat that UPN.

Wow! I've never heard about anything like this happening in the past. Very cool even if you're not a fan of the show.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic