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Dreaming aloud - pattern of releases continued for the Prequels after ROTJ...


There were three years between Star Wars and ESB, and three years between ESB and ROTJ. I’d love to see what The Phantom Menace would have looked like if Lucas had kept up his three-year pattern.

How do you all imagine The Phantom Menace (1986)? Who plays whom? What does it look like? Is it a lot less silly than the real-life 1999 version or about the same?

Maybe Kenneth Branagh as Obi-Wan - that’s all I can think of right now.

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QUEEN AMIDALA: Jennifer Connely. (regality and can play young or old at that age)

ANAKIN: (grown up) Robert Downey Jr. (charming, but skilled at dark characters)

ANAKIN: (lil Kid) who knows.

QUI GON: Frank Langella

OBI-WAN: Kenneth Branaugh (was born to do it)

MACE WINDU: Rutger Hauer (a bad MFer if there ever was one)

COUNT DOOKU: Louis Jordan (aristocratic with a real good twisted side)

DARTH MAUL: Young Jackie Chan (would blow the audiences away in 1985)



There would probably be an Anakin training montage with synth-rock music.


I would turn to Lucas' choice for Willow, though, and cast young Val Kilmer as him, which seems pretty inspired, personally. With Jeff Bridges as Obi Wan and Christopher Plummer as Palpatine. Directed by Robert Zemeckis.


vote_for_palpatine said:

How do you all imagine The Phantom Menace (1986)? Who plays whom? What does it look like? Is it a lot less silly than the real-life 1999 version or about the same?

How could it have possibly been as silly as in 1999?  He didn't have the technology to express his Original Vision.  Sure, he was moving in that direction in ROTJ (or RTOJ if you prefer), but his silliness was limited by the 80's tech.


PT made from 1987-1993 (Characters are re-written to make the story better)

Obi Wan - John Hurt

Anikan (If the story could be changed) Gary Oldman

Qui Gon - Ian Mckellen

this qui gon will become rouge and replace Count Dooku.

Padme - None That I can think of (though I would change her name)

Darth Maul (not a ninja and lasts 3 films)- Rutger Hauer (yes I stole him from you boost)








"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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