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Dooku has his own sith apprentice in Savage Oppress.


I thought he already had ventress so much for the rule of two.  And if he had an apprentice why is he not mentioned in episode III.  It is as stupid as making Anakin a Jedi master with an apprentice in Ahsoka who is also not in episode III.

If the Clone Wars series is not merely EU and is G-canon why does Lucas insist on keep destroying his own canon.

So much for a grand vision he is clearly making it up as he goes.

But Savage Oppress was a part of his original vision, right because its not fanwankery because fanboys whined about the death of Darth Maul.


“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Count Dooku was the most pointless character in the history of cinema.

I don't care about any of this EU stuff. I just like the movies. I found those Clone Wars Cartoons on Cartoon Network to be good and it seemed like GL was relying on us fans to watch that before episode III in order for the first sequence of the movie to make sense to the audience.


I liked Count Dooku... okay maybe I just liked Christopher Lee.

Still though, I hated how his character was just killed off so... unspectacularly and easily in the beginning of Episode III. It made his character completely pointless.


What the hell is G-canon??



Probably George canon.  As opposed to sky canon.


Can something like canon be classified?

Isn't canon, you know... canon?


The Clone Wars series would be fun (aside from the boring episodes centered around politics or extremely minor characters) if it didn't ruin continuity all the time.

as it is i can't reconcile any of it with the original trilogy. or the prequels lol


So its free form kind of like The marvel comics.

I wish they would make a series like that, crazy and off the wall, but that was back when they did not care about canon. But they were hindered by Lucasfilm in a lot of their ideas.  And while some of it was good a lot of it was terrible.

They should do a star wars series of films that completely chucks continuity out the window, kind of like star trek 2009 but even more daring.


I would agree somewhat that they have more leeway in this series, but it still feels as if their is a general outline they are following and Lucas reigns in some of their more wild ideas.
The most wild idea which is really lame to me is darth maul's brother, supposedly a story idea Katie Lucas came up with.

I just hope they don't bring in jar jar's lost brother who can speak normal non broken English and who is intelligent.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


skyjedi2005 said:

The most wild idea which is really lame to me is darth maul's brother, supposedly a story idea Katie Lucas came up with.

Actually they're the ones that try to reign in George's crazy ideas. =P A lot of the really weird stuff comes directly from George. Like the Maul's brother idea, that was actually George's idea. They just had Katie write it. Which is good because she's turned out to be a pretty good writer.

Here's a video where the director of the show talks about George's idea. (It's also interesting to note that it looks like they used the old pink transfer of TPM at the beginning there)

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Okay. I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with a vengeful cold, but since I'm here...


There are five "levels" of Star Wars canon. G, T, C, S, and N, in that order.

G-Canon is George Lucas Canon. This is exclusively the six movies and anything from those six movies used in any other work. (Since you're all wondering, G-Canon is the latest version of the movies, since they are the most in line with Lucas's ever-changing "vision".)

T-Canon is Television Canon. This is for the original 2D Clone Wars series, The (current) Clone Wars series, and the future live-action series.

C-Canon is Continuity Canon. This is basically all the new, and a lot of the old, novels, games, comics, cartoons (Droids, Ewoks), non-theatrical films (like the Ewok movies), and all of that other good stuff. Sometimes C-Canon stuff gets G-Canon'd, like Aayla Secura.

S-Canon is Secondary Canon. This is stuff that current authors can either use or ignore when writing new continuity. Kinda stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else, or were before the time when there were efforts to keep a consistent continuity. I think the old Marvel comics fit in here as an example. S-Canon can become C-Canon if a contemporary writer uses an element of it in a new source.

N-Canon is Non-Canon. This is all the Inifinities labeled stuff and other "what-if" stories and things.


This was all created by the official Lucasfilm "Keeper of the Holocron", Leland Chee, as a system so people could actually make heads or tails of what was actually going on in the Star Wars galaxy... but, of course, all of these are obviously override-able by Lucas. If he wanted to elevate something from any other level to G-Canon, then that's his prerogative. Sometimes it's neat (Like Quinlan Vos), sometimes it sucks (for us [Special Edition]), but... it's his property, heh... If he wants to G-Canonize Melvin Fett, by God, he'll do it.


Anyway... the "Rule of Two" generally accounts for the apprentice to take his own apprentice and kill his master eventually. I don't see a problem with that apprentice deciding his own apprentice was crappy and exchanging it out for a new one - deception and treachery are the ways of the Sith after all.

The "Rule of Two" has been somewhat loose over the years anyhow, since there was a lot of canon created before the Rule of Two was laid down, so most other Sith that show up before the Rule of Two are classified as what amount to "Dark Side Acolytes" and not truly Sith.

Dooku had something of a small army of Dark Force-wielding acolytes during the Clone Wars, Asajj and Savage are just a couple of those.


Honestly, it's all really confusing, even with a system in place and I do not envy Leland his job. Poor guy has to make sense of all of this stuff thrown at him from myriad sources every day... ugh.

A fun example I like to use, because I know it so well, is how Marvel's S-Canon vision of of a jungle planet Mandalore became C-Canon when Karen Traviss used it in her quest to rape Mandalorians, and then Mandalore apparently got glassed and became a desert when Lucas made it T-Canon for The Clone Wars (there's a distant shot of it looking like Tatooine in one of the episodes, I believe), which is partially what led to Traviss having a hissy fit and storming off (yay). Though officially I believe it is classified as a "jungle planet with patches of desert wasteland where the Jedi bombed the shit out of it".

Confused yet? Yeah... fun job.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Anything Lucas has input on in my mind is G-Canon whether this is stated or not.  That incldues the new clone wars cartoon and force unleashed.

But not the EU, and certainly not the Genddy clone wars which lucas had very little control over.

The first person to try and tie all the loose EU ends together was Kevin Anderson, when he wrote the star wars chronology.  It was supposed to be one large epic tome and a novel.  In the end after much delays the scope of that never happened and it became much more a feigned historical text.


But what do i know i have my own personal canon where the Zahn novels are the true sequels to return of the Jedi, Mara Jade is a canonized character, and she never died. Also Jango fett does not exist, boba's parentage is a mystery and he is a former journeyman protector formerly known as Jaster Mareel.

Also he helped Vader hunt down the Jedi with an army of mandalorian supertroopers, and the clone wars was cloned Jedi's not clones of a character made up at the last minute.  Qui Gon does not exist nor do midichlorians.  Obi Wan is trained by Yoda.  Anakin is a great starfighter pilot and good friend of obi wan who follows him on damn fool idealistic crusades.  he is slowly tempted to evil by ambitious senator palpatine who becomes President of the Republic.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


skyjedi2005 said:

I thought he already had ventress so much for the rule of two.  And if he had an apprentice why is he not mentioned in episode III.

Probably because something happens in between? Is this so hard to see?

  It is as stupid as making Anakin a Jedi master with an apprentice in Ahsoka who is also not in episode III.

When was Anakin made a Master? He doesn't even achieve such rank in RotS.

If the Clone Wars series is not merely EU and is G-canon why does Lucas insist on keep destroying his own canon.

Where has he destroyed his own canon?

So much for a grand vision he is clearly making it up as he goes.

But Savage Oppress was a part of his original vision, right because its not fanwankery because fanboys whined about the death of Darth Maul.

I could care less if it's his original vision or not. This arc is being most entertaining.


skyjedi2005 said:

I thought he already had ventress so much for the rule of two.  And if he had an apprentice why is he not mentioned in episode III.

Tha last episode that was shown on British TV had Sidious order Dooku to destroy Ventress because she became to powerful.

So, at that point she was no longer his apprentice, so the rule of two still stands!!

But, I've not seen the following episodes, so really I have no idea what's going to happen!!



Thank the maker I could care less about canon.  What a pain.


HotRod said:

skyjedi2005 said:

I thought he already had ventress so much for the rule of two.  And if he had an apprentice why is he not mentioned in episode III.

Tha last episode that was shown on British TV had Sidious order Dooku to destroy Ventress because she became to powerful.

So, at that point she was no longer his apprentice, so the rule of two still stands!!

Of course it does, and the episode itself deals with the whole rule of two, but skyjedi prefers to ignore that and complain with strawmen arguments.


skyjedi2005 wrote:

I wish they would make a series like that, crazy and off the wall,

Does this mean you might have been a fan of the original inflatable Jar-Jar?


and might as well change the title and make this an official 'The Clone Wars - Season 3' thread.


TV's Frink said:

Thank the maker I could care less about canon.  What a pain.

 From your lips to god's ears.

Now, as a former gamemaster of the "Star Wars" RPG, I can sympathise with how hard it is to come up with good "star warsy" names. The combination of familiar and sci-fi-ish is not easy.

That being said... ... SAVAGE OPPRESS??????? That's the best they could come up with? Savage. Oppress?????????????


TheBoost said:

TV's Frink said:

Thank the maker I could care less about canon.  What a pain.

 From your lips to god's ears.

Now, as a former gamemaster of the "Star Wars" RPG, I can sympathise with how hard it is to come up with good "star warsy" names. The combination of familiar and sci-fi-ish is not easy.

That being said... ... SAVAGE OPPRESS??????? That's the best they could come up with? Savage. Oppress?????????????

After "General Grievous" are you really surprised?


And Darth Vader, Han Solo, etc...


Alexrd said:

And Darth Vader, Han Solo, etc...

Highly preferable to a villain who's name is comprised entirely of synonyms for 'bad'.


New Star Wars character... Nastee Villian.


Quackula said:

Alexrd said:

And Darth Vader, Han Solo, etc...

Highly preferable to a villain who's name is comprised entirely of synonyms for 'bad'.

Meh... Who cares?

TV's Frink said:

Enough said.


That guy had a name?


These same types of discussions come up on the Indiana Jones board from time to time. My thoughts are the same for both - I find it absolutely hilarious that there are various classifications of canon.  It's all make-believe.  There isn't official make-believe - it's all fucking make-believe.

I'm with Frink on this one.  It's not something I give one iota of credence to.  I read what I like - ignore what I don't.  What George decides is real or not is of zero concern to me - other than the fact that the more he approves of something, the more I see it as a complete waste of time i.e - everything after 1980.  

I'll decide what's worth bothering with - not someone who has decided their make-believe is the official make-believe. A fucking website devoted to levels of official make-believe? - and people allow themselves to be governed by it?  That's pure fucking genius on the part of Lucas. 

He actually has followers who wait - and abide by - his decisions of what's real fake vs fake fake.  A tip of the hat to you, George.  You are one savvy son of a bitch.



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