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Does anybody remember this from a Legends or Canon?


Do any of you recall reading a Star Wars book (Legends or Canon) where you recall them implying or downright stating something that could NOT be achieved with their current science and technology?


This is a terribly generic question…

Okay, here is one: In the (now Legends) X-Wing Novels by Michael Stackpole, a central plot point is a genetically engineered virus. Simply “finding a cure with science” fails, thus they need Bacta to keep the sick alive. Problem is that the antagonist has taken Thyferra, the source of Bacta. Any word more would be a major spoiler.

For seventeen years the renegade Pfhor scoutship jumped between the closely packed stars of the galactic core. And all over the ship, dancing through the wreckage of the Pfhor computer core, Durandal was laughing…


Maxo said:

Do any of you recall reading a Star Wars book (Legends or Canon) where you recall them implying or downright stating something that could NOT be achieved with their current science and technology?

Making a ship that small have a cloaking device.

TAFKA TheBoost