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Doctor Who — Page 17


Walder Frey in my Doctor Who?!  EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!!!


The more shows with Ben Browder in the better.

I stick him in every show if I could.


Bingowings said:

The more shows with Ben Browder in the better.
He's alright. At least an American is playing an American. Is that a first for Who? ;-)
I stick him
in every show if I could.

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Bingowings said:

The Doctor has a new companion.

She looks very "tween pop-star". I guess she is in her twenties, but she looks like she could be sixteen.


She has a wide face.

She reminds me a bit of Sophie (Ace) Aldred :

She had a role in Captain America which I have yet to see.


She had a role in Captain America like I'm featured in Eight Men Out (I'm in the background in stadium scenes).

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Bingowings said:

It looks like some really, really old suckers are coming back for the next series.
Indeed. Apparently every model they have is featured in the first episode.

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As someone who mostly enjoyed the last series I have to agree.

I always hope it's going to get better even when I think it has been rather good (but even more so when the the show runner is popularly known by his three initials and is homosexual).


Bingowings said:

It looks like some really, really old suckers are coming back for the next series.

Spoilery clickery.

Must....resist...urge to...SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I do hope this series will be better than the last one though. The last one was pants.

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


I've really been enjoying the seventh Doctor Big Finish audio drama A Thousand Tiny Wings which has been playing on BBC Four Extra.

I wish the show was more like this.

Educational and thought provoking while also managing to do a riff on the perenial 'base under siege' motif.

It plays like Tenko crossed with The Birds with a small dose of The Boys From Brazil thrown in for good measure.

I'm starting to think a mature sincere Nazitrix as a companion to the Doctor would be blessed relief from all those bubbly girls with weak ankles.


What I want to know is what are they going to do for the upcoming 50th Anniversary?


I hope it isn't the usual anniversary thing of a multi-Doctor story.

The only one of those that really worked was The Two Doctors (which wasn't even an anniversary show) even if you had to invent a whole unseen branch of continuity to explain it.

A multi-Master story would be much more fun, if only to see Sir Derek Jacobi do his stuff again.

Could they afford Eric Roberts?

I'd imagine it would be hard for Simm to camp it up with Eric in the frame.


what is wrong with bringing all the doctors selves together?   I always liked those episodes.     Why do you think The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors didn't work? 


With The Three Doctors the scenes with the Doctors and the UNIT family are charming but there isn't much in the way of story.

Omega is one of those villains that read well and look good in production photos but are awful beyond words to actually watch in action.

It's a good gimmick but you can only do it when all the actors are up to the task Billy was too ill to appear in person (what little we see of him however is priceless).

But it is a gimmick not a story.

Billy was dead come The Five Doctors and while Richard Hurndall is creepy he doesn't even come close to evoking the late great Hartnell.

Tom didn't want to come back so soon after leaving (a move he regrets) but once again it's a gimmick.

It also has one of the two most quoted awful lines in any Doctor Who history (so bad you can actually dance to it).

Get a bunch of Doctor's a bunch of monsters stir.

The least said about Dimensions In Time the better (it's not even canonical as far as Eastenders goes).

Time Crash is a vignette, basically an excuse for Dave Tennant to tell his future father in law how wonderful he is (and he is but that's not a story).

The Two Doctors however had a proper story (written by Robert Holmes no less) which was about something, the interaction between the two was purely story based (most of the time the two incarnations are separated).

It had a dark twisted sense of humour and is one of the few Colin Baker television stories where he felt comfortable. 

Colin gets better served in the Big Finish audio range (all their Doctors do) but even then their multi-Doctor stories tend to be a bit of a mess.

The first in the range was a multi-Doctor story called The Sirens Of Time it has some good ideas in it but they don't really mesh together.

Zagreus tries something different but it just doesn't work.

Project Lazarus is okay but nothing really special on it's own (you need to listen to the other Forge adventures to really get the impact of the piece).

Maybe something small and about the show itself would be more fitting.

Russell T Davies has pretty much queered the pitch when it comes to 'everything including the kitchen sink' spectaculars.


If you want to fluff your way through as an old Whovian knowing that line and "Eldrad must live".

They are the essentials.


Bingowings said:

If you want to fluff your way through as an old Whovian knowing that line and "Eldrad must live".

They are the essentials.

I must watch more old Who. I started Ark in Space a while back, but never finished it. It'd have to be stuff on Netflix streaming though, stupid America.

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could someone please translate "queered the pitch" into American for me?