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Doctor Who — Page 15


CP3S said:

I also like the idea of you changing it in your sig to discombobulate Fink. Earlier this year when Doctor Who related discussion was finding its way into several threads and everyone was changing their avatar to some incarnation of the Doctor or another, Fink kept trying to remind everyone that this was a Star Wars forum. That was fun. If you do change your sig pic to the screwdriver, I think we should plan another mass Who'ing of our avatars...

Awesome! Just don't tell him anyone....



<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


Such are the problems of collecting...hee hee hee.


Bingowings said:


Police said Mr Cole, who was wearing a bow tie and rather too much tweed for his age, would not reveal his country of origin.
Bow ties are cool.

Mr Cole was taken to a secure mental health facility in Geneva but later disappeared from his cell. Police are baffled, but not that bothered.
Is this some kind of British Onion-like article? Cause that's stranger than the rest of the story, and it included "communist chocolate hellhole[s]".

EDIT: Shame on you for linking old articles from April 1, 2010! I HATE YOU!

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Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


It's always April 1st somewhere in the universe my dear.


The Doctor as God angle doesn't work for me.

Sure the technology that he is allowed to maintain the illusion of command over grants him godlike powers compared to humans but really he is a fun, well resourced and slightly potty uncle.

He relives his joy of discovery from your delighted eyes but he can tuck you away when he is bored with you or replace you when you get bored of him.

Your parents trust you with him but he is a bit of an oddball, he takes you to places your parents would never dream of letting you go near, sometimes to places you aren't sure you want to go to but like a fairground ride it only seems dangerous, you are convinced he knows how to keep you out of real danger.

So it's safe right?

Only he is also not exactly honest so perhaps the safety thing is as much a fib as his age and his relationship with that blue shed with the bunk beds.

But you trust him don't you?

Quixotically perhaps?



Christmas has come early


"Changing classic movies at all is just wrong." Puggo

"HA, Ha, you r ghey" was probably a hilariously insulting comment in Elementary and Middle School, but its not cooly insulting anymore and its certainly not funny: it makes people who say it look like, well, an "inbred monkey." TheSessler

"I'm still %20 the wiser. It amused me that after doing a google image search for "The Final Milf" the second picture is Roger Delgado followed by lots and lots of porn." Bingowings


It is nice but sadly both stories are still incomplete and neither of them are any good.

It does makes hoping for more seem less silly though.


The Gallifreybase forum is going nuts right now.  Three pages of posts in the past couple of hours.  This is the best find in nearly 20 years.

Two clips have been posted on the BBC site, both are marvelous.  Although neither of the stories were high on most people's lists, the particular episode of Underwater Menace is lucky because it contains some visuals that many have been curious about (audio of every episode exists - it's video that is missing). Some are already speculating that the quality of Underwater Menace may be higher than people had assumed.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


I'm very glad to see more episodes have been found! It's delightful news. Hopefully, someday more will come to fruition, especially the lost episodes involving the Daleks. In any case, it will be interesting to see a DVD release of these two new episodes.




"Changing classic movies at all is just wrong." Puggo

"HA, Ha, you r ghey" was probably a hilariously insulting comment in Elementary and Middle School, but its not cooly insulting anymore and its certainly not funny: it makes people who say it look like, well, an "inbred monkey." TheSessler

"I'm still %20 the wiser. It amused me that after doing a google image search for "The Final Milf" the second picture is Roger Delgado followed by lots and lots of porn." Bingowings


Well it is a rumour but if it were to be true I remember reassuring people bleating about Billie Piper and Catherine Tate.

Wait and see.

I hate stunt casting but as annoying as her sitcom self is she is good on other shows.


Comedian who has a sitcom and makes appearances now and again

"Changing classic movies at all is just wrong." Puggo

"HA, Ha, you r ghey" was probably a hilariously insulting comment in Elementary and Middle School, but its not cooly insulting anymore and its certainly not funny: it makes people who say it look like, well, an "inbred monkey." TheSessler

"I'm still %20 the wiser. It amused me that after doing a google image search for "The Final Milf" the second picture is Roger Delgado followed by lots and lots of porn." Bingowings


Some dude posted this in the comments section of the toho-scope's link,

If Moffat had kept any sense about him last season, instead of blowing up the River Song story line to absurd proportions and making it unpalatable for future consumption, he could have gone with a 'young' River Song as the next companion. Imagine if season 6 hadn't featured River AT ALL, imagine if she wasn't the Pond's unlikely child and imagine if she'd retained her mystery. Imagine, then, her 'first' meeting with the Doctor as a very young woman, a student, with no knowledge of him whatsoever - and watch them have a battle of wits in the Tardis. THAT would have been a story line worth waiting for.

And I very much agree with it (except the battle of wits bit, that is stupid) . I have always really disliked River. She is obnoxious, and by far the worse thing about Smith-Who. The above idea would have fit continuity wise (prior to last season), and really provided the opportunity to make River a likeable character and to make sense of the relationship between her and the Doctor, as it is, it feels like he married her and is fond of her simply because she keeps telling him how much he loves her and how important she is to him. It has never really worked, Amy and Rory were such great companions, they made the whole rid past this train-wreck of a story arch bearable, but how much better would it have been without so much time wasted on the River Song BS.  


I don't mind River but I do think Moffat has developed a tendency to cram 2000 million ideas into one episode when developing one fully would be better.

Look at the mess of the 2011 Christmas special was (it was better than every RTD one but it was still a let down) and compare it to Blink.

Blink has one really good idea and it's played with just enough to be memorable.

The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe has enough ideas to make three or four good episodes if they were worked on more but it ends up being a bit of a blurry sludge even with the nice performances and everything.

Don't get me started on the Blu-Ray shorts....too late.

They seem to go against the BBC charter rules about not having to pay for supplementary material to understand the transmitted broadcast.

Those scenes if you are following the River arc are essential viewing but you have to pay for the discs to legally see them and once again there is enough in there to develop into a couple of episodes along the lines of The Doctor's Wife which was in my book the best episode last year.



"Changing classic movies at all is just wrong." Puggo

"HA, Ha, you r ghey" was probably a hilariously insulting comment in Elementary and Middle School, but its not cooly insulting anymore and its certainly not funny: it makes people who say it look like, well, an "inbred monkey." TheSessler

"I'm still %20 the wiser. It amused me that after doing a google image search for "The Final Milf" the second picture is Roger Delgado followed by lots and lots of porn." Bingowings


It was a shame for her but we would have missed out on arguably the best and certainly the most loved companion/Doctor relationship.

It might be a nice move to cast her now as a new companion.

A more mature companion would make for an interesting dynamic.

My favourite audio companion is Evelyn Smythe 


After re-watching 2010 (1984) I think I've figured out who was really behind the conflict between the Daleks and the Time Lords.


Hope you enjoy the rest of Smith's tenure thus far, doubleo; I know I have... :-)


Ovan Marekal said:

Hope you enjoy the rest of Smith's tenure thus far, doubleo; I know I have... :-)
I'm a few episodes into my Blu-ray set of Series 6. It's alright so far. I don't like that the Blus don't remember my place, so I can't just watch when I can, I have to either have an hour to watch an episode, or figure out what chapter I'm on to skip back to it after all the ads load. It's really annoying.

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