ChainsawAsh said:
You can easily use seamless branching on the originals. I don't see why that's a problem at all. Of course, everything would have to be color-corrected to match (hopefully the SEs to match the OOT).
I'd rather have the SEs be seamlessly-branched together, but have the original versions on separate discs, mainly so I can throw the SE discs away entirely like I did with the GOUT. But I don't see why they couldn't do seamless-branching if they wanted to.
Well, if you wanted the REAL OOT, seamless branching might not be viable. When they made the 97 SE they recomposited a LOT of the sfx shots, including shots that were otherwise untouched (this is how they got rid of the see-through snowspeeders). When they recomposited these shots, they're not EXACTLY the same as the originals b/c somethings such as laser blasts now happen a few frames sooner or later than they did originally. It's nitpicky i know, but it's technically not the originals if they use these recomposites. & again, it's not to say seamless branching couldn't work, but i doubt they'd branch for shots like that that are SOO close, but not exactly the same & if they did, there'd be a LOT more branching which might get cumbersome.