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Do you think George Lucas will correct the colors for the blu-ray release? — Page 2

Janskeet said:
Mielr said:

Can't wait for the YouTube edit. ;-)

What youtube edit is that?

The one that hasn't been created yet, AFAIK. The edit that combines the finale of ROTJ with the finale of Sgt. Pepper.

Luke gazes upon the faces of.....Robert Palmer, the Pointer Sisters, Carol Channing.....and of course Peter Frampton and The Bee Gees.




Believe it or not i would not mind actually having  a set of the theatrical prequels on Blu Ray.  Especially Episode 1.  The DVD has awful edge enhancement and too much dnr.  Plus they drop in new scenes into the movie that ruin the pacing.  The longer podrace is just unnecessary were they to edit and streamline anything why not limit the Jar Jar stuff like stepping in poo and that bird thing farting in his face.

The audio on the laserdisc was better too.  The changes in II and III were so small and insigificant they could both be on the same disc via seemless branching.  Something which can't be done with the originals since there have been so many changes in the last 2 cuts of the films.

Since Lucas has no intention of restoring or ever releasing the originals again.  Why not just put the 2004 screwed up audio and colors and all on Blu Ray and be done with it.  It would sell just as well as the dvd, the masses of uneducated fans out there would love it. 

They would eat it up just as much as the fanboys of the new star trek movie set 1-6 which had too much dnr done to it.  Except for Star Trek II.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


You can easily use seamless branching on the originals.  I don't see why that's a problem at all.  Of course, everything would have to be color-corrected to match (hopefully the SEs to match the OOT).

I'd rather have the SEs be seamlessly-branched together, but have the original versions on separate discs, mainly so I can throw the SE discs away entirely like I did with the GOUT.  But I don't see why they couldn't do seamless-branching if they wanted to.

generalfrevious said:

I wonder if they'll add even more useless shit into the ROTJ ending;

They should add Jar Jar right next to Hayden, and replace the old Yoda with the creepy CGI Yoda (or did they already do that?).

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars

generalfrevious said:

I was thinking more like all the wallflowers in the Jedi Council.

The Jedi fucking council. They were epic fail. Silly pretentious idiots. Wtf is that cucumber that guy has on his head? And we're supposed to give a damn when they're offed, even though we never get to know them. More fail, Mr Lucas. And the ones we do know, Yoda and Windu, are a pain in the butt.


ChainsawAsh said:

You can easily use seamless branching on the originals.  I don't see why that's a problem at all.  Of course, everything would have to be color-corrected to match (hopefully the SEs to match the OOT).

I'd rather have the SEs be seamlessly-branched together, but have the original versions on separate discs, mainly so I can throw the SE discs away entirely like I did with the GOUT.  But I don't see why they couldn't do seamless-branching if they wanted to.


 Well, if you wanted the REAL OOT, seamless branching might not be viable.  When they made the 97 SE they recomposited a LOT of the sfx shots, including shots that were otherwise untouched (this is how they got rid of the see-through snowspeeders).  When they recomposited these shots, they're not EXACTLY the same as the originals b/c somethings such as laser blasts now happen a few frames sooner or later than they did originally.  It's nitpicky i know, but it's technically not the originals if they use these recomposites.  & again, it's not to say seamless branching couldn't work, but i doubt they'd branch for shots like that that are SOO close, but not exactly the same & if they did, there'd be a LOT more branching which might get cumbersome.


Exactly - so seamless-branch those shots, too.

Like I said, I'd prefer it to be separate anyway, I just don't think it'd be as difficult as many here seem to think it would be.


I think the point is that there are just so many things that were changed that seamless branching would be overkill.  Might as well separate them since you'd pretty much be branching in half the shots of every movie.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


I would think the movies are short enough to just branch in 2 whole versions of the death star battle, 2 versions of the snow battle, mos eisley, etc.? 


Yeah, but like canofhumdingers said, it's not just big, extremely noticeable sequences like that.  Every special effects shot was recomposited and would require branching.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Gaffer Tape said:

Yeah, but like canofhumdingers said, it's not just big, extremely noticeable sequences like that.  Every special effects shot was recomposited and would require branching.


I find that hard to believe when transparencies, matte lines and crappy sabers and lasers still exist in the SEs.


Every special effect wasn't recomposited. The whole speeder bike chase for example wasn't. Outside of running the major battles/ setpieces twice, there's not an unsurmountable number of alternate shots, and modern branching can probably handle it, especially Jedi. That one was really half-assed in 97.  (The Close Encounters blu-ray is branching a whole lot of subtle differences among the 3 different versions it has. On the other hand, the people who did the Superman restoration in 2000 didn't even consider recompositing to be a "change").


The 97 SEs were completely redone effects and color wise and as much was done as possible for the time. I also think that some things were left untouched because there are beloved mistakes (stormtrooper with a sore head) What needs to be done is a Blade Runner type 5 disc set where versions are on seperate discs when there are numerous differences and seamlessly branched when the versions are nearly identical (ex. Theatrical cut and international theatrical cut of BR). I honestly think all we're going to get is an eventual HD version of the screwed up 04 dvds. If only someone else could take control of the new release. SW has never been right on any DVD, VHS, Laserdisc, or any other release you can think of. There is always some tinkering or problem. Why can't we have a definitive release with every version properly restored with every soundtrack and extra like we've been waiting for since 1977? (i hate the bloody "definitive collection" with all of its artifacts on the ships!)   I'd better go clean my VCR heads.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


You'd better work on a viable theory of time travel, captainsolo, because that's the only way you will ever see the OT again. I would die of shock if there wasn't a horrid video release of SW. I entirely bet that there will never, ever, ever, EVER be a future release of the OOT that will be done to modern video standards, and anyone who believes otherwise is huffing gasoline fumes. The ultimate bitch of all this is that such a great trilogy was created by some backwater hack (Lucas) who feels films are never complete, and they can be altered whenever you have enough cash to add in more fucking special effects. SW will suffer the exact same fate as Lost Horizon and we are powerless to do anything against it.

Janskeet said:
vbangle said:

There will be no Blu-ray release. Sorry.

Of course they will? How can they not? The most popular movie series of all time?

Um, there are other series which I consider more popular and have more entries.

Star Wars on Blu-ray? I'll pass.



Why are people ignoring this thread" Isn't what I posted important? Are you going to berate me for what I said?

bkev said:

Depends on the showing.  Images don't have to be separate colors anymore for 3-D.


They never had to be in the first place. The first 3D films used polarized lenses like we use today. It wasn't until the 1950's when they switched to the cheaper red and blue glasses.

Forum Moderator

To answer the original question, there is no way GL would correct the colors for a blu-ray release.  I'm guessing that in his mind, the '04 release DID correct the colors.

Sadly, I don't think there will be a decent release of SW until after GL dies.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


I hate to say it, but I agree.  Once good ol' George kicks the bucket, Lucasfilm will jump all over pleasing all the alienated fans.  I mean at that point, what do they have to lose by releasing the OOT on Blu-Ray or holographic disc or whatever the hell is the dominant format at that time?

canofhumdingers said:

When they made the 97 SE they recomposited a LOT of the sfx shots, including shots that were otherwise untouched (this is how they got rid of the see-through snowspeeders).

Umm...actually, the transparent snowspeeders (and transparent ships in space, too) are still transparent in the SE, despite the fact the ILM claimed they fixed it through recompositing. Outright lie on their part, apparently. I'm not sure if any shots were fixed, but it's quite obvious that a great deal of them weren't...

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


The only way you are going to see the Original Theatrical Star Wars Trilogy in HD is when George Lucas kicks the bucket.  As soon as the rights are in someone elses hands they will release everything we've been asking for.  Just wait and see...

It’s Not the Years, It’s the Mileage.


Yeah right. By the time Lucas dies LFL will be so full of yes-men that there will be no one who cares any more about the OOT.

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

To answer the original question, there is no way GL would correct the colors for a blu-ray release.  I'm guessing that in his mind, the '04 release DID correct the colors.

Sadly, I don't think there will be a decent release of SW until after GL dies.


I couldn't have said it better then this.  In George Lucas' mind, he DID correct the colors and various mistakes.  In his eyes WE are the ones holding onto unfinished garbage.

It’s Not the Years, It’s the Mileage.


A little off topic.  But does anyone have this ad for Return of the Jedi VHS Release?  This picture right here is the earliest memory I have in life and I've been searching forever for a quality scan of it.  It was in a magazine and was a full page ad.



It’s Not the Years, It’s the Mileage.

adywan said:

I can't see him spending any more cash than necessary on the OT for a HD release. they're already available in 1080p HD and to fix the problems he would have to rescan the negative, do the restoration work and colour correction all over again.

I've read that even though a lot of transfers for dvd have been done in high definition, they've had to redo them for the blu-ray releases because HD scan from 2004 is good enough for tv but not home video.

Of course that doesn't mean Lucas will have the films rescanned, it would just mean he would be extremely lazy to do so (which he already is). But he'll probably change even more which hopefully won't sell well and make even more people demand the originals.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77
