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Disney Acquires LucasFilm for $4.05 billion, Episode 7 in 2015, 8 and 9 to Follow, New Film Every 2-3 Years — Page 21


The prequel films were so bad how can it get worse?  I think Lucasfilm will retain a lot of autonomy over creating new content like Pixar does.  I also think a lot of talented people will want to work on the new films and without too much Lucas intervention they can be good films.  Will they re-capture our youth?  No, but some good solid storytelling could come out of this universe.  Pixar has been an amazing force for good character driven films and television has been leaping and bounding over the quality of feature films.  Star Wars could fit quite well into the hands of a talented new team of creators.  Kennedy just needs to keep the Disney notes at bay.


zee944 said:

Everybody is so pessimistic here!

My reason for beeing pessimistic is simply... what came first, the idea for a new line of Star Wars toys, or making Star Wars Episode VII the film?

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


msycamore said:

zee944 said:

Everybody is so pessimistic here!

My reason for beeing pessimistic is simply... what came first, the idea for a new line of Star Wars toys, or making Star Wars Episode VII the film?

 I wonder if the opening box office results for John Carter played any role in fast-tracking the negotiations for Disney ;P

i keeed, i keeed...bwaahahahahahahahaa

Its kinda unfortunate JC bombed so bad; i have seen much worse movies make more money. I missed it in the theatres, but when I caught it on blu ray I thought it was awesome!  True, there wasnt a great villain, the earth scenes seem uneccsary and the scene with JC and Dejha Thoris in that cave explaining how he can teleport to/from didnt make much sense.  But man, my first thought after seeing it was "damn... how cool it would be if Mars was actually like that!".  And i would have been thrilled if the PT was remotely close to anything like JC.  Some of the best parts of AOTC came from JC.


Disney bought all of LFL solely for Star Wars, they pretty much said so.  And most of the discussion has centered around the franchise, not the story.  But this has been the case since 1982, its just no longer the movie industry's worst kept secret that it was under LFL.  I also dont think anyone should doubt that a new trilogy was used to sweeten the pot and raise the value.  The question becomes will they still put forth an effort to make the best movie they can possibly make? If they just want to grab a piece of the 4-8 year old market as a simple cash cow, then they are all set.

Like evrything sw, I go through a range of feelings. I dunno, I keep ending up eventually feeling indifferent for an ST.   I greatly anticipated the PT because it was going to explain how the most famous villian of all time came to be, show what were the jedi knights and just the idea of returning to a story that captured the imagination of an entire generation, after so many years. 

I dont see anything that compels me to this sequel trilogy like a new batman and x-men movies or something from pixar or studio ghibli, let alone the OT and PT.  First and foremost,  I want the OOT available - on blu ray and every other future home video format. UNtil then, nothing has changed.  I have not seen anything encouraging that this will happen.  In fact, Im a little worried for guys like Harmy :(  I sure hope Disney keeps a hands-off attitude, or at least understands why the De-Specialized editions are so popular and acknowledges that studio behavior has inflamed this situation.  

But even with that issue set aside and judging the ST on its own merits, what story is there to tell?  Dale Pollock said that he thought episodes 7-9 were the most exciting, but I thought all those stories were crammed into ROTJ?  Lucas was adamant for years that there is no 7-9 (after being adamant for years that they did exist).  I see reports that treaments are made. But like the PT, I dont buy for one second there was a story planned all along for this. 

what about the characters?  Bringing back luke, leia and the whole gang?  Mark and Carrie's kids are older than they were during the OT! Ford is a very old man and i dont think has any desire to return to SW.  this cant be like some made-for-tv reunion.  IJATKOTCS tried bringing back Karen allen and i thought it was a disaster :(  plus, these characters have to do something to make them compelling again.

The crew of the OT was hall-of-fame.  Maybe the talent of the cast did not match, but i dont think you can underestimate just how extraordinarly charismatic the characters were across the board (as long as they stayed away from...ahem..the white stuff).  Everyone talked about how matrix or LOTR was the new star wars, but i always felt it was the austin powers series that was the closest to having an ensemble of memorable characters.  Like LucasDroid said, the glory years cant be recreated for almost the same reason that there will never be another Beatles.  But if Disney genuinely wants SW to be a marquee franchise with teeth and staying power, it'll need a engrossing and moving story and an ensemble of great characters to drive it, not just a couple. 

I disagree with this idea of having sw movies every 3 years for the forseeable future and making it like James Bond.  IMO, from 1960-1969 I can count 4 Great James Bond movies.  from 1970 -2011, I can count a total of...2 (although it appears the Livign Daylights has a loyal following).  and I can count plenty of sucky ones :(

its funny though..one thing SW does have going for it is the world its set in.  No matter whats happened, that galaxy far far away is one hell of a cool place.  god im missing Ralph Mcquarrie now and JW is 80!! :'(

whenever I think of SW outside of the OT and its potential, i'll always think back to when I saw that trailer for SW Galaxies and how moved I was (i wish I could find it again).


During the PT, LFL said all the right things (even if they were lying).  Disney so far has not.  Maybe an argument can be made that all the info has come from a shareholders meeting and it needs to be put in that context.  But if they release the OOT with gold-standard remastering, I can see it as a good faith gesture and a step in the right direction.


click here if lack of OOT got you down


From sources that I have heard from, expect restored prints of the OUT to surface in the near future folks. This could possibly be the same year episode 7 comes out.

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


AuggieBenDoggie said:

From sources that I have heard from, expect restored prints of the OUT to surface in the near future folks. This could possibly be the same year episode 7 comes out.

I keep reading on different forums about "sources" saying we'll get OUT.  Is anyone able to supply any firm info on this?  Who are these sources?  You don't have to name them but maybe let us know if they're somebody with legitimate inside knowledge?


AuggieBenDoggie said:

From sources that I have heard from, expect restored prints of the OUT to surface in the near future folks. This could possibly be the same year episode 7 comes out.

But, will the colars be fixed?

And, will it have Dolby sound?



Brooks said:

I keep reading on different forums about "sources" saying we'll get OUT.  Is anyone able to supply any firm info on this?  Who are these sources?...

The 'sources' are the internet, and it's all coming from SuperShadow.

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


walking_carpet said:

whenever I think of SW outside of the OT and its potential, i'll always think back to when I saw that trailer for SW Galaxies and how moved I was (i wish I could find it again).

This one or this one?

Forum Moderator

My thoughts on this deal: I don't like it.

Disney owning Lucasfilm is a major bad move and I don't like Disney handling Star Wars (less Lucasfilm will keep Star Wars to themselves). If anything, Fox should've gotten the Star Wars franchise hands down.

And there's no need for VII-IX or any spin off films! The 6 film saga is perfect and the film storyline doesn't need to continue. I worry about this :(


Hard to choose between the lesser of two evil empires sometimes? ;)

Unless George had a "no sequels" clause written out somewhere, somebody was bound to float sequels sooner or later.  Some fantasy universes are just too tempting not to revisit. (Disney has a Wizard of Oz prequel in the pipeline, and there have been many books not penned by L. Frank Baum.)

George's kids might have wanted to make new films someday, but we'll probably never know now.

Where were you in '77?


Brooks said:

I keep reading on different forums about "sources" saying we'll get OUT.  Is anyone able to supply any firm info on this?  Who are these sources?  You don't have to name them but maybe let us know if they're somebody with legitimate inside knowledge?

Nothing has been officially announced. My connections come from the theatrical venues, 3D and 2D so there are really no names that can be quoted; however, these sources have good connections with the House of Mouse.


Davnes007 said:

But, will the colors be fixed?

And, will it have Dolby sound?

The negative that the 1997 Special editions were made from has the correct colors. The blue cast the we see in the blurays and DVD's was a post process done for the video release. But who knows, Di$ney may want to do a complete restoration from the original film elements.

As far as sound goes I expect to see a 7.1 DTS Master Audio track and with any luck, an original 2.0 track.



Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


ThiefCobbler4ever said:

Disney owning Lucasfilm is a major bad move and I don't like Disney handling Star Wars (less Lucasfilm will keep Star Wars to themselves). If anything, Fox should've gotten the Star Wars franchise hands down.

The best thing to happen would be for Star Wars to fall into the public domain.


Tobar said:

walking_carpet said:

whenever I think of SW outside of the OT and its potential, i'll always think back to when I saw that trailer for SW Galaxies and how moved I was (i wish I could find it again).

This one or this one?

 wasn't those.  but those are cool.

the one i saw (i think i mentioned this in another thread) plays the same music when luke tells ben that r2d2 is looking for 'obi-wan' kenobi.

it was the moment the music that plays when ben says "i havent gone by the name of obi-wan",  there was a brief 2 second shot of some girl running towards something, im not sure if she was in a field or on a road but it just caught my attention.  there was just something about it...especially with the music playing in the background.

the commercial says "now you play the greatest star wars adevnture of all....your own"

maybe its just me and maybe it was the time back then, but its just an example i always use when asked if there coudl still be great star wars outside of the skywalker family.

another is that KOTOR game.  friend of mine had xbox and he was playing it and I watched and it was great.  i understand it got great reviews.

someday i'll find that trailer.

click here if lack of OOT got you down


walking_carpet said:

Tobar said:

walking_carpet said:

whenever I think of SW outside of the OT and its potential, i'll always think back to when I saw that trailer for SW Galaxies and how moved I was (i wish I could find it again).

This one or this one?

 wasn't those.  but those are cool.

the one i saw (i think i mentioned this in another thread) plays the same music when luke tells ben that r2d2 is looking for 'obi-wan' kenobi.

it was the moment the music that plays when ben says "i havent gone by the name of obi-wan",  there was a brief 2 second shot of some girl running towards something, im not sure if she was in a field or on a road but it just caught my attention.  there was just something about it...especially with the music playing in the background.

the commercial says "now you play the greatest star wars adevnture of all....your own"

maybe its just me and maybe it was the time back then, but its just an example i always use when asked if there coudl still be great star wars outside of the skywalker family.

another is that KOTOR game.  friend of mine had xbox and he was playing it and I watched and it was great.  i understand it got great reviews.

someday i'll find that trailer.

Likely this one.

I remember it as well, if it's the same one. So much potential for that game... now I'm gonna have to fire up the SWG Emu, dammit.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I just want to know one thing:  will they release the OOT on blu ray? 


Sources say that restored prints of the OUT are in the works, so a bluray release is a shure thing IMO. And I personally hope the Disney restored prints are what the 3D versions are going to be from and not from the ones on the current bluray.

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


If rumours of restoring the OUT are true, I'll be a happy fan! Throw in I and II too for good measure (III doesn't count since the theatrical version is already on Blu-ray).


AuggieBenDoggie said:


As far as sound goes I expect to see a 7.1 DTS Master Audio track and with any luck, an original 2.0 track.



To me, the original soundtrack(s) should be just as important as the original video. This should be a top priority for all of us.

For those more technically-minded, can those old school soundtrack just be slapped on to a Blu Ray or DVD or would they need a lot of work before being ready to listen to?

All I really want is each film as it was originally seen and heard in theaters; no fixes, corrections, "improvements" or modifications necessary.


I don't if The Digital Bits link was posted (I'm too lazy to look through all the pages :P ), but I found this which makes me feel a little better on Disney buying Lucasfilm:

This one however:
"Disney plans to let ILM continue operating as it currently does"

...makes me feel really better. :)

As long as Disney lets Lucasfilm continue their buisness like before, I'm 100% happy.


UPDATE: I am an idiot beyond compare! I realized that factoid was for ILM and not Lucasfilm. Ugh!


I feel comfortable selling my star wars blu-ray set now. Or should I NOOOOOOOOOOOt?

That's not a reason, it's a question.  And it's a question which can only have come from a negative perspective.  Not saying you're not entitled to your perspective; I can understand how some fans have felt over the years even if I don't share their thoughts.
That's some bad hat, Harry

AuggieBenDoggie said:

Sources say that restored prints of the OUT are in the works, so a bluray release is a shure thing IMO. And I personally hope the Disney restored prints are what the 3D versions are going to be from and not from the ones on the current bluray.

I can't wait!! I knew with George out of they way, their case of the stupids would be over!


walking_carpet said:

I dont see anything that compels me to this sequel trilogy

If it was made in 1980s, people would flock to it even if it only contained Luke/Hamill, Leia/Fisher and Han/Harrison dancing around the fire (Holiday Special anyone?), as they were the beloved heroes.

Now we'd be considered lucky if it'll be possible to squeeze-in Leia for a cameo.

Otherwise we'll get different (younger) actors, which makes it look&feel like a reboot or a fan-movie.

Let's face it: the last moment for making a Star Wars (or  Indiana Jones) sequel was early 1990s.


Now, there was a chance for a quality LFL product. The live-action series. If it was made using "few episodes per story" formula (NOT "episode per story" or "neverending soap opera") and telling us the tales of unknown heroes (Rebel spies & pilots, bounty hunters etc.) with only short cameos of major characters (they made young J.Bridges for TRON; Vader & Palpatine didn't age), space war drama ESB-style (Rebels on the run), it would be a big hit (with both fans and the Average Joe) and I'd be Lucas fan again (just like 2 decades ago).

But there was noone in LFL willing & able to create such series.

I saw the original theatrical release of the Old Trilogy on the big screen and I'm proud of it...
How did I accomplish that (considering my age) is my secret...

Yes.  This is something in the Star Wars universe I've sorely missed since X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and Dark Forces:


This is the backdrop of Star Wars... yet I feel it hasn't been seen/addressed in 20 years.  Or if it has, it was done terribly (Force Unleashed).  I want to see the formation of the Rebellion.  I want to see this small rag-tag group slowly grow in strength in the years prior to IV.  I want to see what they were doing between IV and V.  Man, the force and Jedi are cool and all, but I really want to see more of the military conflict.

Playing those LucasArts game and pretending I was a pilot/trooper in a massive galactic civil war is what got me back into Star Wars as a teenager in the early 90s.

Anyone remember different camera angles from ROTJ?