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Info Wanted: Different bootleg versions


I’m in the market for some OT Star Wars DVDs, so I have a few questions.

Firstly, how big are the differences between the anamorphic and the TR47 versions? I know that the TR47 version supposedly has better image and sound quality, but is the difference between the two versions that pronounced?

Secondly, is this talk about a dual layer version being made combining the best aspects of both versions still just talk, or is progress being made? If they’re being made now then I may just have to hold off and wait for a little longer.

Thirdly, where can I get my hands on a set of these (without having to download)? Also does my living in Australia pose any problems?

Thanks heaps everyone.

Sure, I could have stayed in the past. I could have even been king. But in my own way, I am king.
Hail to the king, baby.
For the differences of the two version head on over to the bootleg DVD review thread. I have posted a review of both and a few other poeple have put up reviews too. Good stuff.

The dual layer is way way off at this point due to compatabilty issues.

As for getting a set you will have to ask around....

“You know, when you think about it, the Ewoks probably just crap over the sides of their tree-huts.”

JuJu, have a talk/msg to Laserman, he set me up with some Animorphic discs. Very good quality, cheap and he is in Australia.
JuJu I'm from Australia and I'll give you TR-47's set for $16 (movie discs) or $20 (all 4 discs) as advertised on my eBay page.
Daniel, I too am from Australia and would like a copy of the TR47 set, do you have an email? You don't have a private msg option!
You can PM me now, I prefer not to write email addresses where bots can hit them.