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Detention Block AA-23 : The OT.com's Banned Members... — Page 9

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IIRC it was because of multiple accounts, like he'd forget the password of his previous account and make another one, then another one, and the repeated offences finally got him a ban.

Mods, correct me if I'm wrong...


Possessed said:

I've always wondered why ABC was banned? I know he came back by another name and then disappeared but what did he do in the first place? Unless it's classified.  Oh shit

 I for one am glad he is gone.  He was a troll who basically made me his target.


No, he wasn't a troll. He was difficult, yes, but not a troll. If you left Off Topic once in a while, you'd know he actually did some useful stuff, he compiled really neat preservations of the OT soundtracks. And the whole "made me his target" is just you victimizing yourself as usual.

I'm sorry if I seem brutal, but as a friend I feel I should tell you the truth.

This is you "me me me, you hurt my feelings, my country, mine mine mine."

Please, for your well being, stop thinking everything is about you.


Warbler said:

I for one am glad.  He is gone.

 What is up. With the sentence fragments?


That's the hip way to type these days, it's dope and stupid and poppin' fresh.


Yeah. It's an in. Thing these days. You aren't cool. Unless you type. Like this.


Stop. Victimizing him.

Preferred Saga:
1,2: Numeraljoker extended
3: L8wrtr
4,6-9: Hal9000
5: Adywan


While I agree that Warbler often can be overly sensitive and take things far too personally, I do feel that ABC was a jerk to him, at least in my limited experience with him when he returned as XyZ.  He pushed Warbler's buttons deliberately, provided little respite for him, and showed little remorse when he clearly had hurt Warb's feelings.  Perhaps he was a good guy in general, but he really shouldn't have pushed Warbler so hard.


I agree with darth_ender (and Warb, I was just light-heartedly teasing you about your grammar, so please don't take it the wrong way because we're not trying to gang up on you).


I agree.  And for the record I wasn't making fun of him either I was just joining in on the fun of making comments on sentence fragments.  And boy, do sentence fragments provide a good.  Time.


Threads like this just go to remind people there are drama queens and drama suppliers.

And *whispers* they are are all me.

I think he realised he had gone beyond the limit towards the end but it's unmoderated here and he contributed to some pretty respected projects on the the other boards.

As I recall (and correct me if I'm wrong) he wasn't entirely banned but had all his duplicate accounts reduced to one easy to handle account which he had the Gallic genius to lock himself out of.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Warbler said:

I for one am glad.  He is gone.

 What is up. With the sentence fragments?

 It was typo, and it has been corrected.


Leonardo said:

No, he wasn't a troll. He was difficult, yes, but not a troll. If you left Off Topic once in a while, you'd know he actually did some useful stuff, he compiled really neat preservations of the OT soundtracks. And the whole "made me his target" is just you victimizing yourself as usual.

I'm sorry if I seem brutal, but as a friend I feel I should tell you the truth.

This is you "me me me, you hurt my feelings, my country, mine mine mine."

Please, for your well being, stop thinking everything is about you.

  1.  I don't think everything is about me
  2.  I will confess to not knowing what he did outside of the Off Topic Section.   Perhaps out side of Off Topic he was not a troll
  3.  In Off Topic however he was a troll and did target me.  If necessary, I can post links as evidence.   Earlier he targeted Frink if I remember correctly. 

RicOlie_2 said:

I agree with darth_ender (and Warb, I was just light-heartedly teasing you about your grammar, so please don't take it the wrong way because we're not trying to gang up on you).

Possessed said:

I agree.  And for the record I wasn't making fun of him either I was just joining in on the fun of making comments on sentence fragments.  And boy, do sentence fragments provide a good.  Time.

 No problem.


lets just hope he doesn't return.  


Warbler said:

Leonardo said:

No, he wasn't a troll. He was difficult, yes, but not a troll. If you left Off Topic once in a while, you'd know he actually did some useful stuff, he compiled really neat preservations of the OT soundtracks. And the whole "made me his target" is just you victimizing yourself as usual.

I'm sorry if I seem brutal, but as a friend I feel I should tell you the truth.

This is you "me me me, you hurt my feelings, my country, mine mine mine."

Please, for your well being, stop thinking everything is about you.

  1.  I don't think everything is about me
  2.  I will confess to not knowing what he did outside of the Off Topic Section.   Perhaps out side of Off Topic he was not a troll
  3.  In Off Topic however he was a troll and did target me.  If necessary, I can post links as evidence.   Earlier he targeted Frink if I remember correctly. 

 Oh, come on, I will admit to being self-centered and playing victim every now and again, why won't you?

I will also admit, I have forgotten how the whole thing went, my memory is really bad. In fact, I have people on my ignore list and I have no recollection of who they were or what they did to get banned.




In fact, disregard anything I've said in the last four years.

^ This is to hopefully defuse the whole thing, with the desire to get at least a chuckle out of you.


ok, you got a little chuckle out of me.


I only made this tread as a bit of a wind up a while back.

I can't belive it's still going.


Leonardo said:

No, he wasn't a troll. He was difficult, yes, but not a troll. If you left Off Topic once in a while, you'd know he actually did some useful stuff, he compiled really neat preservations of the OT soundtracks.

 He was both, IMUHO.


IMUHO . . . does that mean "In My Un-Humble Opinion"?


I have tried to look up TMBTC but didn't find anything.  So I am going to have to ask, what does TMBTC stand for?