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OCP got banned for selling edits.
Adamwankenobie was just a pedofile in the making.
Darth Venal well im not sure of what he did.
Diddy Solo was innocent aswell
Is there anymore?
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OCP got banned for selling edits.
Adamwankenobie was just a pedofile in the making.
Darth Venal well im not sure of what he did.
Diddy Solo was innocent aswell
Is there anymore?
The OCP one i feel was harsh. He offered to sell me some jems at a price, i know(and broke the forum rulez by doing so), but as a major contributer here shouldnt he have just had a warning first?
Adamwankonbie i totally agree with having kids myself.
Darth Maul contributed as i later found out, but was rather rash.
Diddy Solo would have caused mayhem in the short term, but i think he should be re-instated
Who the hell was Darth Maul?
I wonder if the Mods will permit this thread?
OCP is a scumbag and i'm glad he was banned. I got a copy of his "list" and exactly how much he was charging for them. $30 for a DVD-9 version of other peoples edits: $10 to cover the cost of the DVD if a SL DVD, an extra $10 if this was a DL DVD and an extra $10 if they wanted a printed cover. How the hell can he justify this as "covering costs".And that is without postage. He said it would cost me an extra $10 to post from the USA to the UK, When i know it costs about $3. So if i wanted a DVD-9 version of say Jambe's Building Empire he was going to charge me $40. Knowing the amount of hard work that people put into their edits and then have someone profit off this is just plain wrong.
I'm surprised he's been able to get away with doing this for so long. Myself and other faneditors provide our work for free and not to have some asswipe then sell our work for his own profit
I was a member of a band once... does that count?
Maul=Venal (you know what i was gettin at, it leaves a bitter taste).
No, boost man, wrong type of band....ur still here.
Its lasted more than a few hours so far Ferris...........
I stilll stick by what i said even though the masterady has spoken. OCP should have got a yellow card. He just got miffed at people profiting from his work on e-bay, as did Jambe. OCP just went about it the wrong way, but i felt his pain at the time. Everyone deserves a second chance....
Why am I not banned yet?!
Wait, mebbe I shouldn't ask.
Darth Solo said:
I stilll stick by what i said even though the masterady has spoken. OCP should have got a yellow card. He just got miffed at people profiting from his work on e-bay, as did Jambe. OCP just went about it the wrong way, but i felt his pain at the time. Everyone deserves a second chance....
He didn't just profit from his own work, dude.
OCP broke forum rule #2:
2. No profiting from any activities related to fan edits or preservation efforts. Those found selling their fan edits or preservation projects here or elsewhere will be banned.
Your point about him being a "major contributor" is moot. If Adywan started selling copies of "Revisited" for $30 a pop, and the mods found out about it, he'd be banned too, no questions asked.
Upon joining this forum, you agree to the rules, and if you do not abide by them, you're no longer welcome here. It's as simple as that.
ChainsawAsh said:
OCP broke forum rule #2:
2. No profiting from any activities related to fan edits or preservation efforts. Those found selling their fan edits or preservation projects here or elsewhere will be banned.
Your point about him being a "major contributor" is moot. If Adywan started selling copies of "Revisited" for $30 a pop, and the mods found out about it, he'd be banned too, no questions asked.
Upon joining this forum, you agree to the rules, and if you do not abide by them, you're no longer welcome here. It's as simple as that.
Yeah pretty black and white, or in this case, white and blue.
What about if u missed the forum rulez? Shouldnt u be given some sort of warning?
Like for instance DarkGryphon2048 keep working the evilness, then u may get banned outright ;-p
I just googled OCPs edit and it led me here, so i had no knowlage of the rulez many moons ago
And i would have payed monies for it....dont actually know my point
Darth Solo said:
What about if u missed the forum rulez? Shouldnt u be given some sort of warning?
Like for instance DarkGryphon2048 keep working the evilness, then u may get banned outright
I just googled OCPs edit and it led me here, so i had no knowlage of the rulez many moons ago
OCP became a huge cock on these forums, with things like attacking the X0 project because they were using laserdisc as a source and his classic editions were using the 2004 DVD's so his was superior. He was also warned by Zion about his actions:
I guess when it emerged that he was selling his edits that was the last straw.
But it really shouldn't matter if you have read the rules or not. He claims to be a film maker yet he is willing to sell other peoples work for his own profit. Surely he can't be that thick that he doesn't realise that this is highly illegal and just because he was too dumb not to read the rules isn't an excuse. It's not as if he was a new member to the fan editing community either so he would have been well aware of the not for profit code of fan editing.
And if your saying the reason he started selling edits is because he was miffed at other people selling his edits on ebay then why the hell would he do the same and sell other peoples edits?
Right, i wrong to defend OCP then, but i dont think i am.
What do you mean that i may have the same pain to come? (that you put in your reason for editing your last post).
The title "Banned Members" + DS's royal guard avatar on the top of the pile in the Off-Topic section has something quite impressive.
Darth Solo said:
Right, i wrong to defend OCP then, but i dont think i am.
Right. But wrong.......don't think you are..... wuh?
Darth Solo said:
Right, i wrong to defend OCP then, but i dont think i am.
Last edited on August 31, 2010 at 12:34 AM by Darth Solo (Reason: Im not defending him or creditin him....masterady may have the same pain to come ;-)
Have these edit reasons become the forum equivalent for muttering stuff under our breaths?
Yeah, I am curious as to what you meant by that, DS. Sounds like you are suggesting that Adywan, who strictly adheres to the rules, unlike that opportunist weasel OCPmovie, is at risk of getting "shoved under the bus" someday, just like so many of you seemed to think was the case with OCP. OCP may have contributed a few things, but honestly, none of them that good by any means (SW Classic was atrocious, though I will admit his SW documentary, that I currently forget the name of, was pretty cool though). His obvious true talent was in selling the works of others.
This thread seems like a really bad idea, I have a feeling you made it just to bring up the subject of OCP. When he was first banned there were many members having a fit about it. He was, and as far as I know still is, selling edits. At that time the future of fan editing was in question and that was exactly the type of thing we didn't need members of the community doing (and still isn't), just what we wanted was for some selfish git to draw negative attention to it by making a profit, then getting us all shut down.*
There is no "yellow card" for that kind of behavior. He knew damn well he wasn't suppose to be selling edits. And as for not reading the forum rules, when you register you are agreeing to follow those rules, if you don't read them you are still breaking your end of the agreement by not following them. It is like saying that a contract should not be binding, because well, you neglected to read it.
*Fortunately (or not so) so many people got into the whole fan editing thing that it has really proven to be a joke, I can't imagine anyone actually watching one of the edits out there and taking it seriously enough to try to take legal action against it. It basically takes bad movies, and makes them laughably worse by hacking them up, making them make less sense, and filling them with hard cuts. Good stuff. Like a bunch of little kids tearing pages of famous paintings out of books, scribbling all over them with crayon, excitedly passing them off with pride, and pretentiously commenting on how Vincent Van Gogh obviously didn't "get it", but thankfully they were able to fix the problems with their meticulous scribbling skills.
"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape
^lol Bingo
C3PX said:
*Fortunately (or not so) so many people got into the whole fan editing thing that it has really proven to be a joke, I can't imagine anyone actually watching one of the edits out there and taking it seriously enough to try to take legal action against it. It basically takes bad movies, and makes them laughably worse by hacking them up, making them make less sense, and filling them with hard cuts. Good stuff. Like a bunch of little kids tearing pages of famous paintings out of books, scribbling all over them with crayon, excitedly passing them off with pride, and pretentiously commenting on how Vincent Van Gogh obviously didn't "get it", but thankfully they were able to fix the problems with their meticulous scribbling skills.
Yeah, well, that's like, your opinion, man.
Sure, a lot of fanedits suck, but there are many that improve a great deal on the original, and in excellent quality too. adywan's work (as you mentioned in your reason for edit), TMBTM's War of the Stars, Jorge's Total Recall edit, and so on are vastly different takes on the originals that make for a completely new experience. But there are plenty of other less drastic edits that still do great stuff and in a very professional manner. L8wrtr's TPM edit and Q2's AVCHD edits of Crystal Skull and Terminator Salvation are recent works that immediately come to mind.
I'm a little offended at your dismissive attitude.
ferris209 said:
Darth Solo said:
Right, i wrong to defend OCP then, but i dont think i am.
Right. But wrong.......don't think you are..... wuh?
I don't get a good 75% of the things Darth Solo says. I find it easiest to just pretend I didn't read it.
And I'm so stealing that gif...
C3PX said:
OCP may have contributed a few things, but honestly, none of them that good by any means (SW Classic was atrocious, though I will admit his SW documentary, that I currently forget the name of, was pretty cool though). His obvious true talent was in selling the works of others.
btw, this I agree with. I was really disappointed with his Classic Versions (especially after his grand statements about how you could throw out your originals), and actually I don't think Deleted Magic is that great either. It drags ass in a lot of spots and I don't think I bothered finishing it.
TV's Frink said:
I'm actually a little offended at your dismissive attitude.
Wow, seriously? I guess you have a right to be. Odd to me though, what floats your boat may not float everyone's, doesn't make sense to feel offended by that, no matter how little.
Maybe they are getting better, I don't know. I gave them a chance for years, constantly hearing people say great things about them, going through the trouble of getting my hands on them, and then being disappointed. Finally at one point I realized there was not a single fan edit (save for DigitalfreakNYC's Blade Runner set, which is now obsolete thanks to the official boxset, and Ridgeshark's Army of Darkness: Primitive Screwhead edition) that I could even stomach ever watching more than once, and even once was too much.
I'd consider getting more now to see if things have changed and they have improved, but I can't really imagine it. All the ones I ever dl'ed and watched were ones that had been met with high praise, and I didn't think much of them. Based on the fact that you, Fink, felt that Adywan's edit was a "vastly different takes on the original that made for a completely new experience" shows that I probably still wouldn't find the edits that you think to be amazing to be anything special. While I found some of the things he could do to be impressive and I enjoyed watching it, I certainly didn't find it to be a "completely new experience". I found it to be exactly what the special edition was (but, sadly, done better than the official one), an old film with new elements and special effects taped and glued onto it in various places. The very idea, had it not been something the original film maker had already decided to do to it, would have been something I would have considered absolutely stupid.
"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape
C3PX said:
TV's Frink said:
I'm actually a little offended at your dismissive attitude.
The very idea, had it not been something the original film maker had already decided to do to it, would have been something I would have considered absolutely stupid.
Moth3r said: No, there is no video embedding option in this forum software (thank god!)
There are some very good edits out there but the activity itself and it's final results aren't going to be of interest to everyone and why should it?
This thread in it's original form is a bit stinky.
The mods here are the most balanced and considered I've encountered on a discussion forum before and only ban people who really break the rules to the point where the site and it's original function are in jeopardy.
We enjoy a degree of freedom on here that other forums don't and yet it never really gets bogged down with trollish behaviour because of the levity and good sense of the people that use it.