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Dear OT Elitist Bigots... — Page 2



“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


darklordoftech said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Lucas-worshipping zealots

Examples of this include:

- thinking that it would be wrong for Disney to release the OOT because it isn't what Lucas wants

- thinking that the way things are in the prequels is the way things always were

Why? Why be so specific with your distaste right now and, to a certain extent, prove his point?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


FanFiltration said:


 hey!  that's my line!!!!


SirHenryPercy, I say this with the utmost respect:

I think you're missing the big picture of originaltrilogy.com.  Our intent is not the bash the hell out of the Star Wars Prequels or the Special Editions.  We have a few forums discussing what we do or don't like, but most of the forums here are about either fan-edits and preservation edits.

It's true that at the time before Disney bought Lucasfilms, Lucas had the rights to "Star Wars" and he could tinker them to his heart's content.  We, the fans, simply want to have the choice to pic which versions we'd like to own in our collection.  I'd also like to point out that if the unaltered versions has not be as successful as they were in the late 70's and early 80's, Lucas wouldn't have had the money to finance his special editions.  Many of us OT fans are able to see that and we want the versions we saw to be given the same care in restoration that the revisions received.


I for one am more of a moderate PT defender on these boards. 

Frankly, someone can LOVE the PT, they can LOVE the SE. They can think every aspect of the EU is awesome, and that the Mego Disco song should be their first dance at their wedding.

As long as they also think the OOT should be released, I think they're swell.


TheBoost said:

the Mego Disco song



Well now, who slipped that extra C in there...

Forum Moderator

I think you guys mean the Macgeo cover.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


SirHenryPercy said:

NOTE: This forum is not directed towards people who merely like the original trilogy, dislike the prequel trilogy, and can move on with their lives. This is directed to the narrow minded, ignorant man children who attack anyone with a different opinion.

A long time ago, I used to think that the most annoying fanbase was the Twilight fanbase. Lord knows, I nearly punched a hole in my wall when I found out that one fangirl had claimed that Stephanie Meyer was a better writer than my favorite writer of all time, Stephen King. But after seeing the bigotry, hatred and ignorance from original trilogy elitists like many seen on this site, I came to the conclusion that you are worse. 

Like I said, liking the original trilogy is one thing, but you people quite frankly act like schoolyard bullies. You saw a kid on the playground who liked something you didn't, and you proceeded to call him names, and attack him for not conforming. Which oddly enough probably happened to you for liking Star Wars when you were a kid. I suppose that what separates the rational, reasonable folks who love the OT from the close minded, childish freaks like the OT elitist bigots.

And don't even get me started on their ungratefulness. Refusing to just accept change, or even dislike change and admit that the creator or your beloved series should still be respected, you again childishly lash out at George Lucas merely because he's doing with his movies what he has the right to do. It's like a bunch of children, waking up on Christmas morning with a bountiful mass of presents underneath the Christmas tree. But when they find out that they didn't get the exact present that they wanted, they shout at their parents "I hate you! I'm never talking to you again!" It really is quite amusing, and one of the few times that OT bigots can actually contribute something to society.

And of course, like I implied earlier, OT bigots cannot handle a different opinion. It doesn't matter if you're a film student, a critic or a film professor, in the eyes of these depraved children, if you think the Star Wars prequels are good you are "stupid and have bad taste and should kill yourself" Yeah, you can love movies like Leaving Las Vegas, 21 Grams, Rear Window, Shattered Glass, One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest, 12 Angry Men and Rebel Without A Cause, you can be a Shakespeare enthusiast, you can have a 4.0 GPA and be the most compassionate guy on the planet, but if you like these movies, the OT bigots will treat you with the contempt that is msot deserved of racists and homophobes. Hell, you guys (Again, talking to the elitists, not the fans) won't even ALLOW someone to give a dissenting opinion without schoolyard insults and attacks. In fact, I actually planned on giving my own opinions on the prequels and defenses in a respectful manner, but why bother? You're not interested in debating...You're interested in conforming to a single opinion based on vapid fanboyism and nostalgia. "Resistance is futile, you must assimilate!" ;)

So please, please go ahead. Insult me. Make fun of me. Makes jokes about prequel fans merely for being prequel fans. I look forward to laughing my ass of at my keyboard at your bigotry and rage.



 Best only post ever.


Ryan McAvoy said:


PT > OT = SM > SK


Assuming: FYI / (PT > OT) = (SM > SK) / MOL * IMHO


FYI / (P > O) = (M > K) / MMOOLIH 


FYI / (P > O) = (1 > K) / MOOLIH


FYII / (P > O) = (1 > K) / MOOLH


FYII / (P > 1) = (1 > K) / MOLH


F / (P > 1) = (1 > K) / MOLHYII


F = (P > K) / MOLHYII


F = M * (P > K) / OLHYII

A = (P > K) / OLHYII


F = M * A

[drops chalk]

I think I've made my point.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



xhonzi said:

xhonzi (Reason: *Force = Midichlorians * Anakin)

 Nice work.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


DuracellEnergizer said:

TV's Frink said:





SirHenryPercy said:

NOTE: This forum is not directed towards people who merely like the original trilogy, dislike the prequel trilogy, and can move on with their lives. This is directed to the narrow minded, ignorant man children who attack anyone with a different opinion.

A long time ago, I used to think that the most annoying fanbase was the Twilight fanbase. Lord knows, I nearly punched a hole in my wall when I found out that one fangirl had claimed that Stephanie Meyer was a better writer than my favorite writer of all time, Stephen King. But after seeing the bigotry, hatred and ignorance from original trilogy elitists like many seen on this site, I came to the conclusion that you are worse. 

Like I said, liking the original trilogy is one thing, but you people quite frankly act like schoolyard bullies. You saw a kid on the playground who liked something you didn't, and you proceeded to call him names, and attack him for not conforming. Which oddly enough probably happened to you for liking Star Wars when you were a kid. I suppose that what separates the rational, reasonable folks who love the OT from the close minded, childish freaks like the OT elitist bigots.

And don't even get me started on their ungratefulness. Refusing to just accept change, or even dislike change and admit that the creator or your beloved series should still be respected, you again childishly lash out at George Lucas merely because he's doing with his movies what he has the right to do. It's like a bunch of children, waking up on Christmas morning with a bountiful mass of presents underneath the Christmas tree. But when they find out that they didn't get the exact present that they wanted, they shout at their parents "I hate you! I'm never talking to you again!" It really is quite amusing, and one of the few times that OT bigots can actually contribute something to society.

And of course, like I implied earlier, OT bigots cannot handle a different opinion. It doesn't matter if you're a film student, a critic or a film professor, in the eyes of these depraved children, if you think the Star Wars prequels are good you are "stupid and have bad taste and should kill yourself" Yeah, you can love movies like Leaving Las Vegas, 21 Grams, Rear Window, Shattered Glass, One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest, 12 Angry Men and Rebel Without A Cause, you can be a Shakespeare enthusiast, you can have a 4.0 GPA and be the most compassionate guy on the planet, but if you like these movies, the OT bigots will treat you with the contempt that is msot deserved of racists and homophobes. Hell, you guys (Again, talking to the elitists, not the fans) won't even ALLOW someone to give a dissenting opinion without schoolyard insults and attacks. In fact, I actually planned on giving my own opinions on the prequels and defenses in a respectful manner, but why bother? You're not interested in debating...You're interested in conforming to a single opinion based on vapid fanboyism and nostalgia. "Resistance is futile, you must assimilate!" ;)

So please, please go ahead. Insult me. Make fun of me. Makes jokes about prequel fans merely for being prequel fans. I look forward to laughing my ass of at my keyboard at your bigotry and rage.



 Right... Let's get to work...


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I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


I'm too tired to decode that for him, so he'll have to do that himself.