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David Fincher's The Killer Fan Edit


Dear friends,

Here’s an idea:

Hopefully it won’t be long before we see a fan edit of David Fincher’s THE KILLER without the voice-over. It is repetitive of everything we see on screen already. At one point it is irritating and absolutely unnecessary. Without it, we would get a much quieter film and in accordance with the nature of the protagonist. I would have liked that Fincher and Netflix had enabled an audio channel without the voiceover to enjoy the film at another level, more sensory, mysterious and subtle in all aspects. In this way we would have a film more akin to the style and atmosphere of classics like Melville’s films. I’m surprised Fincher didn’t take it into account.

Even the final encounter between the protagonist and Tilda Swinton is too explanatory and underlined. A quieter version (less chatty) would be beautiful and much more tense.

I hope that sooner or later someone will bring us a silent version of this remarkable film. Just my five cents.

All the best!