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DVD Covers (Eps. I,II,III, V & VI) — Page 4

Looks good Goose.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
Wannabegeorge where are you? Did he forget about Episode IV?????
sigs are for teh gheys
@ wannabegeorge: Very nice covers, but yeah where is Ep IV? One suggestion though (sorry for adding it late as I've just found this thread and haven't been following it). Would it be possible to add a large Star Wars logo at the top of the front? I see the Star Wars logo in the title of the movie, but the space above it looks a bit empty. Love the rest and can't wait to see Ep IV. Thanks for the images Knolly.
My first attempt at a cover set, modified THX's covers for the OT ones and got The Phantom Menace Logo from ChainsawAsh


Comments and suggestions welcome
Your covers look good, bob23. The one comment I'd make is that, because of the black "border" of the prequel posters, the OT posters, going edge to edge, look too big. Maybe they could have a black border too...I dunno
bob23 are those covers available for download?
Originally posted by: sybeman
Your covers look good, bob23. The one comment I'd make is that, because of the black "border" of the prequel posters, the OT posters, going edge to edge, look too big. Maybe they could have a black border too...I dunno

Thank you for the compliment, I assume you mean something like this


I don't know, I think I like the full image better, but thanks for the suggestions, they do look a little off, I'll try to think of something.

dark_jedi, I am not quiet finished with them yet.

thank you for the reply bob23,cant wait to get these they look great.
Yeah, that's what bugged me. But, looking at it with a border, I see your point now. They're really good, though.
@ bob23: Like your covers, but the logo's your using for Meanace and Clones really annoy me. What logo's are they? Haven't seen them before. Also, might want to add a generic Star Wars logo at the top of your covers, I feel it looks sorta empty at the top but that could just be me. Good job though.
COOL covers!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Originally posted by: yanksno1
@ bob23: Like your covers, but the logo's your using for Meanace and Clones really annoy me. What logo's are they? Haven't seen them before. Also, might want to add a generic Star Wars logo at the top of your covers, I feel it looks sorta empty at the top but that could just be me. Good job though.

I thought that the clones logo I used was sort of the "semi-official one" I found it on a lot of stuff


I found the other logo on this thread:

I don't think there ever was any logo besides ones that included episode 1 in them, if there is please notify me

Also by the top do you mean at the top of the back cover, side or both?

Thanks for the comments
Originally posted by: bob23
Originally posted by: yanksno1
@ bob23: Like your covers, but the logo's your using for Meanace and Clones really annoy me. What logo's are they? Haven't seen them before. Also, might want to add a generic Star Wars logo at the top of your covers, I feel it looks sorta empty at the top but that could just be me. Good job though.

I thought that the clones logo I used was sort of the "semi-official one" I found it on a lot of stuff


I found the other logo on this thread:

I don't think there ever was any logo besides ones that included episode 1 in them, if there is please notify me

Also by the top do you mean at the top of the back cover, side or both?

Thanks for the comments

I think your right about the 2 logo's. Maybe it's just because I wasn't used to seeing them. The Phantom Menace logo I was used to seeing I guess is this one (sorry for the links, but the images links weren't working right):

Ep I Logo

Where'd you find that Menace one? I vaguely remember seeing the Clones one, but really don't seeing the Menace one. That's probably why it looked so strange to me.

In terms of the Star Wars logo, I was talking about placing it on the front cover on the top of the covers. Even though the poster images are there, it just feels sorta empty to me. I was thiking of something like this logo:

Star Wars Logo

Originally posted by: yanksno1
I think your right about the 2 logo's. Maybe it's just because I wasn't used to seeing them. The Phantom Menace logo I was used to seeing I guess is this one (sorry for the links, but the images links weren't working right):

Ep I Logo

Where'd you find that Menace one? I vaguely remember seeing the Clones one, but really don't seeing the Menace one. That's probably why it looked so strange to me.

In terms of the Star Wars logo, I was talking about placing it on the front cover on the top of the covers. Even though the poster images are there, it just feels sorta empty to me. I was thiking of something like this logo:

Star Wars Logo

As bob23 just said, he has never seen another official Ep I logo variant other than the one you just posted. The variant he used was just a new creation made on this forum (can't remember by who, but I believe it was just done using a couple of the SW logo fonts available on the web.

Ooh, a laserdisc. The Cheat's playin' something on a laserdisc.
Everything is better on a laserdisc. Whatever happened to the laserdisc? Laserdisc!

I've never seen a variation of the PT, these are the only ones I could find, with exception to a Revenge of the Sith that looked like the old Revenge of the Jedi

And NICE COVERS, bob23! Looking great
@sybeman I made the poster on The Phantom Menace bigger so it matches the other covers better

@yanksno1 Yeah I would have liked if there was an Official Phantom Menace Logo without episode on it to match the others, but I couldn't find one so I used one that seems to match the Star Wars logo in terms of fonts, The AotC one matches ESB, RotS match RotJ, I figured that TPM should match SW, it was made by Chainsawash

I also made a cover with the star wars logo on it


It look pretty good, but I think I will stick with no logo on top, I could make and email you ones with the logos though if you like it better or you could put them on yourself easily

I think I am almost finished, but I would like to print them out and check them first

Everyone, thanks for the compliments and more suggestions welcome
Because my to-be transfer of the OT will have a more 'natural' film like look rather than an over-sharpened image I thought I'd go for something unique with the covers, I just whipped this test image up in about 5 mins:


Anyone know what kind of trees are in the Endor forest? would be neat to get a high res photo of the bark of one of those to use for the covers, you know, for 'authenticity'
http://www.haku.co.uk/pics/LukeCruise.gif http://www.haku.co.uk/pics/dontcare.gif
***Citizen's NTSC DVD/PAL DVD/XviD Info and Feedback Thread***
Originally posted by: bob23
@sybeman I made the poster on The Phantom Menace bigger so it matches the other covers better

@yanksno1 Yeah I would have liked if there was an Official Phantom Menace Logo without episode on it to match the others, but I couldn't find one so I used one that seems to match the Star Wars logo in terms of fonts, The AotC one matches ESB, RotS match RotJ, I figured that TPM should match SW, it was made by Chainsawash

Like the one this guy made?....which is what I use...I even made my own Sith one up!!!



I'd love to see what someone could do with this image, sort of a really, really old-school style 80's cover. My photoshop skills are incomplete, but it'd be cool if someone could take a crack at designing a cover that incorporated this design:

WTF? Anybody know what happened to wannabegeorge? I've been following this thread for a while now and it seems like it keeps changing direction
Originally posted by: TheCassidy
I'd love to see what someone could do with this image, sort of a really, really old-school style 80's cover. My photoshop skills are incomplete, but it'd be cool if someone could take a crack at designing a cover that incorporated this design:

I think I might have a go at that if I can find a decent image for ROTJ, I've got a heap of ideas already! Unfortunately I'm going to bed right now, I'll have to see what I can do tomorrow lunchtime.

Ooh, a laserdisc. The Cheat's playin' something on a laserdisc.
Everything is better on a laserdisc. Whatever happened to the laserdisc? Laserdisc!

Stupid newbie question: What software do you guys use to create those cool 3D views?

Thanks in advance.
For a change, Lady Luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle wench was just lulling me into a false sense of security while she reached for a rock. - The Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn
Originally posted by: dpk5e7
Stupid newbie question: What software do you guys use to create those cool 3D views?

Thanks in advance.

Imandix Software

It's free and it's bad a**

The site is in German. but the program is in English.