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To maintain a thread where we can express our shock, hopes, and other news without having to worry about it turning into an argument, I am creating this thread. It can be used for any topic, as long as it simply is informative or expressive, but not argumentative.
Most of us are shocked and horrified at the news of the gunman in CT shooting and killing 28 people, most of them 6 and 7 years old. It truly breaks my heart. As I’ve made no secret of my religious affiliation, and as I feel an affinity to others of my faith, it is worth noting that one of the children comes from an LDS family. I am saddened by the loss of all those who died, but it feels extra personal when one of them the same church as you do, even if it was a thousand miles away.
If you want to rant about gun control or media coverage, go here:
If you simply wish to share your feelings in a non-combative manner, stay here and share your pain. Please keep it friendly, and if you feel you need to discuss something a little more contentious, find another thread for it, please.