No these boards are not here to stop eBay sellers from selling bootlegs - BUT it does help, The fact is it's NO big deal that they sell them - YES it sucks as they sell my Holiday Special with my artwork (for upto $100!!) but hey it happens. When this first happened I was angry but it's cool as I did post them on the internet for the whole world to get for FREE!
BUT YES - It's true that they could come HERE and get them either for FREE or way CHEAPER then they could on eBay - BUT some people NEVER research that kind of stuff SO those people NEED eBay - I mean have you seen the feedback these alleged "jackers" are getting form the buyers of these overpriced sets? They (the bidders) LOVE what they are getting and the feedback they leave the "jacker" shows this - IF they did not like the DVD's they would negative feedback.
So WHY screw it up for the fans that cannot or will not spend the MANY, MANY hours needed to track down a set of "fan-created" DVD's?
Some of these bidders do not have HOME PC's, Printers, DVD burners, broadband or the know-how to Burn, Print and create their own DVD sets. These bidders are getting COMPLETE sets for the most part - That's a TURN-KEY set that they can add to there DVD collections.
I do not agree with those that sell strictly for profit (you know who you are guys) BUT the DO have there place.That and eBay has its own Police to shut this stuff down, MOSTLY it's just other sellers that shut down folks like my brother (WHOM sold the sets for $25 SHIPPED Priority Mail with keepcase and disc art!!) - AS WE cut into their PROFITS. It would seem that even I was reported on SELL.COM by another member who sold Star Wars DVD's on that site AS I was cutting in on their profits. - You see the true pirates SHUT us down when we try to sell cheap, this is one reason the prices stay high - If a seller comes on the scene and starts to get people set-up CHEAP those profiteers jsut report us. (by the way... I've joined the other sites they sell on!!
- see ya soon! )
I just see no point in hunting down these eBay sellers, since if you do start that crusade you'll really need to hunt them down on
EPIER.COM, SELL.COM and of course YAHOO auctions. THEN you'll need to hunt down the sellers that offer them on FORUMS and NEWSGROUPS....
Soon you'll come after fans like myself and a few others that upload them for free.
THE best thing for us to do at this point is EVERYONE should start to sell on ALL THE ONLINE AUCTION houses - IF we do this WE can FORCE down the price off the bootlegs on eBay and the other sites.
THAT and if they get shut down... HOW the heck will
WE (as in the FANS collectively) get the latest bootlegs that WE here on the OT forums do not create?