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Crimson Maul's - Kenobi: A Star Wars Story RELEASED — Page 2


DylanB18 said:

potty meister said:
Will you eventually provide a higher quality version? The artifacts from the video compression are pretty clear and distracting.

Something seems off with the overall sound mix. I have a 7.2.2 system and no matter what I do with the receiver the audio that should be on the center channel comes out from other speakers. It also suffers from heavy compression.

i made the 5.1 channels into 6 mono channels which seems like the best option. even pixeljoker does it this way. i exported it as 5.1 so i should be fine i guess. it sounds pretty okay to me.

I also found the artifacts a bit distracting too…Also, I played it through both my laptop and TV, and the audio didn’t sound great.
Will you be addressing the compression issue in an updated version?
Would you happen to have a regular stereo track, as opposed to separate mono tracks?
Aside from the audio and compression issues, the edit was enjoyable!

My edits: