Just found this original thread, so thought I’d transfer my Siege of Mandalore discussion to here.
I’ve made some great progress with this and it is basically completed, other than the opening pan shot. It will be finished this week and then I’ll do a couple of watch throughs next week from my Greek holiday sunbed and release it just before the Acolyte airs.
Here is the change list.
For now I’ve decided to retain the Bariss content, but in a trimmed version which cuts out the other Jedi recruits. It essentially acts as an epilogue along with Padme’s funeral and the Vader snow scene. The other thing I’ve added to the final scenes is Obi-Wans holo message from Rebels, which plays as Ahsoka looks over the clone helmets. The aim for the final few scenes is provide a definitive end to the prequel era.
Runtime 2h 35mins
Act 1 (54mins)
Star Wars Logos (2 mins)
Opening Crawl
Pan down to shot of a shuttle exiting hyperspace above coruscant (shot from Rise of Clovis)
TOTJ Practice Makes Perfect (4 mins)
Cut to external shot of Jedi Temple from Tales of the Jedi Practice Makes Perfect.
Jedi Temple scene from Arctic Makes Perfect.
Wipe to Ahsoka arriving at the military hanger. Training plays out up to Ahsoka being stunned.
Gone With A Trace (9 mins)
Cut to Ahsoka on her speeder on Corusctant
Remove Ahsoka talking about fixing her own bike - Trace fixes it in this edit.
Remove Trace “don’t take too long”
Remove scene of Ahoska fixing her bike.
Trim fight between Trace and Bintu’s thugs.
Remove Droids storyline. We now cut from Rafa greeting the Alien in the laundromat to Ahsoka and Trace working on Trace’s ship.
Deal no Deal (19mins)
Cut chat about the Silver Angel name.
Remove Anakin and his cruiser - he’s su[posed to be in the user rim. Ahsoca, Trace and Rafa now lift off from the hangar and leave coruscant without incident.
Cut the meeting with King Yaruba - they arrive at Kessel and head straight to the spice mine.
Cut Ahsoka “That was more of an ethical debate”.
Cut trace and Krim talking abut trust.
Cut Rafa “I think we transmitted that to you already…. Let’s get out of here”.
As the crew get captured in their crusier I reversed the wide shot of their ship so that the shot pans out and inserted the clip of Bo Katan and her night owls discussing the identity of the Jedi they can see.
Between the crew dumping the spice and arriving on Oba-Diah I have inserted the Anakin Padme scene from A Distant Echo. I used the establishing shot of Annxes from “The Bad Batch” and rebuilt the audio with re-score using “Anakin and Padme”.
I used an AI Anakin voice to change his concern about Rex from the Echo issue to reference Fives.
Dangerous Debt (4mins)
Only the scene of Ahsoka, Rafa and Trace in the cell has been used.
The rest of the episode has been cut.
Together Again (16mins)
Initial scene of Ahsoka, Trace and Rafa in the cell has been cut - this has essentially been replaced by the scene from Dangerous debt.
Second scene of Rafa and Trace acquiring a nice shipment has been removed.
Act 2 (47mins)
Old Friends Not Forgotten (25mins)
Cut Anakin and Kenobi talking about Ahsoka and Maul as Bo’s ship arrives.
Trim Ahsoka and Anakin walking down the corridor.
As Ahsoka meets the 501st I have used the next sequence from Practice Makes Perfect to create a flashback of her training.
Trim Ahsoka twirling her new lightsabers.
Cut Ahsoka wishing Anakin good luck.
Cut most of Ahsoka’s free-fall to the surface of Mandalore.
The Phantom Apprentice (22mins)
Cut Maul “your way of thinking is behind the times.
Cut Rex and 501st running through the tunnels.
Cut Ahsoka “Tell Anakin……” And Obi Wan “I will”.
Cut Maul talking to Jesse about the grand plan.
Cut Maul “information is a valuable commodity”
Trim Maul/Ahsoka battle including Ahsoka losing and regaining a lightsaber and Ahsoka telling Maul Anakin would have beaten him easily.
Act 3 (41mins)
Shattered (22 mins plus 2mins additional)
Cut Yoda asking Ahsoka if she has a message for Skywalker.
Trim Bo and Ahsoka farewell.
Cut first clip of Maul and Ahsoka sensing something in the force.
As Ahsoka stands on the bridge I have added the next flashback sequence from Practice Makes Perfect.
As Rex and the 501st head doff to hunt down Ahsoka I’ve inserted the first scene from TOTE Devoted of Bariss in her cell as order 66 is carried out.
Cut Ahsoka having difficulty finding Rex’s chip.
Victory and Death (19mins plus 1min additional)
Add final flashback scene from Practice Makes Perfect using the scene of Rex and Ahsoka walking into the Hangar.
Minor trimming to the hangar battle to remove static shots.
Trim sequence with Ahsoka falling through the air.
Inserted Barriss recruitment scene from TOTE Devoted before we see Rex and Ahsoka looking at the crashed Ventor and clone helmets.
Obi-Wan hologram warning from Rebels added to scene of Ahsoka looking at the clone helmets.
Epilogue (10mins)
TOTE Doveted: Barriss arrives at the fortress inquisitorius and we immediately cut to her being tested by the Grand Inquisitor. The other Jedi there for testing have been cut.
TOTJ Resolve: Padme funeral scene plays out in full.
TOTE Devoted: Bariss and the other inquisitors are introduced to Vader.
Final Clone Wars scene of Vader and Imperial troops exploring the wrecked Venator.