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AotC item 3
I solved this by eliminating the droid factory scene entirely. Now they go in and the next time you see them they’re captured, for me not seeing how outweighs the awfulness of the scene we got.
I opened a thread similar to this a few months ago, when I still had my old account (Darth Malgus). At the time, the thread was only about my Attack of the Clones fan edit. But in the last few months, I’ve decided that editing only Attack of the Clones isn’t enough for me. I want to edit the whole Prequel Trilogy now. For this reason, I need the help of someone who has good editing skills.
I have some problems that prevent me from doing these edits myself. I’ve already explained them in the thread I opened with my old account, but I’ll explain them again, as a reminder for everyone:
The goal of my edits is to modify Anakin’s character a bit. In my edits, Anakin is supposed to still be awkward, rebellious and impulsive, especially in Attack of the Clones, but at the same time he’s not supposed to be as whiny as in the original movies. He’s also not supposed to be as dark as in the original Prequel Trilogy. In fact, I’m planning to avoid making him killing the younglings in Revenge of the Sith, and I want to cut the scene in which he confesses his massacre of the Tuskens to Padmé. I still want to leave the scene in which he gets crazy and kills everyone, but by cutting the confession scene in Attack of the Clones, everything can remain as vague as possible, and therefore we can assume that he only killed a few, adult, male Tuskens, without having killed women and children too. In short, I want to modify the Prequels in order to make Anakin the type of guy that’s rebellious, impulsive, arrogant, and has issues with his inner darkness, but at the same time has a real, and clearly visible good side. I want to preserve the original Anakin as much as possible, but at the same time, I also want to make him a bit more relatable and less dark (at least prior to Mustafar), so that his redemption in Return of the Jedi is much more convincing. Basically, I want to preserve the Prequels as much as possible, but at the same time, I also want to cut all the things that make some people say: “Anakin was a horrible, selfish piece of sh** from the start, and didn’t deserve redemption.”
But, as I said, these problems prevent me from creating this Prequel edits by myself, and that’s why I need the help of someone else. Since I pretty much like the Prequels the way they are, the changes I want to make to the movies are not very radical. I just want to cut some scenes, put some deleted scenes back into the movies, and change the titles of the movies. Also, big chunks of Hal 9000’s edits will be basically copied and pasted into my own edits, so there isn’t even the need of trimming any specific dialogue.
Hal 9000 already helped me with my Attack of the Clones fan edit, but he’s very busy lately, therefore I don’t want to disturb him anymore.
Is there anyone on the forum willing to help me? I already have a prepared list with all the changes I want to make to the movies, so I can post it here, if you want.
Let me know if someone is interested in helping me.
«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»
— Vladimir Lenin
I understand that reading my introduction may have “scared” many people, making them mistakenly think that the changes I want to make to the movies are extremely difficult to realize. However, in order to dispel any doubt, I decided to post the full list of all the changes I want to make to all three Prequel movies, to make it clear that these changes are actually not so difficult to realize, at least not for someone who doesn’t have all my problems and can do it by himself.
Changes for The Phantom Menace
Changes for Attack of the Clones
My Attack of the Clones edit is almost finished, thanks to the help of Hal 9000. The only changes I still want to make to it are the following:
Changes for Revenge of the Sith
Now, I understand that changing the movie titles and the opening crawls can be difficult, because Hal Himself told me it’s difficult. So I don’t expect one, single person to help me with absolutely every single change. But all the changes that don’t have to do with the movie titles and the opening crawls should be pretty easy to make, if you’re a normal person who doesn’t have my problems.
Therefore, I ask again the question I’ve asked at the beginning of the thread: is there anyone willing to help me with this project?
«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»
— Vladimir Lenin
Guys, in the last month and a half, i managed to get in contact with a guy on Reddit, who is helping me to finish my Attack of the Clones edit. The problem is, yes, he managed to do the changes I asked him to do, but he didn’t manage to put them into the actual movie. That is, he only modified the individual scenes I asked him to modify and then sent me those modified scenes, but he didn’t put them into the movie. So, I was wondering if there was anyone on the forum who is willing to help me to put these modified scenes in their place. You don’t need to modify anything, because I already have the scenes. You just have to put these modified scenes into my already existing edit.
Basically, the thing would work more or less like this:
The scenes that this guy managed to modify are the same that I described in my above post, so it’s mostly stuff surrounding the Battle of Geonosis and the Droid Factory scene.
Let me know if someone can help me.
«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»
— Vladimir Lenin
Semester holidays are coming up in two weeks, so if nobody responds until then, feel free to send me a PM.
“Vader! Hologram, now!”
AotC item 3
I solved this by eliminating the droid factory scene entirely. Now they go in and the next time you see them they’re captured, for me not seeing how outweighs the awfulness of the scene we got.
Semester holidays are coming up in two weeks, so if nobody responds until then, feel free to send me a PM.
Given that no one has responded me in almost two months, I will surely PM you. Lol. Especially because I’m trying to work on this project since last year, and I didn’t even manage to fully finish my Attack of the Clones edit. So I really need all the help I can get.
AotC item 3
I solved this by eliminating the droid factory scene entirely. Now they go in and the next time you see them they’re captured, for me not seeing how outweighs the awfulness of the scene we got.
I don’t think that the Droid Factory scene is entirely bad. If you remove any trace of R2D2 and C3PO by implying that they stay on the ship, the scene becomes quite enjoyable actually. Besides, Attack of the Clones doesn’t have much action scenes, and the Droid Factory scene is one of those scenes that, for better or worse, has action in it. So I don’t want to eliminate one of the few action scenes of the movie.
«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»
— Vladimir Lenin