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CES most impressive announcement — Page 2


Bingowings said:

TV's Frink said:

Bingowings said:


It would seem a bit odd to put out even a limited release of 3D Blu-Ray sets before a theatrical 3D run but these are crazy times.

There was no theatrical 3D run of Avatar there?  It was in the theaters day 1 in the states.

I meant it would be odd if Star Wars was released as promo disc for 3D televisions before being released in 3D theatrically.

My mistake, I didn't notice the shift in gears. ;-)


Bingowings said:

It would seem a bit odd to put out even a limited release of 3D Blu-Ray sets before a theatrical 3D run but these are crazy times.

Maybe the attempts at 3D-izing the saga suck so bad that they're going to go straight to home video (with great fanfare, of course).  If the 3D gets panned in the theater, it could impact George's vision.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


George has the body language of a pretty lady in that advert.

I feel strangely aroused by it.



Hey, what's going on in this thread?

Bingowings said:

George has the body language of a pretty lady in that advert.

I feel strangely aroused by it.




That feels better...now that I have washed my dirty pans...I just washed some pans...and plates and I feel...better for it.


Out of breath now.



Weird blu logo (in the trailer, not in this pic), do they have to have everything bluish when it comes to blu-ray?




Preliminary details:


There will be three different box sets: one for the original trilogy, one for the prequel trilogy and one for the complete saga -- a 9-disc set!

Yes, friends, you will soon be able to buy the Star Wars hexology on Blu(harvest)-ray -- including 30 hours of special features!


Why would you place the line "I am a Jedi like my father before me" but have the scene of Anakin killing the Tusken Raiders be the visuals...  ug


Barbie doll Vader still her pink saber bless...oh look blue snow, cyan Yoda...now I'm beginning to sound like Ric.

Can't see any difference at all in the OT clips from the DVD version.


Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Octorox said:

colors still look terrible....It does look like they tweaked the blockade runner scene but everything else is still blue...

Darn, kenkraly said they'd be fixed.

Thread winner.


I can't believe Canadians will have to pay $179 for that. I was saying three months ago that pricing it at $99 would be steep. Come on. I know its six films and not three like most sets but still, yeesh.


rockin said:

Amazon uk have the complete saga up for £69.99 which isn't bad I guess, compared with other previous pre-order prices.


Wow. Some tool's already reviewed it and given it a 5 star review!

I guess the days of waiting to actually watch the discs before commenting on them are long gone.

Your brain just makes s**t up!

A fate worse than death? Having your head digitally replaced with that of Hayden Christensen!


Bobby Jay said:

rockin said:

Amazon uk have the complete saga up for £69.99 which isn't bad I guess, compared with other previous pre-order prices.


Wow. Some tool's already reviewed it and given it a 5 star review!

I guess the days of waiting to actually watch the discs before commenting on them are long gone.

2 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Well, at least not everyone is insane!


TV's Frink said:

Bobby Jay said:

rockin said:

Amazon uk have the complete saga up for £69.99 which isn't bad I guess, compared with other previous pre-order prices.


Wow. Some tool's already reviewed it and given it a 5 star review!

I guess the days of waiting to actually watch the discs before commenting on them are long gone.

2 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Well, at least not everyone is insane!

No, only 2 out of 20 people. By my calculations, that means 10% of people are insane.

I like those odds!

Your brain just makes s**t up!

A fate worse than death? Having your head digitally replaced with that of Hayden Christensen!


none said:

Weird blu logo (in the trailer, not in this pic), do they have to have everything bluish when it comes to blu-ray?

Wow, you have to have it to Lucas for having the vision to add the blue tint to ESB in anticipation of this re-release.

It looks like they did absolutely nothing quality-wise, or addition-wise, or subtraction-wise to this release... though, I guess that's kind of a step up from having negative changes made...

Putting that snow battle scene in where they did seemed awkward.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember the scene with the Falcon and the fighters charging the Executor at 00:50... then again, it's been awhile since I've seen Jedi. Glad they fixed the sabers in the clash in front of the Emperor, too. =P



Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Every time a shot from eps II or III popped up, I winced and thought how much better those movies would've looked if Lucas had just stuck to shooting in cinemascope like on the other four films. Say what you will about TPM, the cinematography is gorgeous compared to the other two prequels.


Tyrphanax said:

It looks like they did absolutely nothing quality-wise, or addition-wise, or subtraction-wise to this release... though, I guess that's kind of a step up from having negative changes made...

 I'm going to say this to anyone who dosen't quite get it (excuse the rudeness); it's a trailer, nothing is yet final! They'll obviously fix the sabers and perhaps the color (I think they'll still use the blue tint, but don't let that give your hopes up).


Does Han shoot first on the Blu-Ray?

Or will the scene be changed so that nobody fires, and they discuss the problem in a fair and peaceful manner?


Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

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