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Book reviews in one sentence or less!


Review the latest book you read here! But be sure to keep it within one sentence. Feel free to review graphic novels, comic books, stories written on the web or on the back of cereal boxes as well!



Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Really freakin' scary. 


The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien

Please pass the weed.


Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher

Bathroom reading made into an art form; every commode ought to have a copy at arm's reach!


2001 by Arthur C. Clarke

I think I like the movie better.


War of the Worlds by H.G Wells

Wow, this old English makes my head hurt.


Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

I started reading this in Barnes and Noble and I started bursting out laughing.


Bossypants by Tina Fey

You can start reading this at any point you like and totally start laughing.


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick

Pretty damn cool! What the heck was going on though?


Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpishyn

My favorite star wars book, except for the part where there is two really lame sequels.


I suggest the inclusion a sub-catagory devoted to graphic novels/comic books, for example:

The Incal by Jodorowsky and Moebius

Blade runner in the cosmos, but its a comic book, and its on weird-cool space drugs, and theirs a talking concrete pterodactyl as well as a upright walking and english talking dog called Kill Wolfhead.

OT-DAWT-COM nieghbour and sometime poster (Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green day!)


Rogue-theX said:

I suggest the inclusion a sub-catagory devoted to graphic novels/comic books...

Sounds good to me. I'll add that on the original post.


American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Absolutely epic in the archaic non-watered-down-internet-sense of the word.


Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover

Fun enjoyable writing style; unbearable story.


Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry

Fun enjoyable story; unbearable writing style.


I'm currently reading Wishful Drinking.

Will add one sentence review in a couple days.


CP3S said:

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry

Fun enjoyable story; unbearable writing style.

Steve Perry had a lot to work with, that's the only reason it was good.

Read a story he wrote from scratch, and you'll be burnt on reading for a long time.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Carrie by Stephen King

A rather unimpressive, though quick, read.

Darth Bane Trilogy by Drew Karpyshyn

Nothing but Bane going off to look for lost holocrons, with 1-dimensional characters and predictable outcomes serving as padding.


DuracellEnergizer said:

"Dark Bane Trilogy" by Drew Karpyshyn

Nothing but Bane going off to look for lost holocrons, with 1-dimensional characters and predictable storylines serving as padding.

Hehe, as soon as I read the name Bane, my mind jumped to Batman then I came across the word "holocrons" and this weird mental image came into my mind before my brain seized up and exploded at the thought of a Star Wars/Batman cross-over where Bane decides to look into the possibility of becoming a Sith.


It's been a while since I've read any books, so I'll go with my memory here:

Nobody's boy (Sans Famille) 1878, by Hector Malot

Boo hoo.


From the Earth to the Moon, and a trip around it (De la terre à la lune - Autour de la lune) 1865 - 1870, by Jules Verne



Journey to the center of the Earth (Voyage au centre de la Terre) 1864, by Jules Verne

Why isn't the movie as awesome as the book??? WHY???


Around the world in 80 days (Le tour du monde en quatre-vingt jours) 1873, by Jules Verne

Haven't seen the movies, and I won't, the book is great, end of story.


20000 leagues under the sea (Vingt mille lieues sous le mers) 1870, by Jules Verne

There's no way any movie adaptation can do this book justice. No way.


Captain Fracasse (Le Capitaine Fracasse) 1863, by Théophile Gautier

Interesting, though long and chockful of details and descriptions. It's like eating a good sponge cake, with too much rum in it.


1984, 1948 by George Orwell

This should be a must-read for everyone in this day and age. I just couldn't put it down.

I'll add more books later on.


Ziggy Stardust said:

2001 by Arthur C. Clarke

I think I like the movie better.

I do, too, but I enjoy reading the book, I think it's pretty good. I think I'll read it again this summer.


Leonardo said:

Nobody's boy (Sans Famille) 1878, by Hector Malot

Boo hoo.

I once had the pleasure of spending a great deal of time and effort hunting down a copy of this book in decent condition for someone I cared a lot about; one of the many efforts she wasn't worth. Always intended to read it, but not worth tracking down an English copy again to do so; the sequel Nobody's Girl (also by Malot) actually strikes me as a much more interesting premise, about a small girl who is shipwrecked and stranded on an island.


Ziggy Stardust said:

War of the Worlds by H.G Wells

Wow, this old English makes my head hurt.

old English

Wikipedia said:Publication date: 1898




In Ziggy's defense, he's like twelve or something.



Thirteen, and with wisdom beyond my years! ;-)

Nanner, by old English I don't mean "old English". It's written in a way that people don't talk like anymore.

And I found that kinda hard to follow.


I don't classify myself as a "kids these days". A "kids these days" would be one of those little fuckers that thinks The Hangover II is the greatest film ever made and that Katy Perry is the most talented musician of all time.

That's the opinion of ALL of my friends.


Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher

Very clever, short, and sarcastic.


Ziggy Stardust said:

I don't classify myself as a "kids these days". A "kids these days" would be one of those little fuckers that thinks The Hangover II is the greatest film ever made and that Katy Perry is the most talented musician of all time.

That made me laugh pretty hard.

Though I am generally okay with our nation's thirteen year old population as it is, it wouldn't hurt to have more of them like you.


CP3S said:

Ziggy Stardust said:

I don't classify myself as a "kids these days". A "kids these days" would be one of those little fuckers that thinks The Hangover II is the greatest film ever made and that Katy Perry is the most talented musician of all time.

That made me laugh pretty hard.

Though I am generally okay with our nation's thirteen year old population as it is, it wouldn't hurt to have more of them like you.

What's bad is our nation's 18 year olds. Good lord, the mall has never been douchier.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I agree with the eighteen thing. High school is pretty awful too. From my experience between fourteen and fifteen is where the transition takes place. I was such a dick when I turned fourteen, if I were to have to deal with my fourteen year old self, I am pretty sure I smack the carp out of him.


Ziggy Stardust said:

Very clever, short, and sarcastic.

Zig, read the OP please. This is about one sentence book reviews, not one sentence descriptions of ourselves.


CP3S said:

Ziggy Stardust said:

Very clever, short, and sarcastic.

Zig, read the OP please. This is about one sentence book reviews, not one sentence descriptions of ourselves.

That was hilarious!



Ziggy Stardust said:

BTW, I'm not short! I'm 5'10!


Well, since I am 6'2, I can still call you short. Though for thirteen that is some pretty good height. In a couple of years and you might be the one calling me short!

Heheh, Or you might just stop growing! Like my best friend who always bragged one day he'd be taller than me on the basis that his dad was taller than mine. He barely hit 6' (or 5'12'', which is more fun to say).


Ziggy Stardust said:

BTW, I'm not short! I'm 5'10!

Holy smoke, I was 5'3 at your age!!!

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I used to be taller, but given how old I am....