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Blog software preferences, if you have any.


I would imagine we have more than a few bloggers here.  If you have reservations about outing your real-world self, that's not my interest here.  I'm only looking for software\hosting preferences.

The biggest two look to be Blogger and WordPress, or at least it seems that way as a surfer.  I've looked at both, but not seriously enough to start a blog.  Other than Google-hosted v owned, does anyone have strong opinions one way or the other?  If you prefer or use something other than the two, by all means, jump in.

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I use WordPress, both the .com free hosting and the plug-in on actual paid hosting. WP has a crazy amount of plugins that you can do pretty much whatever you want with a basic theme on the hosted version. The free version is enough to get news out there (see the SWR blog).

As for hosting, I use JustHost for the business pages I've set up. The price is decent and they have some easy-to-use tools for your domain email and backup. And WordPress (and other formats) is just a button push away from installation.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Thanks, man.  WP seems more the way I want to go.  I like the ownership aspect.  I'm a bit worn down on Google running the world.  Similar to Apple and their control obsession - you'll use these cables, you'll use this cloud, you'll update to this version now, etc. 

I'd rather pay to host and have some say over my own content.

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Did you start with the free and migrate later to paid or did you go paid to start?

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If you want your own domain, you have to get it hosted somewhere outside of Wordpress.com. I've never migrated anything from the free wordpress.com to a domain, but I imagine it would be simple.

I'll go ahead and give you my examples:

http://doubleofive.wordpress.com is my simple blog, doesn't do much, if anything.

http://www.gingerthreads.net is my wife's shop. It's a WP instance hosted on JustHost. Change of template, some free addons, it's like a completely different thing.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Fantastic!  Both are great examples and exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks again for the help.  Great job on your wife's store (I watched her TV segment). 



  I had wives store.  I think that's an entirely different kind of business.  ;-)

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