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Blade Runner HDTV (Released) — Page 15

digitalfreaknyc posted an update on this in his own thread. Read his March 27th posts.

thanks. I just went ahead and posted in that topic.
Well I guess I will just stick with digitalfreaknyc official release, but can someone just send me a copy of digitalfreaknyc HDTV dual-layer version in the mail if they have made one already, so I can have a copy on disc to watch for myself, maybe we can work something out.

Many thanks
OK so i'm starting to get anal...and here we go.

I just bought the Blade Runner laserdisc off of ebay. I'm going to be syncing up the sound from the original laserdisc (with a higher bitrate) and hope that it works well. This should solve any problems people had with the sound of the first release. The other thing I'm thinking about is putting back in the shots from the International version of the laserdisc that were cut out.
Before you ask, i'm NOT putting in the narration again. I hated it on the original version and I don't care to have it on my version. I don't have a problem with the violence so that will be back in. I'm also leaving the unicorn in as well. And no happy ending.
So I am going to try and get this out. Barring any other problems, hopefully i'll get it out in the next month. We'll see.
great Digital,i was just thinking of the same thing,but i was wanting to put back the voice-over LOL,will you spleen this when finished?
Originally posted by: dark_jedi
great Digital,i was just thinking of the same thing,but i was wanting to put back the voice-over LOL,will you spleen this when finished?

Sure....since it should be different from my original release.
Seesh. I put up a sample of the new version. Where are all the people who complained about the last one?
I did not complain as I was very happy with what I got, But I downloaded the sample any way, Looks Great!
I don't know if this has been asked or not, and my apologies if it has - but in the new, movie-only DVD, will the logo that was accidentally left in be removed?
Originally posted by: ChainsawAsh
I don't know if this has been asked or not, and my apologies if it has - but in the new, movie-only DVD, will the logo that was accidentally left in be removed?

i'll remove as much of it as i can. i don't know much about how it could possibly be removed.
I just finished watching your 2-disc set. it's amazing how much better your re-master looks than the retail disc. I too noticed the repeated frame issue. The test clip you posted seems to run much smoother and have mildly improved PQ. I don't know why people were saying that they had a problem with the sound. The mix sounded great to me. I can't wait to see the whole film without the repeated frames.

I also designed a cover for the dvd's. (my first in quite a while )


If you'd like i can e-mail it to you.

Thanks for all your hard work. it is highly appreciated.

could you post a link to your cover,it looks damn good,also did you make up matching disc art?

If you could make some alternate artwork, could I use it for the 1 disc version maybe? That would be sweet. Please let me know!
Originally posted by: static14
I just finished watching your 2-disc set. it's amazing how much better your re-master looks than the retail disc. I too noticed the repeated frame issue. The test clip you posted seems to run much smoother and have mildly improved PQ. I don't know why people were saying that they had a problem with the sound. The mix sounded great to me. I can't wait to see the whole film without the repeated frames.

I also designed a cover for the dvd's. (my first in quite a while )


If you'd like i can e-mail it to you.

Thanks for all your hard work. it is highly appreciated.


My hat is off to you. I have to say I think it's a great cover design. Great job. Classic and simple.

Blade Runner: The Complete Collection

yeah sure i could make a single disc cover. i have another (older) blade runner cover up at virtualaftershock.com

but i can absolutely make a single disc version of this cover as well.

i don't know if you guys have seen any of my older covers but i've always been a fan of classic simple designs Digitalfreak say hi to bunny for me i haven't talked with him in a while.
please drop me a pm and i can tailor the design to your requirements.

(my PM is unlocked)

Originally posted by: static14
yeah sure i could make a single disc cover. i have another (older) blade runner cover up at virtulaftershock.com

but i can absolutely make a single disc version of this cover as well.

i don't know if you guys have seen any of my older covers but i've always been a fan of classic simple designs Digitalfreak say hi to bunny for me i haven't talked with him in a while.
please drop me a pm and i can taylor the design to your requirements.

You're going to have to unlock the the pm feature first.

Blade Runner: The Complete Collection

got your PM focus and you should be getting an e-mail soon.

digitalfreaknyc if you'd still like me to make a cover for the new disc drop me a PM with all the particulars.

Came to the party late. Looks like the torent on spleen is off. Any chance of still picking up this wonder-set?

I'm not going to be re-torrenting my other version but I will be doing a new version of it and incorporating the "extra" footage from the international version and the old laserdisc sound mix as well. It's on the list.
Ooh! This from HTF:

I can't believe it! Here's the news all of us are waiting for:

Marathon 'Runner' 26/5/06
WB preps 'final cut' of sci-fi classic


Warner homevid has disentangled "Blade Runner's" famously thorny rights issues to pave the way for a September reissue of the remastered "Director's Cut" version, followed by a theatrical release of a version promised to be truly Ridley Scott's final cut.

Warner's rights to "Blade Runner" lapsed a year ago, but the studio has since negotiated a long-term license. The pic, now considered a sci-fi classic, has had a troubled history from the start: When Scott ran overbudget, completion bond guarantors took control of it and made substantial changes before its 1982 theatrical release, adding a voiceover and happy ending. That version was replaced by the much better-received director's cut in 1992, but Scott has long been unhappy with it, complaining that he was rushed and unable to give it proper attention.

The helmer started working on the final cut version in 2000, but that project was shelved by Warner soon after, apparently because the studio couldn't come to terms with Jerry Perenchio over rights issues.

The restored "Director's Cut" will debut on homevid in September, and remain on sale for four months only, after which time it will be placed on moratorium. "Blade Runner: Final Cut" will arrive in 2007 for a limited 25th anniversary theatrical run, followed by a special edition DVD with the three previous versions offered as alternate viewing: Besides the original theatrical version and director's cut, the expanded international theatrical cut will be included. The set will also contain additional bonus materials.

The massive "Blade Runner" project comes on the heels of Scott's four-disc treatment for "Kingdom of Heaven," released this week by Fox homevid, less than a year after the pic's initial homevid release.

Credit: Variety.com