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Biomes on Disney+


I found this to be very interesting. It’s a series of fly-overs of various Star Wars locals. It’s slow and quiet, but with some nods to key events in the films and shows.

My immediate thought was that it’s a Star Wars take on the screen savers that pop up on Apple TV when there isn’t activity for a while. If you use Apple TV, you’ll know what I’m talking about. The slow aerial flyovers of famous cities. Anyway, I gave it a look out of curiosity and enjoyed it. Would make great desktop backgrounds.

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YES! This is exactly what my father and I said. I wish we could actually use it for our Apple TV screensaver!


This could be very useful for edits.

Panning shots, for example.


A few screen-grabs to get an idea of what it is. I don’t have a grab of it, but I thought the twin suns on Tatooine were particularly interesting because they look the way the sun looks in our sky. By that, I mean so bright it’s hard to make out the exact edges because you can’t look directly at it. Sort of the way they’re shown in those early McQuarrie pieces.

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