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Beavis and Butt-head: Not the Mike Judge Collection (need bonus discs!)

Hey, I'm working on a project myself, and I figured some peoples here might be interested in it, not to mention that I need some help
I'm working on getting the non-Mike Judge Collection episodes of B&B together. I'm currently focusing on the ones that have been released on other DVDs. I had the Time-Life DVDs (sold them on eBay, but kept copies of them) and I'm downloading the History of.. 2-disc set. To my knowledge, that leaves three episodes that were released on DVD but not on the MJC sets, which were released on bonus discs for the MJC Vol 3. There was a Target disc, which had 2 episodes, and there was a Best Buy disc, which had one episode. So, if anyone here could get me a copy of either/both of those discs, I'd be much appreciated, and I'll gladly send along a copy of my final product when I get it.

The current plan is one disc for the NMJC History eps, one for the NMJC Time-Life and bonus discs, and one for the non-Director's Cut episodes, which happens to work out to 17 episodes on each disc. For the record, here's what I have:
Episodes not on Mike Judge Collection:
From the History of... set:

  1. Blood Drive (Give Blood)
  2. Door-to-Door
  3. Sign Here
  4. Balloon
  5. Yogurt’s Cool
  6. Babes R Us
  7. Scientific Stuff
  8. At The Sideshow
  9. Bedpans & Broomsticks
  10. Sick
  11. Baby Makes Uh, Three
  12. Carwash
  13. Foreign Exchange
  14. Pumping Iron
  15. Walking Erect
  16. Take A Number
  17. Steamroller

From the Time-Life DVDs:

  1. Friday Night
  2. Naked Colony
  3. Hard Sell
  4. Customers Suck
  5. Be All You Can Be
  6. Burger World
  7. The Butt-Head Experience
  8. Cleaning House
  9. Scared Straight
  10. Sperm Bank
  11. Closing Time
  12. Good Credit
  13. Citizen Butt-Head
  14. The Trial

Other (what I need):

  1. The Future Of Beavis & Butt-Head (Best Buy bonus disc)
  2. Nothing Happening (Target bonus disc)
  3. Evolution Sucks (Target bonus disc)

Episodes that are Director's Cuts on Mike Judge Collection
From History:

  1. The Crush
  2. Plate Frisbee
  3. Rabies Scare

From Time-Life:

  1. 1-900 Beavis
  2. Figure Drawing
  3. Held Back
  4. Dream On
  5. Beaverly Buttbillies
  6. Late Night With Butt-Head
  7. No Laughing
  8. Blackout!
  9. Manners Suck
  10. Choke
  11. Tainted Meat
  12. Home Improvement
  13. Lawn & Garden
  14. Pool Toys
Great idea! Not all of us could get those bloody exclusive discs and the history of is kinda hard to get. Would love to see a set of all the stuff missing from the MJC. There is also a fan project to get every season on DVD but they have only done a few seasons.
There are a lot more episodes out there. Roughly 200. There is a 6GB torrent of them floating around on demonoid, but many of the episodes are in RM.

I was able to covert them to avi, but the quality is still horrible.
Yea, I know there are others out there, but I'm just focusing on the episodes released on DVD, since they will be the best quality. Down the road I might try to get the others too, but this is enough for me for the time being
For the record, there's 199 total, with the DVD totals being 123 on the MJC, 17 exclusive to History, 14 exclusive to the Time-Life, and 3 exclusive to bonus discs. That leaves 42 not released on DVD at all. And of the MJC episodes, 23 are director's cuts, with 3 of the non-DC on the History and 14 non-DC on the T-L. That leaves 6 that are only available on DVD as DC.
Has any progress been made on this? It would be nice to have a comprehensive collection of all of the episodes in the best quality without interuption without the videos interupting them.

I have VCDs of the entire series as aired on TV. I'd like to also try to re-create the series as on TV WITH all of the music videos intact, using DVD footage everywhere I can.
WHAT?!? The videos were the best thing about the show! For the best watching experience, both the videos and the cartoons need to be present. You can only watch Frog Baseball for so long until you needed a break. The videos did this and were most times much funnier. The worst part of the show was Mtv's 5+ minutes of advertising each break. I almost forgot what I was watching with commercial breaks that long.
I have a box full of VHS Beavis and Butthead, that I recorded off of MTV, with the videos intact. Most are from re-runs, so I'm not sure what's on them. Anyway, tons of eps, recorded in SP, on a nice quality VCR. I've dumped most of them to a stand-alone DVD recorder. I've offered the use of them to several B&B preservation projects, but no one even responds. If anyone wants to filter through them, to see if there's anything on them that hasn't been released, I would be more than happy to loan them out for someone to capture. I have too many projects going on to mess with anything other than just a straight to DVD-Recorder rip. Most of the eps look great, as I really just taped them, maybe watched them once again, and then stored the tapes. I did it with the Simpsons and Ren and Stimpy too, but those have been released (for all intents and purposes).


search for the kingturd beavis & butthead collection.

this is the most complete (16 DVD) collection of the series with the highest quality recordings available. all uncut.
Originally posted by: joebshmoe
search for the kingturd beavis & butthead collection.

this is the most complete (16 DVD) collection of the series with the highest quality recordings available. all uncut.

Any more details on this? A google search only brings up torrent sites.
Originally posted by: marioxb
Originally posted by: joebshmoe
search for the kingturd beavis & butthead collection.

this is the most complete (16 DVD) collection of the series with the highest quality recordings available. all uncut.

Any more details on this? A google search only brings up torrent sites.

Yeah, it's a collection compiled, created & uploaded by members of Demonoid. There's disc and cover art complete with spanning spines and it looks totally awesome. I had eight of the sixteen discs, but the drive I was downloading them to crapped out the other night, so I've gotta download them all again.

You've in the UK right, Mario? If so, I'll make copies of the discs and send them to you if you want. It might take me a while, I was averaging one disc every two days. But I'll let you know when I have them.

Edit: Actually, after reading your profile, I see you're not in the UK. Still though if you're willing to cover costs for all postage and discs, I'll send them to you once I have them.
Yeah, here in the gold 'ole USA. If you could do that, that would be awesome. Thanks! So how are they made, do they use official retail DVD footage when availiable? Is it the shows as they aired on TV?
The King Turd collection is the way to go, great set.
Just downloaded disc 16 (do america) and was very impressed! Gonna have to do them 1 disc at a time (blanks DVD-R's on the way!)

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Originally posted by: marioxb
Yeah, here in the gold 'ole USA. If you could do that, that would be awesome. Thanks! So how are they made, do they use official retail DVD footage when availiable? Is it the shows as they aired on TV?

I'm pretty certain that it's just broadcast episodes used and nothing official, as I've only looked at the first couple of episodes on the first disc, I could be wrong. If you search Demonoid for King Turd that'll link you to sixteen or so torrent files which should list full descriptions for each disc.

If you'd rather I should be able to give you an invite to Demonoid so you can download them yourself.
I downloaded them all and they are great Iv only watched the first 5. The only thing they are missing is the guy talking when they would go to commercial but other than that they are very well put together.

Haha awesome! The drive that I mentioned above that I thought had died, didn't. I just put it in a new external enclosure and all was fine. No data lost. So I'm half way to completion.
For the love of God... It's problem after problem...

I don't suppose anyone actually saved the the torrent files from Demonoid? That site is down as you may know and I have just completed disc ten. If anyone has the torrent files for disc eleven throgh to sixteen, that would be awesome.
Originally posted by: capybara554321
check mini nova

Yep, already did. The files are linked on Mininova but they're hosted on the Demonoid tracker and I get error messages when I add them to uTorrent.
I've got the Demonoid .torrent files, but they won't be much help since the tracker is down.

The Pirate Bay is tracking at least twelve of the sixteen discs, 12-15 among them. Start there.

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

I finished downloading this set yesterday (many thanks to Darth Mallwalker for help completing the set). It will be upped to Rapidshare in due course for those of you who also want it.
That would be great! Thanks a lot!

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

Is there anyway someone who has downloaded the complete KingTurd collection could upload the box art for me to rapidshare or some other site like that.
Mmmm, rapidshare kingturd!