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Batman Forever: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Complete)


After some discussion with my pals on fanedit.org, I’ve decided to take on Joel Schumacher’s 1995 guilty pleasure, Batman Forever.

As the sentence above suggests, I enjoy Batman Forever, but not because it’s good. So-bad-it’s-good is the best description I have for it. But for obvious reasons, I’ve wanted to see a version of the film that is decent at least. I’ve watched a few edits of Batman Forever over my time in fanediting, including the acclaimed Red Book Edition. However, my favorite edit of the film was by a faneditor named ThatGuyWhoEdits. I was given the honor to review it for any issues, and it was my favorite take on this troubled film to date. While it did have some flaws, the many strengths far outweighed them, and actually made the film… Watchable.

But alas, it was never released. I’m still not 100 percent on what happened, but my good friend ArtisDead said that ThatGuyWhoEdits got a harsh response from someone, and he ghosted and bailed on the project. The edit was never released, and I was left with a highly compressed must-see.

This is what brings me to the present. I had a lot of faith in The Editor’s Cut and wanted to give it the justice it deserves. After talking with ArtisDead and Bobson Dugnutt, I’ve decided to make my own fanedit of Batman Forever, using the abandoned Editor’s Cut as a main inspiration. I have changed a few things (and you can find what’s different in the changes list), but for the most part, this edit is a close approximation to The Editor’s Cut, and one that I hope does both ThatGuyWhoEdits and this movie proud.

In addition to the edits I’ve made, I also decided to compete with the color grading of the Red Book Edition by throwing in my own style. I’ve desaturated the reds, greens, and blues to black and white. Thus, only the yellow, cyan, and magenta colors remain in full color. This gives the film more of a Frank Miller vibe, and in a lot of ways, the color palette reminds me of The Dark Knight Returns. It also gives the film a darker tone that is desperately needed. I have thrown together four color grading examples below to give you an idea of what I’ve got so far:


However, some scenes needed reds at times, mostly for the red book scenes and the Robin scenes. So I slightly resaturated the reds in those moments. This example is one Robin moment (My favorite, by the way). I didn’t like Robin’s helmet being black-and-white during this scene, which is why the resaturation was needed for this to work.


Deleted Scenes

One thing I should note is that the deleted scenes I have are in the dreaded SD 480p, and they’re in need of an upscale. They also lack music and sound effects. This edit will be a first for me in the sound effects department, since I’ve never added in SFX to an edit before. I will be uploading the deleted scenes of my edit onto this thread in the future for sound editing purposes and to get some feedback on what I’ve done to them. Also, if any of you have Topaz, I will be happy to send you my Deleted Scenes file for upscaling.

Otherwise, I think that’s everything for now. The changes list is down below.

Changes List

++= Added
–= Deleted
//= Altered

// Desaturated the red, green, and blue hue vs. sat curves for a less colorful comic book style (Partially inspired by the Red Book Edition and the works of Frank Miller)
++ Deleted Scene 1: Two-Face’s escape from Arkham (Inspired by the Red Book Edition)
++ Added thunder and lightning sound effects to Deleted Scene 1
++ Added Holy Rusted Metal to Deleted Scene 1
// Moved Edward Nigma’s introduction to scene 2 (Inspired by thatguywhoedits)
– Dialogue only: “Oh No!”
– Dialogue only: “Oh no! It’s boiling acid!”
– Dialogue only: “No!”, “Hold on!”, “Yes!”
– Dialogue only: “Gimme your hand!”, “Don’t let go!”
– Dialogue only: “Hey! Hey! That’s my hearing aid!”
– Dialogue only: “My shoes are melting! Ohh!”
– Dialogue only: “Ohhh! Nooo!”
++ Deleted Scene 2: Extended helicopter footage of Two-Face’s opinion on Batman’s “I don’t kill” ethos (Inspired by thatguywhoedits)
++ Added punch sound effects to Deleted Scene 2
++ Added The Pull of Regret to Deleted Scene 2
// Moved Edward’s “demonstration” on Mr. Stickley to scene 4 (Inspired by thatguywhoedits)
– Dialogue only: “Hang on!”
– “Ooooh, nice form, but a little rough on the landing. He may have to settle for the bronze.”
– “I couldn’t possibly continue on here! The Mem… Ories!”
– Deleted Edward Nigma’s first apartment scene
– ”I’ve really gotta get you out of those clothes…”, “Excuse me?”, “…And into a black dress.”
// Moved Dr. Chase Meridian’s naughty little usage of the bat-signal to the 45-minute mark for better comedic effect (Inspired by thatguywhoedits)
– Dialogue only: “Last night at the bank…”
++ Deleted Scene 3: Bruce Wayne seeing Robin’s vengeance-filled kickboxing practice on Two-Face (Inspired by thatguywhoedits and the Red Book Edition)
++ Added bigger (and louder) cracking sound effect on Deleted Scene 3
– Deleted second action sequence between Two-Face’s minions and Batman
– Deleted Edward Nigma’s third apartment scene
– Deleted Robin’s questionable laundry cleaning antics (Those poor clothes are gonna be stretched out badly if he keeps doing that to them)
– Trimmed out Robin’s attempt to convince the hookers that he’s Batman
– Dialogue Only: “Batman!”
++ Deleted Scene 4: Bruce Wayne fears that Batman is his enemy
++ Added The Pull of Regret to Deleted Scene 4
– Deleted the Riddler’s baseball throw
– “Joygasm!”
++ Deleted Scene 5: Bruce Wayne confronting his fear
++ Added some scary monster SFX on the bat in Deleted Scene 5
++ Added The Pull of Regret to Deleted Scene 5
++ Added Mouth to Mouth Nocturne to Deleted Scene 5
++ Added Batterdammerung to Deleted Scene 5
– The Bat-ass
++ Added scary monster SFX from Deleted Scene 5 to the bat shot demonstrating the Riddler’s descent into madness
++ Deleted Scene 6: Does it ever end?

Current Running Time: 126 minutes

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Here is the first of the deleted scenes. The reason for testing them is because of the music and sound effects that I have added in, as the deleted scenes I have contain no music and incomplete sound effects.


And for those who are wondering, yes, the deleted scenes I have are in SD 480p. I don’t have the money or the storage space on my PC for Topaz. If you would like to upscale them, send me a PM, and I’ll be happy to send you the scenes. I’d appreciate it.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Eyepainter said:

Here is the first of the deleted scenes. The reason for testing them is because of the music and sound effects that I have added in, as the deleted scenes I have contain no music and incomplete sound effects.


And for those who are wondering, yes, the deleted scenes I have are in SD 480p. I don’t have the money or the storage space on my PC for Topaz. If you would like to upscale them, send me a PM, and I’ll be happy to send you the scenes. I’d appreciate it.

Not bad. I would suggest lowering the volume of the thunder cracks, and muffling them to an extent, so we can hear the dialogue as clearly as possible. Also, add some electricity crackling and lamp creaking SFX.

On another note, I like the choice of music you went with!

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


CamSMurph said:

Eyepainter said:

Here is the first of the deleted scenes. The reason for testing them is because of the music and sound effects that I have added in, as the deleted scenes I have contain no music and incomplete sound effects.


And for those who are wondering, yes, the deleted scenes I have are in SD 480p. I don’t have the money or the storage space on my PC for Topaz. If you would like to upscale them, send me a PM, and I’ll be happy to send you the scenes. I’d appreciate it.

Not bad. I would suggest lowering the volume of the thunder cracks, and muffling them to an extent, so we can hear the dialogue as clearly as possible. Also, add some electricity crackling and lamp creaking SFX.

On another note, I like the choice of music you went with!

Thanks! Sound effects are a much trickier issue for me. I’ll get to work on seeing what I can do about it.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


CamSMurph said:

Eyepainter said:

Here’s my work on Deleted Scene 2:


Why do you think “The Pull of Regret” fits this scene?

Three reasons:

  1. It’s quieter than most of what’s on the soundtrack, making it easier to hear the dialogue.

  2. The shift in tone places more emphasis on this moment, giving it more importance to Batman’s character arc.

  3. It makes the action sequence as a whole less cartoonish and noisy, and gives it a more serious tone which is what this film needs.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Still waiting on Bobson Dugnutt to PM me his deleted scene upscales. For now, here’s some more music and SFX tests on my deleted scenes so far.

This first one is the only deleted scene that came from the abandoned editor’s cut. I suspect that the news announcer is ThatGuyWhoEdits himself, and this scene was created by him. I liked it enough, and I think setting up the gang for later makes for a nice bit of foreshadowing. This is the only deleted scene in 1080p. However, It’s also compressed due to the source. I’ve left this one untouched for now, but I suspect it needs work.


This next scene has been left untouched, save for Bruce Wayne’s kick at the end. There might be some issues, but I think it works.


I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Pains me to do this, but after talking with Zarius over on fanedit.org, I have decided to cut out the singular deleted scene from the abandoned editor’s cut. He provided a good argument against it and felt that it wasn’t as necessary as I hoped it would be. I will be updating the changes list, and the scene where Alfred receives the news about Stickley’s death is gonna be left as-is.

On a positive note, Bobson Dugnutt has loaned me his HD upscales of the deleted scenes. I will be re-uploading the (surviving) deleted scenes and throwing in their updated versions when I have the time.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Eyepainter said:

Pains me to do this, but after talking with Zarius over on fanedit.org, I have decided to cut out the singular deleted scene from the abandoned editor’s cut. He provided a good argument against it and felt that it wasn’t as necessary as I hoped it would be. I will be updating the changes list, and the scene where Alfred receives the news about Stickley’s death is gonna be left as-is.

On a positive note, Bobson Dugnutt has loaned me his HD upscales of the deleted scenes. I will be re-uploading the (surviving) deleted scenes and throwing in their updated versions when I have the time.

It’s cool. I hear additional footage of the courtroom flashback exists in Schumacher’s original cut. I can’t remember if it’s present in the Nov '94 workprint as I have heard some conflicting reports, but I know it was shot. How else would it have appeared on Bruce’s TV? 😆

Until the aforementioned footage is released, officially or otherwise, I respect your decision to omit this scene. TGWE did a great job implementing it into his own cut with what he had to work with.

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Back for more! Here we are with deleted scene 5 and the first clip to get the upscale treatment!


Next, we have deleted scene 6! This is the most important addition to the film, and also the hardest deleted scene I’ve worked on. I added three music tracks (Yes, you heard that right), and a bunch of sound effects too.


I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


And lastly there’s deleted scene 7. I debated this one since I didn’t understand what was going on, but after reading Bobson Dugnutt’s thoughts on the scene, I’m leaning towards including this one into my edit.

Oh yeah, and spoiler alert!


I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Liking the look of this edit, looking forward to the finished article.


Here’s the upscaled version of deleted scene 1. The sound effects have been changed from the previous SD version in accordance with CamSMurph’s suggestions. Let me know what you think.


I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Time for another upscale demonstration! This scene hasn’t changed much from the original, although I did extend the opening and closing.


I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


The deleted scenes look gorgeous thanks to Bobson! His upscales will be of good use for other edits! 😁

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Beginning work on the subtitles now.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


At last, an update! 😁

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


CamSMurph said:

At last, an update! 😁

I know, right? Not much is really happening after I uploaded the deleted scene upscales, and I think the edit is pretty close to complete at this point. All I have to do now is a bunch of subtitle work and maybe even a commentary track as well.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Eyepainter said:

CamSMurph said:

At last, an update! 😁

I know, right? Not much is really happening after I uploaded the deleted scene upscales, and I think the edit is pretty close to complete at this point. All I have to do now is a bunch of subtitle work and maybe even a commentary track as well.

Awesome. I’m ready for this!

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Got the first 20 minutes of subtitles taken care of! 107 more minutes to go!

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Duplicate post. Please delete.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


First half hour of subtitles done!

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.