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"Back and to the left" — Page 2

Originally posted by: skyman8081
I think that a lot of the JFK CT's overestimate the KE of bullets, or they get their information from TV and Motion Pictures.

Bullets travel slow enough that we can use the formula E=1/2mv^2 to calculate. The rifle that Oswald used had a muzzle velocity of 700 meters per second, and used 128 grain ammunition. Plugging that into the KE formula we get E=(1/2)(0.00829 kg)(700 m/s). When we calculate that, the total Kinetic energy of 2.9015 joules. For comparison, 1 joule is equivalent to 0.000239 kilocalories, the unit of measure used to measure food.

You also seem to be forgetting about Newton's 3rd Law of Motion. Even if there was a 2nd gunman who shot Kennedy with enough force to visibly knock his head back, that same amount of energy would have also been exerted on the shoot as well. Meaning that your second gunman would have had a broken collarbone, and several ribs, if he had used a rifle roferful enough to exert enough energy to knock Kennedy back and to the left.

http://planetsmilies.net/confused-smiley-17432.gif Uh?
Originally posted by: ferris209
Originally posted by: skyman8081
I think that a lot of the JFK CT's overestimate the KE of bullets, or they get their information from TV and Motion Pictures.

Bullets travel slow enough that we can use the formula E=1/2mv^2 to calculate. The rifle that Oswald used had a muzzle velocity of 700 meters per second, and used 128 grain ammunition. Plugging that into the KE formula we get E=(1/2)(0.00829 kg)(700 m/s). When we calculate that, the total Kinetic energy of 2.9015 joules. For comparison, 1 joule is equivalent to 0.000239 kilocalories, the unit of measure used to measure food.

You also seem to be forgetting about Newton's 3rd Law of Motion. Even if there was a 2nd gunman who shot Kennedy with enough force to visibly knock his head back, that same amount of energy would have also been exerted on the shoot as well. Meaning that your second gunman would have had a broken collarbone, and several ribs, if he had used a rifle roferful enough to exert enough energy to knock Kennedy back and to the left.

http://planetsmilies.net/confused-smiley-17432.gif Uh?

No, he makes a good point. Again physics disproves the Grassy Knoll.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

Anyone remember the infamous "JFK Reloaded"? I think I still got a demo copy of it on the PC that's on my parents home. I've tried to do the shots and I've come quite close...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Originally posted by: ricarleite
Anyone remember the infamous "JFK Reloaded"? I think I still got a demo copy of it on the PC that's on my parents home. I've tried to do the shots and I've come quite close...

You can download it for free now. Interesting game, I've come sort of close, but not really. *shrug* Some pretty good moments though, even though Ted Kennedy called it "dispicable."

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

This may be a bit too obvious, but I can't resist:

Ted Kennedy called it "dispicable."

What? And Chappaquiddick wasn't?


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
This may be a bit too obvious, but I can't resist:

Ted Kennedy called it "dispicable."

What? And Chappaquiddick wasn't?

There's a great scene in Nixon (another Oliver Stone film, which is very well made although historically inaccurate) where Nixon raves about how Kennedy can get drunk and kill some poor girl, the public forgives him, while he's indicted for a third rate burglary some people under him committed and they tear his head off. Kind of puts things in perspective.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

Yeah, that's definitely a stark double standard.

Though what got me is the fact that Ted Kennedy had the nerve to call a video game despicable. He wasn't playing a game that night at Chappaquiddick.


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Though what got me is the fact that Ted Kennedy had the nerve to call a video game despicable.

Weeeeell, I wouldn't blame Ted Kennedy so fast, as that particular game involved getting a BULLET through his brother's skull and seeing his brains flying through the air. And it gave money prizes for the best shots. So if a game that encourages you to shoot with blood and gore at your brother ain't despicable in someone's point of view, what game would be?
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
I agree, Ric; I'm simply balking at the idea Ted Kennedy has any moral authority to say this.

Also, consider that at the time I didn't know that the game displayed realistic blood and gore. I was under the impression, until I did a bit more research that the violence level was T-Rated.

So I ammend the severity of my statement, though not the content.


I must admit, I downloaded the JFK Reloaded, based on this thread, and played it for about an hour. While it is bloody in some instances, I think it aims at being realistic. I also think that it proves a significant point that what Oswald did is highly possible. I do agree that Ted Kennedy has no high moral ground to preach from.

After playing the "game" I could tell that it was not truly a "game" it is more of an involved re-enactment challenging the player to very accurately copy Oswald's shots and times. I think it was not unnecessarily gory, only highly detailed. I also am of the mind that Ted Kennedy should understand that his brothers death is extremely controversial and will be, and has been, analyzed from one end to the other. So long has the "game" is not encouraging the killing of any former, or future, president, I see no harm. The tone of this game is obviously history related and not just "kill'em, kill'em, kill'em". Jus' my two cents.
Ted Kennedy may not have the moral high ground, but I have to agree with him that the game is offensive. I mean, after all, it is his brother, and the goal is to kill him. Its not hard to see why he is upset.
Out of morbid curiosity, I downloaded JFK Reloaded. I kind of respect what they were trying to do, it is an interesting idea. And the way they explain the bullet shots at the end of each turn is really interesting. But honestly, it is really sick. It is not just some silly first person shooter, you are portraying a known killer, and killing a 3d figure bearing the name and likeness of a real man. At least the goal of the game is not merely to kill the pres., but to get as close as possible to the marks Oswald actually hit. Still, pretty sick. Now I am waiting for the game were I get to portray the D.C. Sniper and try to commit his crimes as close as possible to how they really happened. Also since his was numerous kills rather than just one event, this game could be multiple levels to the game. The cool one will be the game were you have to aim a commercial airliner at the World Trade Center. I am really looking forward to that one. And how cool would it be to relive Columbine? Or the Oklahoma City bombing. Come on, it is just too much! Even worse than them selling this thing was the competition. That was really just wrong and really twisted.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
Out of morbid curiosity, I downloaded JFK Reloaded. I kind of respect what they were trying to do, it is an interesting idea. And the way they explain the bullet shots at the end of each turn is really interesting. But honestly, it is really sick. It is not just some silly first person shooter, you are portraying a known killer, and killing a 3d figure bearing the name and likeness of a real man. At least the goal of the game is not merely to kill the pres., but to get as close as possible to the marks Oswald actually hit. Still, pretty sick. Now I am waiting for the game were I get to portray the D.C. Sniper and try to commit his crimes as close as possible to how they really happened. Also since his was numerous kills rather than just one event, this game could be multiple levels to the game. The cool one will be the game were you have to aim a commercial airliner at the World Trade Center. I am really looking forward to that one. And how cool would it be to relive Columbine? Or the Oklahoma City bombing. Come on, it is just too much! Even worse than them selling this thing was the competition. That was really just wrong and really twisted.

I understand your view, but the whole point of reenacting it is not just to reenact it, but to determine if it was possible. We all know what happened at the OK bombings, Columbine, etc (well, WTC is touchy, but there's not a lot of evidence to support conspiracy theories). I applaud the makers for not pulling any punches. Sure there are people who play it for the gore, but the way it was designed, it is meant to be taken seriously.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

Oh I know it was meant to be taken seriously. And like I said, I found it very facinating, I really liked how it would show the tradjectory of each shot and list the things that it hit. But I can see why people took offense, the thing that really hit me as being completely wrong was the competition that the game makers held for who could get the closest to Oswalds shots, as if that was not bad enough, it had real cash prizes. I know it was for the sake of promoting the game to increase sells, but it really is going way too far. Also I appreciate that the only figure whose head will explode when shot is Kennedy's, since this is what really happened. If you could blast everybodies brains out I would find it more upsetting. That shows they were not intending to to be merely a gore fest. Like I said in my last post, I respect what they were trying to do, but in many ways it goes too far.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape