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Babylon 5: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (DVD 16:9 & HD 4:3 Fusion) (a WIP) — Page 3


Sad to see so many people make these mistakes with aspect ratios and believe the 16:9 has more information than the 4:3. It was shot on super 35 and if you look at the crops for 4:3 and 16:9 out of super 35, the 4:3 is much larger and has more information in the top and bottom than the sides of the 16:9, also you can see more of the characters. the 4:3 is NOT cropped from 16:9, this is a confusion, the only benefit for the 16:9 is matching lcds, the 4:3 keeps more of the original image so matching it to the full size 4:3 cgi is the right way to go. I totally understand wanting 16:9 to match the monitor, but believing it gets you more image is just false.


Hello Community,

I know I have been a no-show for a veeery long time and I am really sorry about that.

To clarify: I never stopped working on this and other projects, I have been “taking a break” (longer than expected, but still, “just” a break).

Why? I have been moving clear across the country, relocating my business and private life whilst trying to keep my family from breaking apart. I was not (and still isn’t) easy, which resulted in me leaving for a while.

There were days when I considered returning to my projects on upscaling - but something always got in the way of that.

Now I am doing better: My business is going good again and my private life (mostly) settled in.

As for the upscaling: I developed a new workflow, improving overall quality. I also bought new hardware in the hopes of accelerating the process.

But I must admit - I really lost count on how many attempts and projects I had going - therefore I will be creating a new alias under the name of “Leland Kovich”, posting new projects soon, replacing the old ones.
Just be on the lookout for me, I will be back 😉

See you guys soon!

The Ends DO Justify The Means …