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Originally posted by: special_edd
I have been reading these posts and have decided to cancel my Amazon pre-order. Buying these modified films would just show my tacit approval of what I consider to be little more than the defacement of a work of art.
Since Tolkien has been mentioned, I thought I would point out an historical parallel.
In 1947, 10 years after the original version of the Hobbit appeared, Tolkien made a number of revisions to the book in order to make the character of Gollum fit the much more desperate and obsessed figure he had created for Lord of The Rings. These changes were incorporated into all subsequent editions and have consequently become part of the standard text. I have never read the original so can’t comment on the success of the changes, but once the changed manuscript becomes the only one available there is no going back.
Already a generation is growing up who will have only seen the special editions and worst of all they might actually prefer them. If we accept these versions now then there may never be a DVD version of the original films on sale. I guess GL has the right to alter his work any way he likes, but I am not going to reward him for it.
Well said. I did not know that about LOTR trillogy, but then I must confess. I have never read the books(ducking behind corner after making that admission).