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BOYCOTT (the 2004 OT SE DVD release) — Page 5

Nice job Special Edd!! My hat's off to you!
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Kudos, Edd, and welcome to the forums.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.


Originally posted by: special_edd
I have been reading these posts and have decided to cancel my Amazon pre-order. Buying these modified films would just show my tacit approval of what I consider to be little more than the defacement of a work of art.

Since Tolkien has been mentioned, I thought I would point out an historical parallel.

In 1947, 10 years after the original version of the Hobbit appeared, Tolkien made a number of revisions to the book in order to make the character of Gollum fit the much more desperate and obsessed figure he had created for Lord of The Rings. These changes were incorporated into all subsequent editions and have consequently become part of the standard text. I have never read the original so can’t comment on the success of the changes, but once the changed manuscript becomes the only one available there is no going back.

Already a generation is growing up who will have only seen the special editions and worst of all they might actually prefer them. If we accept these versions now then there may never be a DVD version of the original films on sale. I guess GL has the right to alter his work any way he likes, but I am not going to reward him for it.

Well said. I did not know that about LOTR trillogy, but then I must confess. I have never read the books(ducking behind corner after making that admission).
I didn't know about the LOTR book changes either.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Well, I did, but I was allowing it because it was a special case. Both versions are still preserved somewhat in that the change in question, the chapter Riddle of the Past, is there in brief when Bilbo tells that version to Gandalf and the dwarves like he did before, plus LOTR covers both possibilties in saying some versions of the "Red Book" were written by Bilbo that would have his made-account, and more truthful versions were made by Frodo/Merry/Pippin that tells what REALLY happened. It was such a special circumstance that the narrative incorporated rather skillfully, but I suppose I still should have mentioned it. My bad.

Sidenote: Also there were some revisions Tolkien had made, since originally people editing the Hobbit and LOTR to against what he wrote, such as spelling dwarves dwarfs, things like that, as well as just grammatical and spelling errors, though of course there are still a few left in the latest editions.
So, the real question is will the boycott make enough of a differnece to get the originals released onto DVD? I know on principle I will not buy the SE DVD's. I know that we have over 55,000 signatures; but how can that stack against millions of units already sold of the DVD set? Man, if feels like we are fighting the empire!!!! What do you all think?
"Man, if feels like we are fighting the empire!!!! What do you all think?"

I think I would rather watch my VCR version than something that has been messed with. So whether it has any effect or not I won't even buy the ultimate/special edition. For me it's more a principal thing than a protest thing, though it would be great if it did have an effect. I think the petition could have a real effect, but I don't think a boycott would be noticed to be honest. I will be interested to see if many people try to get a refund once they realise it is not the OT though. If you look on the official site they are promoting it as if it is the OT.

As for LOTR: I did know that stuff about the alterations, and the fact the Tolkien was extremely fussy about the "Elfs" and "Elves" stuff (which I thought was wonderful, I love slightly eccentric stuff like that). Actually it is about all I know, since I only got to read the introduction/prologue and half the first chapter before my copy was ruined
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
I agree it is more principle of the thing. I still will not spend a dime on the DVD set. As for star wars part 3 to come out next year.... I don't know. Right now, no. However, since I have seen part 1 and 2 already; I might be curious to see how part 3 will wrap it all up and lead to the original trillogy. But then, maybe that would be as bad a buying the new DVD set?
Good point. Normally I would have said I would definitely go see 3 at the cinema, but maybe I will wait and hire it instead. Does that sound spiteful?
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-

Originally posted by: cubebox
As i said before, i'd like to have both versions, but i think that you should all vorry about even more changes to the films..
Remember the interview with Williams ? (score changes, SFX changes, new scenes etc. )

I am afraid of is more butchering of the image in the so called archival-edition.
I can't imagine someone adding digital video-footage and making it intercut with 30 years old film footage. And more CG, and more
this and more that.
Yeah, it's like adding some cubism in an impressionistic paiting!

As for the changes mentioned above: Maybe they'll be going "back to the roots"? I mean, maybe GL has realized, for instance, that the new version of the Ewoks victory celebration song along with the cheesy finale of RotJ:SE sucks, and so he decided to redo it?

You never know! (C'mon, a girl can dream. )

Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)
Disagree on the ending as it is now to ROTJ, but I do hope the set will come with the OT, hence why I am getting people to sign the petion. But as far as not buying the set, I doubt considering I don't dislike the SE that bad and as for 3, gotta see how that is going to be wrapped. Just my honest two cents.
Why don't you want to see Episode three because of the OT travesty?

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.

Just another form of protest I guess. Again it's just the principal of the thing; should I support GL when he is being so stubborn etc. But it's not a decision I have made or anything, McCartneyFan just put the idea in my head and I was wondering out loud if it made sense or not.
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-

Originally posted by: McCartneyFan
So, the real question is will the boycott make enough of a differnece to get the originals released onto DVD? I know on principle I will not buy the SE DVD's. I know that we have over 55,000 signatures; but how can that stack against millions of units already sold of the DVD set? Man, if feels like we are fighting the empire!!!! What do you all think?

To me, if nothing else, this should prove that there is an audience for the OT on DVD and he should release it knowing that he will be making even more money on us. That's how he thinks. In terms of dollars and cents.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
david and goliath.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
One can hope...
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
we just need a right stone.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
And the first target of your stoning?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
To quote Dylan, "Everybody must get stoned."

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Okay, who's the head of the FCC?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: Samatar
Just another form of protest I guess. Again it's just the principal of the thing; should I support GL when he is being so stubborn etc. But it's not a decision I have made or anything, McCartneyFan just put the idea in my head and I was wondering out loud if it made sense or not.

Well, that was just me thinking out loud. Obviously everyone has to make up their own mind to what they want. I don't want to be blamed for leading some sort of counter culture or anything!
I dont know about you guys, but I bought a dvd/VCR recorder combo machine, that will copy both formmats to and from each other, back and forth. Im going to put my original trilogy vhs tapes (came out in the late 80's) on dvd's for my own personal enjoyment, and not even worry about the new enhanced crap that is coming out....
I know there's probably not a chance in the world that the originals will be on DVD, but I've decided to boycott anyway. I was aware of the changes between the originals and Special Editions for sometime, but since the only versions available in stores at the time I finally bought the trilogy were the SEs, I've watched them ever since, except for once the DVD announcement came out and I decided to rent the originals, since I hadn't seen them in years. They are more tightly constructed, and more enjoyable without the added CG, which did nothing but distract (I feel Lucas's use of CG in the SEs was just his way of showing off what he could do). In fact, the only change I really preferred was the replacement of the 'Yub Yub' at the end of ROTJ (just the music, not the adding in of the celebrations on Bespin, Tatooine, and Coruscant -- which is funny, because there was no Coruscant until Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy). I'll take 'Yub Yub,' though, any day to Hayden Christensen replacing Sebastian Shaw. Anyway, now I've signed the petition, told my friends I have no intent on buying the DVDs, and found by lurking around these boards the past few days, that I prefer them compared to TheForce.net's. I'll get the originals...somehow....
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
^^^Good to hear.

I would recommend either Laserdiscs from Ebay, or (if you don't mind illegal stuff) one of the bootleg DVDs which were mastered from the DVDs anyway.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.