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Are there bands for who you have all they've ever done? — Page 3


darth_ender said:

TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

The closest I ever came was with Erasure. I had every album from the beginning up to Union Street, minus The Two Ring Circus, on CD. After that, I just stopped collecting albums of anything and periodically downloaded individual songs.

I’m in the same boat except I have The Two Ring Circus and I stopped at Chorus.

Their next album, the eponymous Erasure

This would like a word with you.

I actually owned it on CD when it first came out, but ended up selling it a few years later because I didn’t care much for it. That was the end for me.


TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

Throughout high school, I payed my voice after Andy Bell.

Should have paid it more!

You can literally bet money that every time a stupid nonsensical word appears in my posts, I was swipe typing.


TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

The closest I ever came was with Erasure. I had every album from the beginning up to Union Street, minus The Two Ring Circus, on CD. After that, I just stopped collecting albums of anything and periodically downloaded individual songs.

I’m in the same boat except I have The Two Ring Circus and I stopped at Chorus.

Their next album, the eponymous Erasure

This would like a word with you.

I actually owned it on CD when it first came out, but ended up selling it a few years later because I didn’t care much for it. That was the end for me.

I Say I Say I Say is my second or third favorite (hard to decide between it and The Innocents). Some amazing work those two have done! I’m a little sad I haven’t kept up. I’ll have to YouTube their newer stuff now.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

I have everything by Blind Faith

Remove “Blind” from the beginning and add “No More” to the end and replace “everything” with “two-and-a-half albums” and it would be fixed for me.


darth_ender said:

TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

The closest I ever came was with Erasure. I had every album from the beginning up to Union Street, minus The Two Ring Circus, on CD. After that, I just stopped collecting albums of anything and periodically downloaded individual songs.

I’m in the same boat except I have The Two Ring Circus and I stopped at Chorus.

Their next album, the eponymous Erasure

This would like a word with you.

I actually owned it on CD when it first came out, but ended up selling it a few years later because I didn’t care much for it. That was the end for me.

I Say I Say I Say is my second or third favorite (hard to decide between it and The Innocents).

Look, stop pretending and just admit you forgot all about it, you won’t hurt its feelings.


darth_ender said:

TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

Throughout high school, I payed my voice after Andy Bell.

Should have paid it more!

You can literally bet money that every time a stupid nonsensical word appears in my posts, I was swipe typing.

I can literally bet money on anything, but it doesn’t mean I’ll win.


darthrush said:

TV’s Frink said:

I don’t think anything past Ok Computer is any good.

I do have an unpopular affection for The Bends and consider it to be Radiohead’s second best record, but In Rainbows is mesmerizing to me. It’s atmosphere and range of emotions is impeccable in my opinion. Each to their own.

“an unpopular affection for The Bends”? It’s regularly voted one of the best albums ever made (an opinion I subscribe too) so you’re not alone.

I thought the 2nd disc that came with the deluxe ‘In Rainbows’ was better (e.g. Bangers + Mash). I didn’t hate the album but it didn’t hold my attention. Amnesiac was the last LP that I loved (maybe my favourite) and I never tire of it. Hail to the Thief had some fine stuff too.

I happened to watch Radiohead’s Glastonbury set this year (on TV) with my father. As per usual for any band since the 80s, he thought they were dreadful but I totally had to agree with him. They managed to turn every song into a lifeless, tuneless dirge. I was saying “No wait this next one is a classic dad, you’ll like this!.. er… oooh nooo”. LOL

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Yeah, I’ve never once heard liking the Bends described as an unpopular opinion.

The Person in Question


To clarify my earlier comments, I’m not a Radiohead fan. I liked some of Pablo Honey when I heard it but it wasn’t fantastic or anything. When I heard OK Computer it was fantastic, but then when I heard follow-up stuff that was nowhere on that level (for me) I dropped out.

I’ve heard too much Radiohead that sounds more like noise than music to me.


TV’s Frink said:

I’ve heard too much Radiohead that sounds more like noise than music to me.

This is fake news, but I’ll post it here anyway.


darthrush said:

There were some points when Radiohead got a little too “experimental” for my tastes.

That’s a good way to put it and I agree. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s not for me.


darthrush said:

TV’s Frink said:


I agree that is quite funny. It’s actually the same way I feel for a lot of Amnesiac and Kid A. There were some points when Radiohead got a little too “experimental” for my tastes.

Yeah, pretty much how I feel about those two albums, though Motion Picture Soundtrack was worth all the other weirdness. (Not that it isn’t a weird one in its own right, of course.)


ChainsawAsh said:

darthrush said:

TV’s Frink said:


I agree that is quite funny. It’s actually the same way I feel for a lot of Amnesiac and Kid A. There were some points when Radiohead got a little too “experimental” for my tastes.

Yeah, pretty much how I feel about those two albums, though Motion Picture Soundtrack was worth all the other weirdness. (Not that it isn’t a weird one in its own right, of course.)

Exact same mindset over here! Motion Picture Soundtrack is one of the most beautiful songs I think I have ever heard.

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