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Are The Prequels That Bad? — Page 8


crissrudd4554 said:

Are the Prequels bad? No.

Anyone is allowed to like the prequels, doing so is just expressing one’s personal opinion. However, I firmly believe that anyone who doesn’t think they’re objectively poorly executed is either not paying attention or lying to themselves. That makes them bad.


TV’s Frink said:

crissrudd4554 said:

Are the Prequels bad? No.

Anyone is allowed to like the prequels, doing so is just expressing one’s personal opinion. However, I firmly believe that anyone who doesn’t think they’re objectively poorly executed is either not paying attention or lying to themselves. That makes them bad.

Or a dumb edgelord who likes it when movies to look like cutscenes from a game on the Sega Dreamcast.



TV’s Frink said:

crissrudd4554 said:

Are the Prequels bad? No.

Anyone is allowed to like the prequels, doing so is just expressing one’s personal opinion. However, I firmly believe that anyone who doesn’t think they’re objectively poorly executed is either not paying attention or lying to themselves. That makes them bad.

Well it depends on one’s perception of bad. Is it Plan 9 from Outer Space/Jaws 4/RoboCop 3 bad i.e. they are just terrible all around?? No. Is it bad in the sense that there’s a lot over acting or perhaps in some cases underacting, overly clunky dialogue, unstable storylines, and way too much CGI?? Yes. Personally I find the PT harder to follow then the OT which is partly why I don’t watch them as obsessively as the OT. But then again every movie is flawed to a degree. I admit the PT has its weak spots but what I can do about it?? They exist so I accept it.


Frink quit being an ass. I’m entitled to my opinion. If you think I’m a clueless idiot for that so be it. I don’t have to say any things bad because YOU want me to.


crissrudd4554 said:

Frink quit being an ass. I’m entitled to my opinion. If you think I’m a clueless idiot for that so be it.

Fine. If you insist on insulting me, putting words in my mouth, and having the opinion that the word “bad” doesn’t actually mean anything, then I guess I have nothing more to say.


crissrudd4554 said:

I don’t have to say any things bad because YOU want me to.

But you said it yourself! And then contradicted yourself. I give up.


I said the films have flaws but I also said almost every film has flaws. What do you want me to say?? Do I think they are bad in the sense that they are just poorly made and are straight up crap?? No. Do I think the storylines are too clunky and in many ways don’t make sense and think the CGI plays more a role than the actors?? Yes. Here’s my thing. I don’t think they’re bad. I say they’re flawed.

Unfortunately this is a case where many think the flaws play too much a role. I had mentioned before I find the PT slightly harder to follow than the OT so I don’t watch them as obssesively. But there’s still things I like. I loved the light saber duel in TPM, Yoda with a lightsaber is hilarious, Anakin becoming Vader, things that for me are enough to watch them again.

So Frink I don’t know what you want me to say. I also have to remind myself I’m arguing with the guy who didn’t understand at all why I had ROTS fourth on my SW list when it’s apparently so ‘objectively bad’. Maybe I don’t think it’s objectively bad. I’m suppose to think so because you do?? Films are flawed, some more than others but some are also not flawed enough to where I can’t watch them again. In essence I don’t think the PT is bad.


crissrudd4554 said:

Yoda with a lightsaber is hilarious,

Is that a good thing? I don’t think it was supposed to be funny.


Jeebus said:

crissrudd4554 said:

Yoda with a lightsaber is hilarious,

Is that a good thing? I don’t think it was supposed to be funny.

Never said it had to be a good thing but it’s enough to make me watch the movie again. 😉


Alderaan said:

Lord Haseo said:
I’m also curious as to your opinion on the Rey interrogation scene and how similar it is to Leia’s interrogation scene.

It’s nothing close to Leia’s interrogation scene, which contains some horror elements and was intercut into the sequence where Luke’s relatives get incinerated to death.

Also we actually get to see Rey being interrogated. That alone makes Rey being captured and interrogated a generic plot point. The location means diddly.


Just goes to show how bad the PT actually is, it breaks the laws of art and objectivity.

But seriously, anyone who thinks they’re executed well doesn’t know the first thing about making a movie. By any standard of execution, they are objectively poor.


TV’s Frink said:

But seriously, anyone who thinks they’re executed well doesn’t know the first thing about making a movie. By any standard of execution, they are objectively poor.

Look if you want something to be objective you have to have a clear measure. For example, you can define a measure for body motion execution by velocity or force. By measuring either you can then objectively evaluate the motion execution according to the defined measure.

Now to be honest, I can actually define an objective measure even for film execution. You have a script with dialogue that has N number of words. You can then measure number of words M that made it into the final film. This execution measure would then be M/N [no units] or (M/N)*100% [percent]. Of course this is completely useless measure but any objective measure will not make sense in terms of artistic aspects since they are completely subjective.



Hey you’re not the only one here who tries to hide behind “all art is subjective” so that’s cool for you I guess.


TV’s Frink said:

Hey you’re not the only one here who tries to hide behind “all art is subjective” so that’s cool for you I guess.

I have no need for such thing. I have the truth.

I am simply kind-hearted enough to explain the concept of “objective” to you since you do not understand it.



Imp’scum’s poor fountain pen. It must be raw, red, and chapped something fierce from all that furious doing of taxes.


I believe all four scenes involving Yoda using a lightsaber were intended to be funny, especially his duel with Palpatine. It’s hilarious, and breaks up the more serious duel it’s intercut with.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Compared to the OT (esp ANH/TESB) the Prequels are pretty bad (and part of this is because they are inconsistent with the OT).

Compared to movies in general I think the Prequels are mediocre. I another thread I recently remarked that I see them as kind of similar to the Hobbit movies in some ways.

Here’s the truth - I think the main reason that many people just don’t care that much for the prequels are the characters. If people cared about the characters more then they’d be much more willing to overlook other issues (I personally think the CGI thing is way overblown. I’ve seen plenty of great movies that use tons of CGI).

Here are (IMO) the main issues with the prequels:

  • Characters/Characterizations: The characters repeatedly behave in stupid and unbelievable ways just because the plot says they have to. Anakin’s turn is a great example of this. He has some bad dreams so he decides to murder some kids? It’s just silly. Padme’s behavior in ROTS is also completely absurd. Honestly the only character I gave a crap about by the end was Obi-Wan (and I think a lot of that was Ewan doing an awesome job despite the material he had to perform).

  • Tonal Inconsistency: This is my other HUGE issue with the prequels (and unfortunately it actually started with ROTJ, although it’s not as bad there). How can I take a scene seriously of the characters don’t? Throughout the PT we have our heroes treating the battle droids like jokes… which completely ruins any tension and makes me not care about the action. We also repeatedly have action scenes broken up by stupid/childish humor (c3PO on Geonosis being a great example of this… the buzz droids in ROTS being another). It’s bad because throughout the PT I’m repeatedly pulled out of the movie by jarring changes in tone. If you think about ROTJ this happens in some spots there also (mostly on Endor with the Ewoks, Chewie’s Tarzan yell, etc). Luckily ROTJ was not completely infected by this and the other two parts of the climax (space battle and throne room) strike a good consistent tone. I’m not saying a movie has to be completely serious… just more consistent. IMO TESB has a more serious tone than ANH, but both films work because the tone is farily consistent throughout (which is why some of the SE changes are bad… the Jabba insertion in ANH is horribly tonally inconsistent with the rest of the film). As a final word the PT seemed like it could never decide whether to take itself seriously or not and that includes a lot of the characters inside the film.

Plotting issues: I think this would be less of an issue if the characterizations were better and the tone more consistent (see TFA, which definitely has plot issues, as an example of this). AOTC in particular simply doesn’t make any sense. What’s funny is I’ve had several PT fans tell me I just don’t understand AOTC and need to think about it more… but that’s actually the problem. The problem isn’t that the movie is complicated… it’s that it doesn’t actually make sense when you DO think about it. There’s problems in some of the other films also… like in TPM why is Sidious trying to get the Queen to sign the treaty? If she signs the treaty there’s no invasion and his plan to use the crisis to become chancellor falls apart!!! It DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE.