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Anyone else here have a love/hate relation with Revenge of the sith ?

I just can't embrace it fully, but I also can't disregard it. There's a lot I love, but also a lot that angers me. For example:


- The stunning new planets Utapau and the Wookie planet Kashyyyk

- The roguish interaction between Obi and Ani in the beginning of the film

- The epic opening battle. I think it's breathtaking. Yes, hard to follow, but I guess that's the point since we're following the jedi duo and not the battle.

- Some amazing imagery. Palpatine sitting down next to a burned Anakin on Mustafar after the lightsaber battle, The wookies charging before the big battle, the beautiful planets, Obi with his jedi hoodie on looking up into the sun on Utapau, Anakin beheading Dooku, The jedi temple massacre/march, Palpatine smiling menacly when Darth Vader rises and screams out NO, and I personally love Obiwan riding on that dragon like creature...damn I forgot its name. And many more.

- John William's score off course

- The toning down of the heavy handed politics a bit. Which was nigh on unbearable in the two other prequels.

- I also very much like that Anikan didn't turn to the dark side for a selfish reason, but unfortunately it just didn't play out very well due to the lack of chemistry between Nathalie Portman and Hayden Christensen and the bad script. Lucas had the right idea.

- There were so many interesting fantasy characters in the background, the little guys that fueled up Obi's ship on Utapau, obi's dragon lizard, etc.

- The great performance by Ian McDiarmid in the first half

- And there's more I love, undoubtedly, but I suck at writing long posts, hah.


- The idiot script most the time. The insensitive, witless dialogue. FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL blabla ugh

- Unfortunately Palpatine turned into a big cackling buffoon after he got Anakin to turn to the dark side. He could have slowed it down a bit and be more menacing.

- The Yoda vs Darth Sidious and Obi vs Ani lightsaber battle. Just...UGH too much. When you have two characters swinging from ropes and trying to hit each other with lightsabers you know you're doing something wrong.

- Padme. UGH

- The babies being delivered by the most ugly nurse robot of all time. And why a robot. Ok, I can live with that. But why a robot with such a dumb design.

- Still too much heavy handed politics.


- And a lot of ETC.

- Too many dumb and up close explosions.

- Mace Windu

I love and hate the film at same time. And I wish I could just love it entirely and let go. Anyone have the same dilema ?
Pretty much all your hates don't bother me one bit. That delivory robot don't bother me any, it bothers me more in the OT that those robots are supposed too feel pain. When that robot gets his feet stamped with hot iron he cries in pain. About the only things in episode 3 that bother me is the ocasional overly bad acting. I think Hayden is a bit better acting evil, then when he was acting good in Episode 2, plus he looks better.
I feel this way towards all of the PT movies, I love some stuff and absolutely despise other parts of the movies. I think this quote will help you understand why all PT movies are so uneven, and I think it had to do with Lucas doing EVERYTHING on these movies instead of more collaboration like the OT:

"I went up and met with George at his house, and he introduced me to a lot of the people working on ESB. Then, when the initial draft script came in, we weren't happy with it. So we started meeting with Larry Kasdan and re-working the script, and we all threw in ideas. I kept thinking in terms of characters, George was thinking a lot more of the actual story, and then Larry Kasdan was thinking dialogue, which ties in with characters and story. We worked for many weeks, and finally got the script."
-Irvin Kershner talking about the pre-production of ESB in 1979 (Star Wars Insider, June 2000, pg 26.)
Originally posted by: Major fatal Moebius
Are you Gomertonic or something? Jeez

I take it your gonna post this to everyone that likes episode 3. People actually have good reason to like that movie. Do you want opinion, or reassurance of your opinion?

I can honestly say that there is nothing I love about ROTS. If I never saw it again I would not mind a bit. For me there are things about the film that I don't mind, and then there are things I hate. I liked the opening battle. It was pretty cool how they panned down from the scroll right into battle. But that scene was really knocked down by silly things like buzz droids, Oddball, and poorly rendered CG clones fighter pilots. I was ready to look past those things, but just a short bit later we were indroduced to General Grevious, got to witness the first bits of McDiarmid's painful over acting, saw who was the best Star Wars villian of the whole PT die in the first few minutes of the film, and we see Obi-Wan sustain an injury that would have likely torn him open and recover from it with not so much as a limp or the loss of a drop of blood (non-violent, I am fine with that, but considering what we see later in the movie...). This is just in the first of the film, as the film progresses more and more little annoyances like this continuously add up, then we reach Anakin's turn and all hell breaks loose, we have the Emporer's face melt to make him look something like he did in ROTJ, we have him murdering children, attempting to choke his wife to death, an over the top fight complete with rope swinging and hovering over a lava river on the backs of droids, not to mention Yoda going nuts with his light saber again, and Padme dying of a broken heart, Anakin having a nice leather suit slapped on him before his burns even have a chance to heal, and to top it all off after all these centuries of Jedi roaming the galaxy Qui-Gon, one of the very last Jedi, turns out to be the one who discovers how to become a force ghost and comes back to teach Yoda and Obi-Wan how to do it too.

I see ROTS as a frame work of crappy moments and plot lines covered with a million little bits of crappiness, in the end producing one overwhelming crap fest. That said, I see nothing wrong with people enjoying the movie and do not look down on them for liking it. I really wish I could enjoy it as much as they do, but no matter how hard I try and how much of a chance I give it, I simply cannot. I really wanted to enjoy it, honest.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: deespence2929
Originally posted by: Major fatal Moebius
Are you Gomertonic or something? Jeez

I take it your gonna post this to everyone that likes episode 3. People actually have good reason to like that movie. Do you want opinion, or reassurance of your opinion?

Ah, Go-Mer-Tonic™ believe it or not, I kind of miss that guy... kind of.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: Major fatal Moebius
- John William's score off course

That's a bit harsh, I thought the score for ROTS was fairly on-course for the most part (compared with the majority of AOTC).
Originally posted by: Jonno
Originally posted by: Major fatal Moebius
- John William's score off course

That's a bit harsh, I thought the score for ROTS was fairly on-course for the most part (compared with the majority of AOTC).

A bit harsh? What is harsh about the guy saying he loved John William's score?

EDIT: Oh, I think I see the break down in communication here. I am pretty sure Moebius made a minor typo here, I think he means "John William's score of course", as in "obviously" or "it goes without saying". He was not trying to say it was "off-course" as in missing the mark (like AOTC's score did). Amazing what a difference the accidental inclusion of a double letter can do in changing the meaning of something.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
I can honestly say that there is nothing I love about ROTS.

I agree. I've only seen the film once and have really had no desire to see it again.

I just can't embrace it fully, but I also can't disregard it. There's a lot I love, but also a lot that angers me

It angers you? jeez, I hope you are simply overstating to drive your point home.
Sure there's stuff in the movie I really don't like but i can sit and enjoy it if I'm casually watching it. In the end it's just a movie. Not even the PT are among my all time favourite movies. But I like them enough to hang around a star wars forum.

looking over your points it seems that what interests you is the eye candy that holds no real plot relevance or substance. And I guess that all you 'hate' points could be rounded up and labeled as "they failed to deliver what they promised."

I would say i have a like/dislike relationship with the film, But that's about the extent of it.
I saw a commercial for the new(er) movie "Awake" starring Hayden Christensen, and they showed a clip where he's running through the hallway of a hospital crying. I just sat there and thought to myself, "Well, there's a shocker."


Love and hate are both strong emotions, and no film in the PT stirs anything in me that could be labelled a strong emotion, except possibly disappointment (and that's not even particularly strong, it's just sort of there). I guess the strongest feeling I have about ROTS and the PT in general is something along the lines of 'meh'. I certainly don't like ROTS as a movie.

War does not make one great.

I really can't see why anyone thinks ROTS is any better than the other two. It has all the same weaknesses and even makes some new mistakes. There is a few decent scenes, as in the others. I guess at least this one focuses on the core plot instead of useless side-issues, but even then it wastes time on the wookie world and blah blah.

Let em go. There might be some individual pieces that are OK cinema, but collectively just some dumb movies to be forgotten.
Darth Lucas: I am altering the trilogy. Pray I don't alter it further.
Wow, I see why major fatal got pissed at me. He expected the thread to go in the current direction it is in now. Sorry to disrupt your plan there buddy.
Originally posted by: deespence2929
Wow, I see why major fatal got pissed at me. He expected the thread to go in the current direction it is in now. Sorry to disrupt your plan there buddy.

I want all opinions on this site, as nobody should be ashamed of enjoying the PT, as I wish I did. The goal of this site is to get the OOT now on BluRay in the future, and as long as everyone who posts here is a fan of the OOT, and believes it should get the proper restoration, then what anyone thinks of other SW related stuff should not be shouted down by the majority here. I think Gomer stirs stong emotions by many of us, cause he disrespected the OOT in many of his posts and that is why he is not liked here.

No, the reasons for not liking Gomer are many, but it has nothing to do with his opinions on things. I think a lot of us respect his opionions well enough, it has a lot more to do with HOW he delivered his opinions.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

i'm sorry to say it as i've been a star wars fan all my life, i tried really hard to like the prequels.

They are utter garbage and a waste of six hours of my life i'll never get back.

i also hate the 1997 and 2004 special editions since george used them to bury the oot forever, and even permanently alter the negatives a crime as far as i'm concerned.

mr lucas claims to be a film preservationist but butchered the physical negatives to create the 1997 special edition.

from what ive heard he also recalled all remaining film prints and had them destroyed.

only copies known to exist are the library of congress collection and the bfi as well as afi vaults.

and really bad quality 16mm dupes made in the nineties which are not the theatrical versions.

many copies probably ended up on ebay as single reels and not the complete film in 35mm, and im sure their are private collectors out their that george's stormtroopers have not gotten to, yet.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

No, the reasons for not liking Gomer are many, but it has nothing to do with his opinions on things. I think a lot of us respect his opionions well enough, it has a lot more to do with HOW he delivered his opinions.

Well, I was lurking around a bit on theforce boards and came across a post made by Go-mer-tonic about one of the prequels today which reads:

'I don't think anyone ever hated Episode II, and I don't know where anyone got that impression.'


HAH. I know I shouldn't pay attention to stuff like this, but still =) He's been posting on every star wars forum in internet history and thinks no one hates Attack of the clones?
Ok! I like Sith. I like it for what it is...the end to a trilogy. I like the pacing, the music, the colours, even the acting is miles better than the first two. Yeah, there are shit moments, but, I dunno, there's something I just really like about Revenge of the Sith.

A little story....

Just after ROTS was released in the cinema I managed to get hold of a decent pirate copy. My mate came over one night. The missus was out so happy days. These were the days when I used to pop and snort a lot of bad things (kids...drugs are bad..don't try this at home). Anyhow, my mate had some pills..Popped a few and sat down to watch Sith. Man, I just fell in love with that film there and then (may have been the drugs..who knows)..But from that day on I just really like watching, IMO the best of a bad bunch!

Oh...check this out...I think it's from a forum member here...goodmusician....it's a different take on the ending Ep3...and done pretty well!



Originally posted by: HotRod
Just after ROTS was released in the cinema I managed to get hold of a decent pirate copy. My mate came over one night. The missus was out so happy days. These were the days when I used to pop and snort a lot of bad things (kids...drugs are bad..don't try this at home). Anyhow, my mate had some pills..Popped a few and sat down to watch Sith. Man, I just fell in love with that film there and then (may have been the drugs..who knows)..But from that day on I just really like watching, IMO the best of a bad bunch!

I'm pretty sure any OOT fan needs drugs to really like the prequels.

Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.
For me ROTS represents the failure of the SW saga in general; it is painful for me because it so strongly represents what could have been with the PT and maybe the saga in general. I used to think that ROTS was the worst movie of all time, but now I am a little wiser about its value. But sorry, ROTS is synomynous with FAILURE to me.
On a second note, it also kind of reflects the GOUT, as that could have been our holy grail, but just the small fact that it was non-anamoprphic killed the franchise for all of us and represents the obstinance of Lucas, as many in hollywood still consider ROTS to be the next masterpiece and well-crafted, which it is not.
Originally posted by: generalfrevious

many in hollywood still consider ROTS to be the next masterpiece and well-crafted, which it is not.

I am not sure if anyone in Hollywood considers ROTS a masterpiece. I would need to see some evidence to believe it, and I imagine even then I would feel a bit stunned. I am pretty sure the only people touting this film as a masterpiece are LFL employees and extreme fans of the prequels. Hollywood pumps out a lot of really crappy films every year, but I am pretty sure even the makers of these crappy films see ROTS as a joke of a film.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Frevious might be referring to the large amount of positive reviews it received from critics. Hollywood is a different story, and I'd be curious to know what Johnston, Fincher, Darabont, etc have to say about the SE and the PT.
ROTS got glowing reviews in '05 for the same reason AOTC got pretty good reviews in '02, they seemed at the time that they were better then the previous installment.

I remember in 2002 when AOTC came out, everyone said SW was back from the early reviews. Less Jar Jar, no Jake Lloyd, more ObiWan, Anakin goes on a killing spree....... I still say AOTC is better then TPM, and at the time I kinda bought into those ideas, but years later and after getting a chance to watch it on DVD, it isn't THAT much better.

Rewind to 2005 when ROTS came out, everyone said THIS was the Prequel movie everyone waited for: Darth Vader is born, you see Luke/Leia, the duel, The Emperor revealed, the jedi are taken out........ I still say ROTS is better then AOTC, and at the time I kinda bought into those ideas, but years later and after getting a chance to watch it on DVD, it isn't THAT much better.

Does anyone notice I repeated myself word for word with each PT movie and how feel today? TPM set the bar so low for future SW movies, that anything that was tolerable was considered good, and anything that was good was considered great. So yeah, alot of people liked ROTS, but that doesn't mean they thought it was a classic movie, they just thought it was better then those other two turds, Episode I & II.

The ironic thing is ROTJ suffers from the EXACT opposite reviews from the fanbase, cause it doesn't live up to SW & ESB, as ROTS aint as bad as TPM & AOTC. That is why ROTS got good reviews at the time, and I guarantee if ROTS was released in 1983, it wouldn't have gotten the positive reviews it did in 2005.