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Anomalous phenomenon thread — Page 2

Yeah, I don't recommend anyone try it. My curiosity got the better of me and luckily nothing bad happened (yet). I also was doing it with someone who (seemed to) know what they were doing and she would step in and move the coin to 'exit' or whatevr it is to end it if she thought the spirit was 'bad'.

But yeah, don't do it kids. Trust me, it's real - no need for you to try it yourself.

War does not make one great.

I'm interested. The supernatural does not scare me. Where does one find one of these boards, as I don't think I've seen them at any local stores?
Did you listen to anything we just said? Seriously Adam, it is interesting, and I gave in to temptation so I can't talk, but I urge you to not dabble. You may not be afraid, but in the words of Yoda, you will be. Sage is right - you might unlock something you don't want to. Even if it is all a bunch of crap and there is no afterlife, and the board is just latching on to your own thought patterns, or maybe it's just all in the users imagination and if they want it to work it will - whatever the case may be, I gaurantee you it will still mess with you mentally and keep you awake at night for a while afterwards. Please don't do it. I know you and I don't get along too well but I don't want anything nasty happening to you. Personally I would never do it again. It wasn't even scary for me or anything, but I just feel in my bones that I shouldn't have done it. Make of that what you will.

War does not make one great.

To me it would be a test to see if an afterlife exists, or at least some sort of supernatural force. If I can find one of those boards, I am going to attempt to contact some of my dead relatives. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, and judging from what you guys posted, it would be a little creepy, but... interest has got the best of me here. It makes me even more curious when you say I might unlock something I might not want to. You see, it is quite likely that the entire experience from the board is from our imagination, and not from an outside source. It may be us consciously moving the piece over the letters of the board, etc. I don't know, but I would to test this board to see if I find the experience to be real.

BTW, what was it that made you feel you should have not used the board?
"The supernatural does not scare me."

...where angels fear to tread...

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
"The supernatural does not scare me."

...where angels fear to tread...

the only afterlife you would probaby belive in is a star wars one
"Yub Knub" by Warrick Davis
Originally posted by: kev
the only afterlife you would probaby belive in is a star wars one

I'm just really fascinated by the whole thing. Maybe it is real, but then again maybe it's just "all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense."
Why don't you try building a Spiricom instead? That should keep you busy for a while. Let me know if it works.

War does not make one great.

Gah! You can have my Ouija board, Adam....I'm not touching that again.
Originally posted by: sybeman
Gah! You can have my Ouija board, Adam....I'm not touching that again.

So, what's your story?
You know, if I was a billionaire with nothing better to spend my moeny on, I think I would pay someone to build me a Spiricom.

Anyway, Sybe, what's your Oiuja story?

War does not make one great.

Another one:

Same thing about my dad's family...very old school, very hard nosed. They lived in a house during WWII that was a two-family house. The owners were Italian and they got along very well with eachother. Anyway, the house was haunted. I heard my grandmother and dad tell on multiple occasions that there was something "wrong" there. For example, my grandmother put a statue of Mary in their bedroom, and one night my grandfather woke up and saw a dark figure wearing a shroud praying to the statue, at which point he spoke to it but then immediately was forced back to sleep.

My grandparents would tell the landlords about it, and they would never believe it. However, one night they did hear something and the oldman retrieved his shotgun and told his wife to open the door and get out of the way because the noise was right outside the door. She did so and there was nothing there. My dad also had an uncle who boarded with them for a time that had some bad experiences. He got some holy water from a local church and sprinkled it in the house, at which time the disturbances stopped, however they eventually returned. My dad also had an incident when everyone else was on vacation and he was alone for the week. One night he was walking home and he knew that all the lights had been left off. When he got close to the house all the lights were on, then he could not look at the house because he knew that he was being watched.

At my grandmother's funeral in 95, my dad's other uncle, who was very intelligent, softspoken and not given to making things up was talking to my dad in one of the rooms in the funeral home. I myself heard them start talking about the house when the uncle said to my dad "You know, that place was haunted". My dad almost started crying and said "We thought we were the only ones who believed it". He had a VAST look of relief in his face and you could hear it in his voice. I was shocked to hear this.

Keep in mind that with the exception of that particular incident, they told me these things 40 years later after the house was long gone, but I heard it from multiple people on multiple occasions. Also, my dad still has terrifying nightmares about the house.
Nemo me impune lacessit

Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
You know, if I was a billionaire with nothing better to spend my moeny on, I think I would pay someone to build me a Spiricom.

I would too (by the way, it's Spookyphone 2000 now, not Spiricom ). But I wouldn't use t, I would hire someone to use it, and then ask him how it was. If I used it myself, by the time I got my first "hello" from a dead guy I would scream and turn the thing out of the plug. "Gaaah that was too scary! Why did I build that damn thing!?"

Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
"The supernatural does not scare me."

...where angels fear to tread...

But, is there any reasons to fear it? I mean, if those "spirits" are real, what can they do to us? Harm us in which way, besides scaring us?
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Originally posted by: ricarleite
Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
You know, if I was a billionaire with nothing better to spend my moeny on, I think I would pay someone to build me a Spiricom.

I would too (by the way, it's Spookyphone 2000 now, not Spiricom ). But I wouldn't use t, I would hire someone to use it, and then ask him how it was. If I used it myself, by the time I got my first "hello" from a dead guy I would scream and turn the thing out of the plug. "Gaaah that was too scary! Why did I build that damn thing!?"

Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
"The supernatural does not scare me."

...where angels fear to tread...

But, is there any reasons to fear it? I mean, if those "spirits" are real, what can they do to us? Harm us in which way, besides scaring us?

There are cases in which people are sorely abused by these entities. Probably the most famous case being The Bell Witch. I've done a great deal of reading on that particular case and believe it to have been quite real. Also, there is a place in the state where I live that has a long history of malevolent things happening to the people who would go there to "see" the spirits. The state police now arrest anyone trying to go there.

Bell Witch
Nemo me impune lacessit

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
That's not anomalous, Sean! Everyone knows the Gremlins are to blame for that!

Like the 1980's movie kind?
Originally posted by: sean wookie
Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
That's not anomalous, Sean! Everyone knows the Gremlins are to blame for that!

Like the 1980's movie kind?

No, like the Bugs Bunny kind.

Or that old disney channel show So Weird kind.

William Shatner on a plane kind also works, but not as well.
"Throw the alien down the well / So my country can be free!"
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
Definitely gonna have a read of that Bell Witch info Sage. But in the meantime...

Texans United Against Grey Aliens

It's pretty creepy. Think its the only case in history where an "entity" has been directly tied to a murder.

There was a movie made on it called The Bell Witch Haunting that my dad and I picked up for Halloween. It was done by a local production company in the area of the haunting, but I must say, for low budget independent production the quality of the DVD is fantastic. There's another one in the works called "Our Family Troubles" which is "based" on a book by one of the family members, however in typical Hollywood fashion it will resemble the book in name only.
Nemo me impune lacessit

I was just chatting with my boss and somehow we got chatting about UFOs. He told me that years ago he was driving down a coutry road when a silent floating light in the sky started following him. I asked him where it happened and then done a quick Google search and this is what I found:

The English Roswell


War does not make one great.

Originally posted by: ricarleite
Bossk, about the dead air thing, I've heard radios go out for minutes/hours/days without explanation from the radio stations (happened this week with my favorite radio station), but that was not the case with you.

It doesn't happen that often here in the States. Radio producers are very fickle, and dead air is bad for business. I think I've heard dead air three times in my life and only for a few seconds. That time, though, was just far too long with no acknowledgment of a problem. So, yeah, it was not regular dead air like you said.

MBJ, sorry to freak you out there. I always found it calming to think about. In fact, I've even jumped the fence to visit my friend in the cemetery at night and that never freaked me out either. My friend's spirit doesn't seem to allow it. Other cemeteries at night typically freak me out.

YIYF, I've done the whole Ouija Board thing too. Once. And only once. It worked. And I've tried long and hard to put the memories of it out of my head. Scared the living daylights out of me. Guess it didn't help that the movie Witchboard came out around the same time that I was playing with this thing.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic