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Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [COMPLETE!] - Thanks to NFBisms! — Page 2


Links coming your way guys.

And that’s movie 3 rendering now, after which I’ll upload it - but I probably won’t be able to share links till the morning. I’m very happy with all the audio transitions, I think they really work and match the spirit of the original. This movie’s far more complex so I’m calling it a workprint for now until I’m sure I’ve crushed any bugs.

Speaking of which, I wonder what to call these individually?
I’d like to call movie 3 ‘Prisoners’ since that works for Andor, Mon, and Syril. But I’ve no idea what to call the others.

Movie 4 should take less time than a day, since it’s got about 60% of the transitions of movie 3, but I might have to work on it piecemeal through the week.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


EddieDean said:

If anyone has any ideas for a name for this subfranchise, let me know. And any simple poster art would be welcomed.

I could just call it ‘Andor: Refocused’, to keep it on brand, but I don’t really have a strong feeling. ‘Andor: Four Movies, Nothing Removed’ could also be useful to illustrate what it is. My current project working title is simply AndorByFour, but at the end of the day this’ll be nine things.

I know that having Andor in the name would do a lot for recognition, but there’s so much going on that isn’t related to Cassian Andor, especially if Rogue One ends up being a part of this.

“Spark of Rebellion” feels so overdone at this point, but maybe some sort of name like that which captures the idea that this is the story of how a Rebellion is formed?

The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition - [ON HOLD]


For me, Andor strikes very much at the double edged sword of rebellion. Other Star Wars stories focus on heroics, and saving the day with a general leaning towards happiness. There triumphs and tribulations, sure, but nothing shows the bleakness and hardships required to make effective political change as much as Andor.

I think Luthen’s monologue hits exactly the right term “Sacrifice”. “Andor: Sacrifices” probably wouldn’t work, but something along the lines of “The Price of Rebellion” might be more towards what we’re looking for.


I think you’re absolutely on the right track, something about the sacrifices made for a bigger cause would be perfect.

Maybe something using the word Martyr or Martyrdom? It gets at the idea of sacrifice from a character-based perspective, and it’s definitely not a word a lot of project titles have used.

The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition - [ON HOLD]


I do like Sacrifice a lot, but for the project I was thinking something more descriptive than artistic, because I like people to know what they’re getting. I’d go with ‘Andor: The Movie Structure’ but I don’t want to disparage or compete with others who have already converted it into movies. Perhaps just ‘A Movie Series Restructure’, since that’s the most direct and honest. Or even something more unwieldy like ‘All Movies; Nothing Cut’. This project exists solely for people who think “Please don’t edit Andor, it’s perfect… I’d take it as movies though.”

That said, I’ll call movie four ‘Sacrifices’ for sure, for Luthen, Kreegyr, Vel and Cinta’s relationship, and Mon('s daughter). Plus Maarva’s death being the trigger.

What about movies one and two? For one I’d go ‘Fugitive’ but he’s not quite that. A few characters have something they desperately want in this one, but I can’t think of a word for that. There are also a few dissidents, or wrenches in the machine- people operating out of the normal bounds of what is required or expected. Plus the flashbacks to a tribal way of living interrupted by outside influence.

(‘Excession’ is a lovely not-quite word I could use here, borrowed lovingly from sci-fi author Iain M Banks, who uses it to mean both people exceeding their bounds/remit and a culture having to deal with an ‘Outside Context Problem’ of an external civilization they can’t possibly comprehend.)

Movie two is the Aldhani heist, Mon’s domestic troubles, and Dedra’s workplace conflict. But it’s also the triggering/inciting event- later called the “Announcement”.

I’m not intending to treat these names as something formal enough that it needs hardcoding visually into the movies themselves, just their labels really.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Andor: Rearranged (so it’s kinda similar to your Refocused)
Andor: The “Nothing Has Been Cut” Cut
But then give each movie a title like…
Birth of Rebellion


Sticking with your one-word titles, I would suggest “call” or “calling” for episode one, given both Cassian’s search for his sister, Syril’s sense of duty and the literal call leading both Luthen and the Morlana security dispatch to Ferrix.

For part two I would suggest “Struggle”.

EddieDean said:

What about movies one and two? For one I’d go ‘Fugitive’ but he’s not quite that. A few characters have something they desperately want in this one, but I can’t think of a word for that.

Maybe “Longing” could convey that.

These things aside, can I get a link, please?

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


mikebailey15 said:

Andor: Rearranged (so it’s kinda similar to your Refocused)
Andor: The “Nothing Has Been Cut” Cut
But then give each movie a title like…
Birth of Rebellion

What about Andor: The “Nothing Has Been” Cut? 😉

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


I’d love to check these out once all four movies are available. Sounds so exciting!


The overarching title could use something like Omnibus or Collection? I know that there is some rearranging of scenes but since the intent is presenting the story arcs as they are, I feel like collection-related words get that point across well.

As for the movie titles, maybe movie one could be “Incitement”? Or something implying an awakening to one’s surroundings or reality.

I don’t have anything off the top of my head for movie two, but there seems to be a theme of fragility being explored or exploited in the different plots? I’m working from memory here so I could be off.

The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition - [ON HOLD]


Loving this input folks, thank you. I’ve just watched movie 1 with my girlfriend and I absolutely loved digesting those three episodes as one discrete block, so I can’t wait to test the rest and I’m really hoping that my patching of the new seams holds. I’ll honour those new requests shortly.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


And that’s movie 3 (WORKPRINT) uploaded now. I’ve double-checked the transitions but it might still have bugs- please point them out to me. I’ll send links to everyone who’s already requested it.

I’ll be as quick as I can with movie #4.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


“Eye of Aldhani” or just “The Eye” for movie 2.


How about “Discontent” for movie two?

It describes Mon Mothma’s home life, and the internal politics of the ISB. It also reflects the views of the few natives that still go to watch The Eye on Aldhani.


I like “Announcement” for the second movie title. Its events are referred to as such later in the series.


I think ‘Announcement’ is probably our strongest name yet for movie two, following the theme of ‘what people in-universe call things’.

I’m also pleased to report I’m over halfway through all the necessary transitions for movie #4! Had a couple of messy bits that needed a bit more restructuring, but I’ve got it all playing out nice and smooth now! As with movie 3 there’s a little bit of implicit time passing between some scenes (Dedra says “I’m off back to Coruscant” then there she is, for example), but it’s necessary for the flow and I don’t think it’s problematic. (In that example instance I think it really fits anyway, due to the way the dialogue carries through smoothly.)

For that running tally of absolute minimum cuts, I’ve had to cut twelve more frames for audio blend pacing, plus six seconds of Kleya walking plus a few more seconds of Bik’s cell window, though in the latter case I’ve found a really lovely opportunity to include what might otherwise have been an orphaned scene.

I feel like I’ve got this all very smooth. Where I have the option, I’ve been trying to match scenes as nicely as possible to maintain flow. I’ve got some nice smooth transitions that weren’t in the original episodes - things like Syril being frustrated with his food bowl transitioning into Melchi enjoying prison food from his bowl, and people walking offscreen in one scene matching footsteps with people walking onscreen in the next scene. I feel like I’m really doing it justice, which is important to me.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


In a pleasant suprise, I had less work to do on the second half of movie four - I’d over-cut it while I was working on the reordering, so most ‘new transitions’ weren’t new at all, and I was able to just use the original ordering in a lot more places. So the job is done!

That’s movie 4 (of 4) rendering now, folks!

I hope to have it with you in a few hours once it’s checked and uploaded.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


I’ll definitely use these for a rewatch some time! Such a simple idea but really worth it. The re-arrangement ideas really highlight how tight this show was, not a single thing wasted.

I skimmed through to review your connective points, and actually had a few thoughts, though nothing too major. (Movie 2 is flawless on this front)

Something I might miss in this format are the credit drop moments, there’s something about not being able to sit with “Never more than twelve” in Movie 3 that is a little disappointing. There might be a better scene to transition to with more lead time than that Mothma dining room scene though. I was thinking you could switch it out with the scene of Syril in front of the ISB? There is a little more establishing shot and space before Syril stops Dedra. Whereas you currently have Perrin immediately talking over the fading synths from the previous scene. I also think the Vel/Mothma sequence might ramp up to prison break day a little better.

Movie 1’s transitions were the most obvious to me, and this is actually where I would be in favor of cutting ever so slightly more, or finding a new arrangement, at least a tiny bit of the Kenari segment. Maybe even just some rescoring work. I haven’t thought too hard about it yet, but I found both transitions a bit jarring.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


Yes, there’s definitely a little lost in having to continue directly from the ‘mic drop’ moments from the end of original episodes, and a little additional reordering or rescoring might be valuable there. I’ll take any suggestions there as I do any more polish. I’d be interested to know what other Andor edits have done with those moments, if anyone’s aware.

The workprint for movie 4 is rendered, so that’s uploading now. Should be a couple of hours at the most.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Movie #4 complete!

That’s available now. I’ve sent links to everyone I’ve already sent 1-3 to. PM me for links if you’d like them.

Like the earlier ones, this one’s got a lot of new transitions in it, so please point out anything that doesn’t work for you and I’ll get to fixin’!

Please enjoy!

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus