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Andor EP2: The Reckoning 4K [RELEASED]


Here is Episode 2 of my Andor Saga.
Running time is 2h 57mins, exactly the same as Episode 1. Its bulky but the material is just so damn good that the time flies by.

Available as:
Uncompressed 1080 MP4 [9.6GB]
Compressed 4K MKV [4.0GB]

Here is a list of the changes:

Broad Changes

The Movie has been edited to introduce a time skip between this and Andor Episode 1. During the time skip the Vel has disposed of the hauler, the stolen credits have been hidden by the rebel network, Dedra has continued her investigation into the rebels and Andor has assumed a new identity.
Andor has been captured off screen to eliminate the Niamos scenes. His capture is explained in the opening text.
The remaining elements of Episode 7 have been used as the opening scenes to set up that everyone is trying to hunt down Andor, unaware that he is en route to an Imperial prison under an assumed name.
Syril’s Coruscant scenes that were cut from the previous edit are utilised but his mother is cut completely.
Vel now leaves Coruscant after she is ordered to find Andor and doesnt return. Her connection to Mon Mothma is absent.
Linus Mosk is cut completely. This gives Syril’s character more strength and autonomy. Syril’s presence on Ferrix is largely cut. He only appears when he rescues Dedra.
Andor’s return to Ferrix from EPisode 7 is utilised as two dream flashback sequences whilst he’s on Narkina-5. These scenes are essential for Andor and Marrva’s character arcs and the ISB’s investigations but don’t work well if used chronologically.
Scenes involving Mon Mothma and her family are largely cut. Only the basic plot requiring her to sacrifice her daughter remains.
There has been a vast restructuring in this edit with a lot of scenes moved around. This required numerous new audio transitions requiring combinations of audio rebuild, rescore and use of audio revurb to make them seemless.

Detailed Changes
Opening sequence and text to match Episode 1
Syril’s arrival on Coruscant from EP4 is intercut with Kleya meeting with Vel from EP7 and Dedra briefing Yularen and the ISB from EP8. Syril arrives at the appartment but his mother is cut.
The sequnce ends with Syril in his room looking at the hologram of Andor. Here I have cut together two seperate scenes to give it length and emotianl weight. the audio has been rebuilt and scored using a segment of the Episode 5 Main theme.
This sequence sets up the theme of the movie…… everyone is looking for Andor.

Episode 8
Sharp cut to Andor arriving on Narkina. The arrival sequence is edited to be continuous as the ISB scene is part of the opening sequence.
Cut to Syril arriving for his first day at the Bureau of Standards from EP7. The external shot has been removed and replaced with a repeat shot from within the bureau with rebuilt audio to remove intro music.
Cut to Andor in his prison uniform, being delivered to his unit. The sequence is shortened to remove the uneccessary interplay between the guards about staffing levels.
The “sprint segment" on the factory floor has been cut.
Cut from Andor’s shocked face to Syril at his Bureau work station from EP7. Use of revurb on the machiinery audio leads nicely into the silence of the Bureau. The audio in the Bureau scene has been rebuilt to remove the music. The monotonous background hum of the Bureau works much better to show Syril’s plight following the events of Episode 1.
Cut to Andor on the bridge at the end of the shift. The orientation sequence plays out as one continuous scene with the Mon Mothma scenes removed and placed later in the edit. I’ve used Syrils scenes as the juxaposition to Andor rather than the Mon Mothma scenes. Mon Mothma has no connection to Andor, whereas Syril’s arc is driven entriely by his obsession with Andor.
We cut from Andor reflecting in the darkness of his pod to the first of 2 flashback scenes using footage of his return to Ferrix from EP7. This first flashback is of Andor returning to Maarva’s house and her agreeing to leave ferrix with him. The audio is rebuilt to remove the music. Sound effects are added as an intro to the flashback.
Cut to shot of the hot prison floor and pan to Andor in the dark leading to the "30 shifts later” timejump. This scene is used upto the point where the prisoners leave the shower and pick up their clothing.
Cut to Syril at the Bureau as the ISB arrive to take him in for questioning. End cue from the Fuel purity track is used as the inro transition. The audio at the end of the scene is rebuilt to remove the music and a version of Syril Suite music cue from Episode 11 is used as the outro music.
Hard cut straight to Syril in the ISB interrogation room as Dedra arrives. Audio at the start is rebuilt to remove the music, allowing the music from the previous scene to transition through.
Cut to the prison as a normal shift unfolds.
Cut to Syril’s second interrogation scene.
Cut to Ferrix scenes of Brasso and Bix with Maarva and the watching Vel and Sinta. Vel and Sinta’s scene is heavily edited to remove reference to Vel leaving Sinta on her own.
Ferrix and Luthen/Cleya scenes play out in sequence but with the scene of Vel leaving Ferrix being cut and removing Luthen “not knowing what he knows” when talking about Andor.
Cut to nightime prison scene where the prisoner is about to commit suicide. Added in shot of Andor sleeping. Then cut to the second Ferrix Flashback scene where Maarva tells Andor she is staying on Ferrix. The Flashback of young Andor v the Clones is removed to avoid having a flashback within a flashback - it is used later. Cut Maarva “That’s just love… nothing you can do about that” - those lines never sat well with me. Edit Andor’s exit to cut references to Andor’s sister. AUdio rebuilt and the end of the Maarva’s Rebellion track used as the ooutro music.
Cut back to a reversed, trimmed shot of the prison at nightime and Andor sleeping as the fellow prisoner jumps to his death.
Cut back to Ferrix scene where Bix is spotted - “Get Heeeeeer” is cut.
Cut to Luthen and Saw. Part of Saw’s rant is removed.
Cut to Bix’s capture and meeting with Dedra.
Cut to the Prison floor…. Only the very start of this scene is used and combined with the frist prison scene of Episode 9 to create a single scene.

Episode 9
First prison scene moved up to provide a spacer between the Bix/Dedra scene at the end of the last episode and start of this episode. Audio revurb used to create an ominous audio transition that cuts straight to Dedra turning around to face Bix.
Audio rebuilt at the start of the Bix/Dedra scene to remove the music, allowing the revurb audio to transition through.
The torture scenes have been removed. I’ve gone with the ANH tactic with the torture being implied rather than shown. It also helped with the pacing. We see the suggestion of the torture, the results of it and the information gained from it.
Mon Mothma/Vel scenes cut with these scenes replaced with the Mon Mothma political gathering scenes from EP8. These follow on from her senate scene with the middle of the three scenes being cut completely.
Syril’s mother is cut.
The ISB scene where Dedra briefs Partagaz on Bix’s interrogation is moved back and follows on from the final Mothma scene. This scene then transitions with a wipe to the next day at the Narkia 5 prison.
The Syril/Dedra scene is edited to make Syril appear less creepy. “Have you been waiting out here…… Yes”, “Being in your presence” and “I sense it, I know it” have been cut. This scene is cut into 2 parts. As Dedra walks into the ISB building we cut to the next Prison floor scene and then back to Dedra as she arrives at her office.
Removed the prison doctor “He’s had a massive stroke” - I dont like “earthy” langage in my Star Wars!
Moved the last ISB briefing scene to the end to provide a spacer scene between the prison scene at the end of this episode and the start of the next.

Episode 10
Cut Ulaf’s body being taken through the factory floor.
Cut Mon Mothma “I’d feel far more comfotable paying you for your trouble” - sounds like something out of a west end musical!
Cut first 2 clips of Andor cutting the pipe - we have already seen him working on that pipe but it looks untouched.
Trim the sequence of the new prisoner being prepped for dropping onto the floor - speeds up the sequenece.
Trimmed the breakout sequence. The floor is activated a lot earlier, as it should have been.
Cut the shot of water dripping through the ceiling of another floor.
Cut Kino hesitating and not knowing what to say over tannoy.
Trimmed Lonni’s journey in the lift.
Cut references to Lonni’s child.
Cut to Melshi and Andor running… audio rebuilt and re-scored using “Tell me they’re leaving”. Wipe transition to Chapter 11 scene at Maarva’s house.

Episode 11
Cut Andor and Melshi on the cliff.
Cut Andor and Melshi’s capture and escape with the aliens - poorly executed scenes. Having their escape happen off screen works just as well.
Cut Vel and Kleya scene.
Cut Vel and Mon Mothma scene.
Cut Brasso - B2 scene.
Cut scene where Bix is asked about Anto Kreeger.
Cut Syril/Linus scene.
Keep scene of Syril emptying his safe but cut his mother leaving the apartment.
Cut Melchi from the Niamos scene - implies that Melchi and Andor already agreed to separate before this point.
Move the Fondor battle scene to the end to provide a better transition into the next episode.

Episode 12
Cut first scene of Wilmon making the bomb.
Edit Vel/Cinta scene to remove references to Vel coming back - she has been there the whole time.
Edit scene when Andor touches his father’s brick so that the flashback is of him being killed by the Clone Troopers - provides a more powerful resolution to the story.
Cut Luthen speeder sequence.
Cut all scenes involving Linus and Cyril. Cyrils’ presence on Ferrix is unknown until the point where he rescues Deedra.
Trim the funeral band procession to speed up the pacing.
Cut the extended pause during Maarva’s hologram speech.
Cut Bix refusing to leave with Andor.
Add post credits Death Star scene as the final scene before cut to credits.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


I am not 100% sure what exactly you would be looking for, but I believe there are some images in the links below that occur during the prison break and after. I hope there is something here that is helpful.

I apologize in advance if there is an excess of links below.








What scenes do you intend on cutting? Hope it’s not huge since this arc was by far my favourite of the series


honestabe said:

I am not 100% sure what exactly you would be looking for, but I believe there are some images in the links below that occur during the prison break and after. I hope there is something here that is helpful.

I apologize in advance if there is an excess of links below.







Thanks. Yes that’s what I was looking for. Sadly nothing really coverart worthy in there. I’ll have to do a photoshop job on a screen grab from the series.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


yoshif8tures said:

What scenes do you intend on cutting? Hope it’s not huge since this arc was by far my favourite of the series

I haven’t gone through the prison arc in detail. So far I’ve been concentrating on pulling together the other plot threads and figuring out how to work them around the prison arc.

The only decision I’ve made so far regarding the prison arc is to cut the Niaomos scenes - the shoretrooper dialogue and kangaroo court scene really didn’t sit well with me. So the edit will open by establishing what is happening with Syril, Vel, Kleya and Deedra. Basically everyone is looking for Andor. Then it will cut to Andor en route to Narkina 5.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


I think most of us will agree that the prison arc was the best part of “Andor” so far, the creme de la creme. I think Ep II should heavily focus on this storyline 😉

Preferred saga:
EI (DVD version) • EII (Blu-Ray) • CW (DVD) • TCW (smudger9’s fanedit) • ROTS (Octorox’s Extended version) •RO, Solo (originals) • Andor (smudger9’s episode I and EddieDean’s ep. 3-4) • OT (2004’s DVD) • Mando (s01: smudger9’s fanedit, s02: original) • TBOBF (smudger9’s) • TFA, TLJ (originals) • TROS - HAL’s edit


szopman said:

I think most of us will agree that the prison arc was the best part of “Andor” so far, the creme de la creme. I think Ep II should heavily focus on this storyline 😉

Oh it will…… it will be the spine of the edit. However, like the rest of Andor, it just needs a small injection of “faster, more intense”.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


How much of Cyril’s mother do you plan to include in this portion of your edit?

I personally agree with his personal character development, but I felt his mother was easily the worst part of the show whose primary role appeared to diminish his character.


honestabe said:

How much of Cyril’s mother do you plan to include in this portion of your edit?

I personally agree with his personal character development, but I felt his mother was easily the worst part of the show whose primary role appeared to diminish his character.

Funny you should say that. I’m currently trying to work out if I can cut her out completely!

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


So having completed the first cut I’m now working my way through the second cut.

I’ve completed the first 35 mins, which is probably the toughest part because I need to incorporate some scenes from episodes 4, 5, 6 and 7 that I left out of episode 1.

I’ve uploaded this segment to googledrive. If anyone is keen to watch and offer feedback send me a PM. It’s a second cut so some of the music transitions are incomplete.

What I’ve done with the first act is:

Open on Coruscant and intercut between Syril arriving on Coruscant, Kleya meeting Vel and Dedra briefing Yularen and the ISB… “everyone is looking for Andor”. I then cut straight from Syril looking at Andor’s hologram to Andor arriving on Narkina.

Syril’s mother has been cut from the edit to give Syril a stronger character.

Andor’s first shift on Narkina is intercut with Syril’s first day at the Bureau of Standards. This provides a much better juxtaposition than Mon Mothma’s social gathering.

I then use the nighttime Narkina scene with the time skip to do 2 things.
Firstly to introduce the first of 2 flashback scenes of Cassian’s return to Ferrix shortly after the heist. These were cut from episode 1 because of the effect his return to Ferrix had on the pacing, but his scenes with Maarva are crucial to the plot going forwards and Cassian’s character development.
Secondly, to tie in Cyril’s job at the Bureau of Standards with the time skip, fitting in with Dedra’s lines about his search for Andor.

This puts me back onto the chronological timeline of the series from the midpoint of episode 8 apart from the first meeting of Mon Mothma and Tay, which will be moved to later in the edit.

I have edited Vel and Cinta’s first scene on Ferrix to remove reference to Vel leaving. In this edit Vel will remain on Ferrix. Her trip back to Coruscant and connection to Mon Mothma add nothing to the story.

The second Cassian-Maarva flashback scene is slotted into the scene where Cassian is awoken by the Narking Suicide. Maarva’s references to Cassian’s sister have been cut.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


yoshif8tures said:

Drop me a link and I’ll preview it

Amazing. Thanks. PM sent

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


Hi, I find your project really interesting, it’s super cool. I just had a question do you think it’s possible to edit all of season one into a three hour movie?


Coach Courbis said:

Hi, I find your project really interesting, it’s super cool. I just had a question do you think it’s possible to edit all of season one into a three hour movie?

Not quite, which is frustrating because a single 3-hour movie would have been amazing.

I tried a rough cut but ultimately there is just too much material to squeeze into 3 hours. The best I could manage was 3h20 and that involved some brutal cutting which definitely resulted in some of the important story beats being lost.

It’s a shame because there is a 3-act movie in there…… escape from ferrix, Aldhani heist and return to Ferrix. The whole prison storyline is lost, but I was quite happy to lose that.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


I’ve managed to make major inroads into this edit this week.
I have completed the second cut, built the 5.1 Soundmix and done a third scan of the transition points.
It weighs in at 2h57, which is curiously exactly the same length as Episode 1. I would have liked it slightly shorter, but the material is just so good I didn’t want to make excessive cuts and lose the story beats.
All that is left are 8 audio transitions that need a little work including one that needs re-scoring.
It is shaping up really nicely.
Here is the list of alterations.

Broad Changes

Edited to introduce a time skip between this and the previous movie edit.
Andor is captured off screen during the time skip to eliminate the Niamos scenes. His capture is explained in the opening text.
The remaining elements of Episode 7 have been used as the opening scenes to set the hunt for Andor as the driver of the first act.
Syril’s Coruscant scenes that were cut from the previous edit are utilised but his mother is removed. His scenes at the Bureau of Standards are used as a juxtaposition to Andor’s scenes in prison - this makes far more sense than using Mon Mothma, which is how Episode 8 was cut.
Vel now leaves Coruscant after she is ordered to find Andor and doesn’t return. Her unnecessary connection to Mon Mothma is removed.
Linus Mosk is cut completely. This gives Syril’s character more strength and autonomy. Syril’s presence on Ferrix is largely cut. He only appears when he rescues Dedra.
Andor’s return to Ferrix from Episode 7 is utilised for two dream flashback sequences whilst he’s on Narkina-5. Using these scenes chronologocally impacted on the pacing and structure of the two movies, so they had to be removed. They are, however, essential for Andor and Marrva’s character arcs and the ISB’s investigations.
Mon Mothma’s scenes are largely cut. Only the basic plot regarding her finances and sacrifice of her daughter remains.

Detailed Changes
Opening sequence and text to match Episode 1
Syril’s arrival on Coruscant from EP4 is intercut with Kleya meeting with Vel from EP7 and Dedra briefing Yularen and the ISB from EP8.
Syril arrives at the appartment but his mother is cut. We then see him in his room looking at the hologram of Andor.

Episode 8
Sharp cut to Andor arriving on Narkina. The arrival sequence is edited to be continuous.
Cut to Syril arriving for his first day at the Bureau of Standards from EP7.
Cut to Andor in his prison uniform being delivered to his unit. Sequence is shortened to remove the uneccessary interplay between the guards about staffing levels.
Sprint segmnent on the factory floor is cut.
Cut from Andor’s face as he realises what he’s got to do during his sentence, to Syril at his Bureau work station from EP7.
Cut to Andor on the brdge at the end of the shift. The prison dormitory orientation sequence plays out as one scene with the Mon Mothma scenes cut, and placed later in the edit.
We cut from Andor reflecting in the darkness of his pod to the first flashback scene from EP7 on Ferrix where Andor returns for Maarva.
Cut to Andor in the dark pod and the 30 shift timeskip.
Cut to Syril at the Bureau as the ISB arrive to take him in for questioning.
Hard cut straight to Syril in the ISB interrogation room as Dedra arrives.
Cut to the prison as a normal shift unfolds.
Cut to Syril’s second interrogation scene.
Present time Ferrix scenes of Brasso and Bix with Maarva and the watching Vel and Sinta. Vel and Sinta heavily edited to remove reference to Vel leaving Sinta on her own.
Ferrix and Luthen/Cleya scenes play out in sequence but with the scene of Vel leaving Ferrix being cut.
Cut to nightime prison scene where the prisoner is about to commit suicide but add in shot of Andor sleeping. Then cut to the second Ferrix Flashback scene where Maarva tells Andor she is staying on Ferrix. The Flashbacks of young Andor v the Clones are removed to avoid having a flashback within a flashback. Cut Maarva “That’s just love… nothing you can do about that” - those lines never sat well with me. References to Andor’s sister are cut.
Cut back to a reversed, trimmed shot of the prison dormitory and then Andor sleeping as the fellow prisoner jumps to his death.
Cut back to Ferrix scene where Bix is spotted - “Get Heeeeeer” is cut.
Cut to Luthen and Saw. Part of Saw’s rant is removed.
Cut to Bix’s capture and meeting with Dedra.

Episode 9
First prison scene moved up to provide a spacer between the Bix/Dedra scene at the end of the last episdoe and start of this episode.
The torture scenes have been removed. I’ve gone with the ANH tactic with the torture being implied rather than shown. It also helped with the pacing. We see the suggestion of the torture, the results of it and the information gained from it.
Mon Mothma/Vel scenes cut.
Syril’s mother is cut.
2 of the 3 Mon Mothma appartment gathering scenes from Ep8 are moved to here and intercut with the evening/night prison scenes. The middle one is cut. They are introduced after her scene in the Senate.
The Syril/Dedra scene is edited to make Syril appear less creepy. “Have you been waiting out here…… Yes”, “Being in your presence” and “I sense it, I know it” have been cut.
Removed the prison doctor “He’s had a massive stroke” - I dont like “earthy” language in my Star Wars!
Moved the last ISB briefing scene to the end to provide a spacer scene between the prison scene at the end of this episode and the start of the next.

Episode 10
Cut Ulaf’s body being taken through the factory floor.
Cut Mon Mothma “I’d feel far more comfotable paying you for your trouble” - sounds like something out of a west end musical!
Cut first 2 clips of Andor cutting the pipe - we have already seen him working on that pipe but it looks untouched.
Trim the sequence of the new prisoner being prepped for dropping onto the floor - speeds up the sequenece.
Trimmed the breakout sequence. The floor is activated a lot earlier, as it should have been.
Cut the shot of water dripping through the ceiling of another floor.
Cut Kino hesitating and not knowing what to say over the tannoy - I wanted him to appear strong until the point where he admits he can’t swim. A much better character arc.
Trimmed Lonni’s journey in the lift.
Cut references to Lonni’s child.

Episode 11
Cut Andor and Melshi on the cliff.
Cut Andor and Melshi’s capture and escape with the aliens - poorly executed scenes. Having their escape happen off screen works just as well.
Cut Vel and Kleya scene.
Cut Vel and Mon Mothma scene.
Cut Brasso - B2 scene.
Cut scene where Bix is asked about Anto Kreeger.
Cut Scene where Linus contacts Syril.
Keep scene of Syril emptying his safe but cut his mother leaving the apartment.
Cut Melchi from the Niamos scene - implies that Melchi and Andor already agreed to separate before this point.
Move the Fondor battle scene to the end to provide a better transition into the next episode.

Episode 12
Cut first scene of Wilmon making the bomb.
Edit Vel/Cinta scene to remove references to Vel coming back - she has been there the whole time.
Edit scene when Andor touches his father’s brick so that the flashback is of him being killed by the Clone Troopers - provides a more powerful resolution to the story.
Cut Luthen speeder sequence.
Cut all scenes involving Linus and Cyril. Cyril’s presence on Ferrix is unknown until the point where he rescues Deedra.
Trim the funeral band procession to speed up the pacing.
Cut the extended pause during Maarva’s hologram speech.
Cut Bix refusing to leave with Andor.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


Just tinkering with the artwork. The logo needs to be changed to “The Reckoning”. Which of the images do people prefer. There were no decent concept art images of the second half of the season, so I had to put some together myself from screencaps.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


I think the last picture works best for the “The Reckoning” title!


I agree with WitchDR that the last picture appears as the best for what you are trying to accomplish the Reckoning title.

In between the first 2, I personally like the first one better. I like Andor looking away by himself in a confined space. It comes across as ominous with a sense of hopelessness to me. That image would be better suited if you were looking for a sense of dread.


1st image is the best. Also may I have a link to watch/preview it please?


smudger9 said:

I’ve managed to make major inroads into this edit this week.
I have completed the second cut, built the 5.1 Soundmix and done a third scan of the transition points.
It weighs in at 2h57, which is curiously exactly the same length as Episode 1. I would have liked it slightly shorter, but the material is just so good I didn’t want to make excessive cuts and lose the story beats.
All that is left are 8 audio transitions that need a little work including one that needs re-scoring.
It is shaping up really nicely.
Here is the list of alterations.

Broad Changes

Edited to introduce a time skip between this and the previous movie edit.
Andor is captured off screen during the time skip to eliminate the Niamos scenes. His capture is explained in the opening text.
The remaining elements of Episode 7 have been used as the opening scenes to set the hunt for Andor as the driver of the first act.
Syril’s Coruscant scenes that were cut from the previous edit are utilised but his mother is removed. His scenes at the Bureau of Standards are used as a juxtaposition to Andor’s scenes in prison - this makes far more sense than using Mon Mothma, which is how Episode 8 was cut.
Vel now leaves Coruscant after she is ordered to find Andor and doesn’t return. Her unnecessary connection to Mon Mothma is removed.
Linus Mosk is cut completely. This gives Syril’s character more strength and autonomy. Syril’s presence on Ferrix is largely cut. He only appears when he rescues Dedra.
Andor’s return to Ferrix from Episode 7 is utilised for two dream flashback sequences whilst he’s on Narkina-5. Using these scenes chronologocally impacted on the pacing and structure of the two movies, so they had to be removed. They are, however, essential for Andor and Marrva’s character arcs and the ISB’s investigations.
Mon Mothma’s scenes are largely cut. Only the basic plot regarding her finances and sacrifice of her daughter remains.

Detailed Changes
Opening sequence and text to match Episode 1
Syril’s arrival on Coruscant from EP4 is intercut with Kleya meeting with Vel from EP7 and Dedra briefing Yularen and the ISB from EP8.
Syril arrives at the appartment but his mother is cut. We then see him in his room looking at the hologram of Andor.

Episode 8
Sharp cut to Andor arriving on Narkina. The arrival sequence is edited to be continuous.
Cut to Syril arriving for his first day at the Bureau of Standards from EP7.
Cut to Andor in his prison uniform being delivered to his unit. Sequence is shortened to remove the uneccessary interplay between the guards about staffing levels.
Sprint segmnent on the factory floor is cut.
Cut from Andor’s face as he realises what he’s got to do during his sentence, to Syril at his Bureau work station from EP7.
Cut to Andor on the brdge at the end of the shift. The prison dormitory orientation sequence plays out as one scene with the Mon Mothma scenes cut, and placed later in the edit.
We cut from Andor reflecting in the darkness of his pod to the first flashback scene from EP7 on Ferrix where Andor returns for Maarva.
Cut to Andor in the dark pod and the 30 shift timeskip.
Cut to Syril at the Bureau as the ISB arrive to take him in for questioning.
Hard cut straight to Syril in the ISB interrogation room as Dedra arrives.
Cut to the prison as a normal shift unfolds.
Cut to Syril’s second interrogation scene.
Present time Ferrix scenes of Brasso and Bix with Maarva and the watching Vel and Sinta. Vel and Sinta heavily edited to remove reference to Vel leaving Sinta on her own.
Ferrix and Luthen/Cleya scenes play out in sequence but with the scene of Vel leaving Ferrix being cut.
Cut to nightime prison scene where the prisoner is about to commit suicide but add in shot of Andor sleeping. Then cut to the second Ferrix Flashback scene where Maarva tells Andor she is staying on Ferrix. The Flashbacks of young Andor v the Clones are removed to avoid having a flashback within a flashback. Cut Maarva “That’s just love… nothing you can do about that” - those lines never sat well with me. References to Andor’s sister are cut.
Cut back to a reversed, trimmed shot of the prison dormitory and then Andor sleeping as the fellow prisoner jumps to his death.
Cut back to Ferrix scene where Bix is spotted - “Get Heeeeeer” is cut.
Cut to Luthen and Saw. Part of Saw’s rant is removed.
Cut to Bix’s capture and meeting with Dedra.

Episode 9
First prison scene moved up to provide a spacer between the Bix/Dedra scene at the end of the last episdoe and start of this episode.
The torture scenes have been removed. I’ve gone with the ANH tactic with the torture being implied rather than shown. It also helped with the pacing. We see the suggestion of the torture, the results of it and the information gained from it.
Mon Mothma/Vel scenes cut.
Syril’s mother is cut.
2 of the 3 Mon Mothma appartment gathering scenes from Ep8 are moved to here and intercut with the evening/night prison scenes. The middle one is cut. They are introduced after her scene in the Senate.
The Syril/Dedra scene is edited to make Syril appear less creepy. “Have you been waiting out here…… Yes”, “Being in your presence” and “I sense it, I know it” have been cut.
Removed the prison doctor “He’s had a massive stroke” - I dont like “earthy” language in my Star Wars!
Moved the last ISB briefing scene to the end to provide a spacer scene between the prison scene at the end of this episode and the start of the next.

Episode 10
Cut Ulaf’s body being taken through the factory floor.
Cut Mon Mothma “I’d feel far more comfotable paying you for your trouble” - sounds like something out of a west end musical!
Cut first 2 clips of Andor cutting the pipe - we have already seen him working on that pipe but it looks untouched.
Trim the sequence of the new prisoner being prepped for dropping onto the floor - speeds up the sequenece.
Trimmed the breakout sequence. The floor is activated a lot earlier, as it should have been.
Cut the shot of water dripping through the ceiling of another floor.
Cut Kino hesitating and not knowing what to say over the tannoy - I wanted him to appear strong until the point where he admits he can’t swim. A much better character arc.
Trimmed Lonni’s journey in the lift.
Cut references to Lonni’s child.

Episode 11
Cut Andor and Melshi on the cliff.
Cut Andor and Melshi’s capture and escape with the aliens - poorly executed scenes. Having their escape happen off screen works just as well.
Cut Vel and Kleya scene.
Cut Vel and Mon Mothma scene.
Cut Brasso - B2 scene.
Cut scene where Bix is asked about Anto Kreeger.
Cut Scene where Linus contacts Syril.
Keep scene of Syril emptying his safe but cut his mother leaving the apartment.
Cut Melchi from the Niamos scene - implies that Melchi and Andor already agreed to separate before this point.
Move the Fondor battle scene to the end to provide a better transition into the next episode.

Episode 12
Cut first scene of Wilmon making the bomb.
Edit Vel/Cinta scene to remove references to Vel coming back - she has been there the whole time.
Edit scene when Andor touches his father’s brick so that the flashback is of him being killed by the Clone Troopers - provides a more powerful resolution to the story.
Cut Luthen speeder sequence.
Cut all scenes involving Linus and Cyril. Cyril’s presence on Ferrix is unknown until the point where he rescues Deedra.
Trim the funeral band procession to speed up the pacing.
Cut the extended pause during Maarva’s hologram speech.
Cut Bix refusing to leave with Andor.

Hey Smudger, will you be loosing the discussion of how they were going to torture Bix- the story about the screams of another species being decimated. That was really dark and bold for a Star Wars show, so I thought it was important to display the tone of the aeries


STF78 said:

smudger9 said:

I’ve managed to make major inroads into this edit this week.
I have completed the second cut, built the 5.1 Soundmix and done a third scan of the transition points.
It weighs in at 2h57, which is curiously exactly the same length as Episode 1. I would have liked it slightly shorter, but the material is just so good I didn’t want to make excessive cuts and lose the story beats.
All that is left are 8 audio transitions that need a little work including one that needs re-scoring.
It is shaping up really nicely.
Here is the list of alterations.

Broad Changes

Edited to introduce a time skip between this and the previous movie edit.
Andor is captured off screen during the time skip to eliminate the Niamos scenes. His capture is explained in the opening text.
The remaining elements of Episode 7 have been used as the opening scenes to set the hunt for Andor as the driver of the first act.
Syril’s Coruscant scenes that were cut from the previous edit are utilised but his mother is removed. His scenes at the Bureau of Standards are used as a juxtaposition to Andor’s scenes in prison - this makes far more sense than using Mon Mothma, which is how Episode 8 was cut.
Vel now leaves Coruscant after she is ordered to find Andor and doesn’t return. Her unnecessary connection to Mon Mothma is removed.
Linus Mosk is cut completely. This gives Syril’s character more strength and autonomy. Syril’s presence on Ferrix is largely cut. He only appears when he rescues Dedra.
Andor’s return to Ferrix from Episode 7 is utilised for two dream flashback sequences whilst he’s on Narkina-5. Using these scenes chronologocally impacted on the pacing and structure of the two movies, so they had to be removed. They are, however, essential for Andor and Marrva’s character arcs and the ISB’s investigations.
Mon Mothma’s scenes are largely cut. Only the basic plot regarding her finances and sacrifice of her daughter remains.

Detailed Changes
Opening sequence and text to match Episode 1
Syril’s arrival on Coruscant from EP4 is intercut with Kleya meeting with Vel from EP7 and Dedra briefing Yularen and the ISB from EP8.
Syril arrives at the appartment but his mother is cut. We then see him in his room looking at the hologram of Andor.

Episode 8
Sharp cut to Andor arriving on Narkina. The arrival sequence is edited to be continuous.
Cut to Syril arriving for his first day at the Bureau of Standards from EP7.
Cut to Andor in his prison uniform being delivered to his unit. Sequence is shortened to remove the uneccessary interplay between the guards about staffing levels.
Sprint segmnent on the factory floor is cut.
Cut from Andor’s face as he realises what he’s got to do during his sentence, to Syril at his Bureau work station from EP7.
Cut to Andor on the brdge at the end of the shift. The prison dormitory orientation sequence plays out as one scene with the Mon Mothma scenes cut, and placed later in the edit.
We cut from Andor reflecting in the darkness of his pod to the first flashback scene from EP7 on Ferrix where Andor returns for Maarva.
Cut to Andor in the dark pod and the 30 shift timeskip.
Cut to Syril at the Bureau as the ISB arrive to take him in for questioning.
Hard cut straight to Syril in the ISB interrogation room as Dedra arrives.
Cut to the prison as a normal shift unfolds.
Cut to Syril’s second interrogation scene.
Present time Ferrix scenes of Brasso and Bix with Maarva and the watching Vel and Sinta. Vel and Sinta heavily edited to remove reference to Vel leaving Sinta on her own.
Ferrix and Luthen/Cleya scenes play out in sequence but with the scene of Vel leaving Ferrix being cut.
Cut to nightime prison scene where the prisoner is about to commit suicide but add in shot of Andor sleeping. Then cut to the second Ferrix Flashback scene where Maarva tells Andor she is staying on Ferrix. The Flashbacks of young Andor v the Clones are removed to avoid having a flashback within a flashback. Cut Maarva “That’s just love… nothing you can do about that” - those lines never sat well with me. References to Andor’s sister are cut.
Cut back to a reversed, trimmed shot of the prison dormitory and then Andor sleeping as the fellow prisoner jumps to his death.
Cut back to Ferrix scene where Bix is spotted - “Get Heeeeeer” is cut.
Cut to Luthen and Saw. Part of Saw’s rant is removed.
Cut to Bix’s capture and meeting with Dedra.

Episode 9
First prison scene moved up to provide a spacer between the Bix/Dedra scene at the end of the last episdoe and start of this episode.
The torture scenes have been removed. I’ve gone with the ANH tactic with the torture being implied rather than shown. It also helped with the pacing. We see the suggestion of the torture, the results of it and the information gained from it.
Mon Mothma/Vel scenes cut.
Syril’s mother is cut.
2 of the 3 Mon Mothma appartment gathering scenes from Ep8 are moved to here and intercut with the evening/night prison scenes. The middle one is cut. They are introduced after her scene in the Senate.
The Syril/Dedra scene is edited to make Syril appear less creepy. “Have you been waiting out here…… Yes”, “Being in your presence” and “I sense it, I know it” have been cut.
Removed the prison doctor “He’s had a massive stroke” - I dont like “earthy” language in my Star Wars!
Moved the last ISB briefing scene to the end to provide a spacer scene between the prison scene at the end of this episode and the start of the next.

Episode 10
Cut Ulaf’s body being taken through the factory floor.
Cut Mon Mothma “I’d feel far more comfotable paying you for your trouble” - sounds like something out of a west end musical!
Cut first 2 clips of Andor cutting the pipe - we have already seen him working on that pipe but it looks untouched.
Trim the sequence of the new prisoner being prepped for dropping onto the floor - speeds up the sequenece.
Trimmed the breakout sequence. The floor is activated a lot earlier, as it should have been.
Cut the shot of water dripping through the ceiling of another floor.
Cut Kino hesitating and not knowing what to say over the tannoy - I wanted him to appear strong until the point where he admits he can’t swim. A much better character arc.
Trimmed Lonni’s journey in the lift.
Cut references to Lonni’s child.

Episode 11
Cut Andor and Melshi on the cliff.
Cut Andor and Melshi’s capture and escape with the aliens - poorly executed scenes. Having their escape happen off screen works just as well.
Cut Vel and Kleya scene.
Cut Vel and Mon Mothma scene.
Cut Brasso - B2 scene.
Cut scene where Bix is asked about Anto Kreeger.
Cut Scene where Linus contacts Syril.
Keep scene of Syril emptying his safe but cut his mother leaving the apartment.
Cut Melchi from the Niamos scene - implies that Melchi and Andor already agreed to separate before this point.
Move the Fondor battle scene to the end to provide a better transition into the next episode.

Episode 12
Cut first scene of Wilmon making the bomb.
Edit Vel/Cinta scene to remove references to Vel coming back - she has been there the whole time.
Edit scene when Andor touches his father’s brick so that the flashback is of him being killed by the Clone Troopers - provides a more powerful resolution to the story.
Cut Luthen speeder sequence.
Cut all scenes involving Linus and Cyril. Cyril’s presence on Ferrix is unknown until the point where he rescues Deedra.
Trim the funeral band procession to speed up the pacing.
Cut the extended pause during Maarva’s hologram speech.
Cut Bix refusing to leave with Andor.

Hey Smudger, will you be loosing the discussion of how they were going to torture Bix- the story about the screams of another species being decimated. That was really dark and bold for a Star Wars show, so I thought it was important to display the tone of the aeries

Yes. That’s been cut. It is definitely a very dark scene and very different. Ultimately I decided it was an unnecessary scene and maybe it’s a bit too dark.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


smudger9 said:

Just tinkering with the artwork. The logo needs to be changed to “The Reckoning”. Which of the images do people prefer. There were no decent concept art images of the second half of the season, so I had to put some together myself from screencaps.

The 1st one !

Preferred saga:
EI (DVD version) • EII (Blu-Ray) • CW (DVD) • TCW (smudger9’s fanedit) • ROTS (Octorox’s Extended version) •RO, Solo (originals) • Andor (smudger9’s episode I and EddieDean’s ep. 3-4) • OT (2004’s DVD) • Mando (s01: smudger9’s fanedit, s02: original) • TBOBF (smudger9’s) • TFA, TLJ (originals) • TROS - HAL’s edit


Stick a fork in it… its done. I made one last minute adjustment to add in the post credits scene as the final scene. Its currently rendering and this evening I’ll tidy up the artwork whilst the files are uploading. It should be available to view tomorrow (once Googledrive has laboriously processed the files!).

These Andor edits have been a pleasure to work on and whilst its real shame that season 2 is so far off, its nice to draw a line under the series for now so that I can concentrate on the Mandalorian, and maybe a brief foray back into animation.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


Just out of curiosity - will you use those classic black-blue SW ending credits ? 😉

Preferred saga:
EI (DVD version) • EII (Blu-Ray) • CW (DVD) • TCW (smudger9’s fanedit) • ROTS (Octorox’s Extended version) •RO, Solo (originals) • Andor (smudger9’s episode I and EddieDean’s ep. 3-4) • OT (2004’s DVD) • Mando (s01: smudger9’s fanedit, s02: original) • TBOBF (smudger9’s) • TFA, TLJ (originals) • TROS - HAL’s edit


Yes 😊 and episode 1 has been done too. I’ll update those files this weekend too.

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)