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An angry Review of the 2004 OT SE DVD's — Page 3

Well, I too, think comparing LOTR with SW is pointless. They are two different types of films. However, I can understand why they are compared. Especially considering how poorly the prequals have been done. I think when most people compare LOTR with SW they are really comparing Peter Jackson's style of film making to Lucas' style. And in that I think it's a fair comparison.

Jackson used every trick in the book to pull off those films. The CGI used in the films was there to enhance the story and move it along. However, CGI in the hands of Lucas, and it quickly begins to take over the film and bog it down. Lucas abandons character and story just to show off a bit of technology.

There has been one drawback to the LOTR films. Several of my friends saw the films and when they didn't get a particular thing or wanted further explanation on a particular topic I told them to read the books. To this day none of them has done so. They just think that it's just too much effort to read them. The praise how rich the films are with story, character and scenery. I keep telling them that if they love the movies they will love the books. The films really only touched on several aspects of things in the books. Like the Elves or the full history of the rings and who had them. I find the books to be way better than the movies (especially The Two Towers), but my friends just don't want to take the time to read the books. Too bad for them. I read them in High School and again just after The Two Towers came out on DVD. So whomever said that Jackson introduced LOTR to a new generation is true. However, I think that the sad thing about the movies is now that they exist, people won't read the books as much. It will just be easier to watch the movies then spend a week or two with each book.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
Wow!!! A thread that started off well, but was thrown off-track and devolved into a SW vs. LOTR debate!

Never seen one of those before! How KEWL!
Star Wars drew quite a bit from mythological legends. Just read Joseph Campbell.

And for the last time, Tolkein did not want parallels being drawn with his books. That was never his intention...

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!