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^That am true Bizarro. True Bizarro have natural Caucasian human skintones.
^That am true Bizarro. True Bizarro have natural Caucasian human skintones.
TV's Frink said:
...alot of things...
U r dum.
The world needs more small time bullies. It would toughen us all up for when we run into the median time bullies, or, heaven forbid, a big time bully.
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
No you're not
xhonzi said:
the median time bullies
Considering the significant variance amongst bullies, I shudder to think of what the mode time bullies are like.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.
I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!
—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3
I'm small time? How...dare you?
Oh, and "alot" was a reference to what caused the bully claim in the first place. You'd know that if you ever spent time here anymore.
TV's Frink said:
Oh, and "alot" was a reference to what caused the bully claim in the first place. You'd know that if you ever spent time here anymore.
Indeed, and even though it happened with me it was somebody else who made the bully claim. All it did was irritate me and even that was only momentary. I never thought you were bullying me, I just thought you were being irritating. (and not in a bad way, although I may not have had that opinion at the time :P) Then somebody else decided to jump in and start making accusations and insults toward you, based on something that didn't involve them.
(Reminiscent of... what was the word again... a bully?)
xhonzi said:
TV's Frink said:
...alot of things...
U r dum.
The world needs more small time bullies. It would toughen us all up for when we run into the median time bullies, or, heaven forbid, a big time bully.
if that were the case, I'd be extremely tough, and I am not. I was the victim of bullying when I was growing up. It didn't toughen me up. All it did was make me feel like a loser, give me low self esteem, and turn me into a social outcast.
I would recommend you abandon that attitude Warbler. I am NOT saying this out of a place of hate or scorn or shame, just genuine concern. Bullying is NEVER, EVER going to go away. Ever. Ever. There will always be bullies. You have to learn to deal with them and learn from them. Trying to "stop bullying" such as what schools seem to be obsessed with these days, although coming from a good intention, is going to be a fruitless venture and will not happen. Teaching how to cope with bullying will be much more effective, or else we will just be teaching people how to be victims. You will not get rid of bullying, you are much better off coping with them.
That being said, you are not a loser Warbler, and never let anybody tell you that you are. Anybody that tells you you are a loser is only reflecting their own insecurities to you in an effort to assure themself that if they can make you feel like a loser then they aren't one. It's all a hoax, the bullies are the real losers. The victims aren't the losers, so don't let them fool you into thinking you are.
Possessed said:
I would recommend you abandon that attitude Warbler. I am NOT saying this out of a place of hate or scorn or shame, just genuine concern. Bullying is NEVER, EVER going to go away. Ever. Ever. There will always be bullies. You have to learn to deal with them and learn from them. Trying to "stop bullying" such as what schools seem to be obsessed with these days, although coming from a good intention, is going to be a fruitless venture and will not happen. Teaching how to cope with bullying will be much more effective, or else we will just be teaching people how to be victims. You will not get rid of bullying, you are much better off coping with them.
maybe bullying will never go away, but what should and can is the attitude expressed by Xhonzi. Some people think being bullied is good for kids and it toughens them up and should a be normal part of growing up. Thiis is wrong and I will never change that attitude. Also you say you have to learn to deal with them. This attitude always upet and angered me when I was growing up. That is what everyone told me. I have to learn. I was always the one with the problem because I could deal with them right. How about them being the problem because they were bullying in the first place? What about them learning not to bully? How about treating them like they are the ones with the problem? And just how am I suppose to deal with them when they ware bigger and stronger than I am and they out number me? Why should I have to deal with them? THEY SHOULDN'T BE DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOING. When I was growing up, everyone told me to just ignore them and don't get angry cause that is what they want. Sorry but I can only ignore so much and can only endure so much before I lose my temper. I am human and that is the way it is. There is no way the bullied and deal/cope with bullies. The only way to stop bullies is if the adults stop them, it is that simple. I believe that the adults at my school failed me and should have done more to stop my bullies but didn't. Yes, we will never comletely stop bullying, but we can try as hard as we can stop as much of it as we can. I am glad the schools changed their ways of dealing with bullying and wish they had done it sooner. Btw, just because schools are trying to get rid of bullying as much as they can, doesn't mean they can't teach kids how to deal with bullies. It doesn't mean you are teaching kids how to be victims. You are trying to keep them from being victims in the first place.
That being said, you are not a loser Warbler, and never let anybody tell you that you are. Anybody that tells you you are a loser is only reflecting their own insecurities to you in an effort to assure themself that if they can make you feel like a loser then they aren't one. It's all a hoax, the bullies are the real losers. The victims aren't the losers, so don't let them fool you into thinking you are.
thanks, I keep telling myself that I am not a loser, but it is difficult for me to avoid thinking that way, and not just because I was bullied when I was growing up.
This thread is not for serious discussions. It's for mocking me and/or the people who can't deal with me.
I understand and apologize. Any posts in regards to the serious dicussion that hapened here can post in this thread:
Now you're bullying Warb and I into having serious discussions. You sir know no bounds!
No apology necessary, Warb.
Last call on voting before I tally the results. Vote or I'll bully you.
Yes... No-er, I mean.. No.
Take your time, son. The only person who needs to finish first is hairy_hen's mom.
Today people here have called me both dad and son. Does anyone else have some weird family connection to me?
Oh, and my final response would be: "No."
Handman said:
Today people here have called me both dad and son. Does anyone else have some weird family connection to me?
I referred to you as "dad" because I was channeling '60s slang.
You dig it, square?
Handman said:
Today people here have called me both dad and son. Does anyone else have some weird family connection to me?
No, brother.
Thanks, Macho Man.
No, but with some qualifiers. I'd say you're unfair to newbies a lot of the time. You're nice to people who are regulars, but to those who don't know your whole routine, you can come off as abrasive -- and present the forum on the whole as unwelcoming.
Take that as you will from a lurker.
A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em
A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.
I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!
—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3
I've been here over 7 years. I'm allowed to have a high post count!
A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em
You're lurking wrong.