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All Things Star Trek — Page 8


Some people rag on the animation style, but it's no better or worse than anything else on Saturday morning at the time. Star Trek was still about ideas rather than big action scenes then. Even with limited animation, they were able to have aliens and vistas impossible to realize on the live action series.

Interestingly enough, Lost in Space was tried in animation around the same time. The end result barely resembled the series, (even with Jonathan Harris voicing Dr. Smith) and only a pilot episode was ever made. It aired just once as a tv special.

A couple fan productions have made TAS episodes using modern tech to replicate the look and feel of the original animation.

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SilverWook said:

Have you watched The Animated Series yet? It's essentially the fourth season of TOS in my book.


Didn't the Animated series run for two seasons?


I'm starting to become more interested in a book canon than a filmed canon of Star Trek.  I'm sort of thinking there are several books I'd like to read to provide background to the existing stories, then read Blish's stories based on TOS and Foster's based on TAS, some books that span the time between the series and movies, and the novelizations of the movies.  I sort of have competing ideas of personal canon, much like my Star Wars canons.  I think using these books as an alternate canon could be a fun way to view the Star Trek universe.  BionicBob at FE.org is a big fan of the Trek books and has been giving me several recommendations.


I own the Crucible Series. They were made for the 40th anniversary and try to only reference actual episodes/movies and not events from other books. They manage to tie in continuity to TOS that would otherwise not be apparent, using "City on the Edge of Forever" as the event that changes each of the "trinity". The Kirk book has some weird stuff with the Nexus, but overall its not terrible.

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timdiggerm said:

Johnny Ringo said:

SilverWook said:

Have you watched The Animated Series yet? It's essentially the fourth season of TOS in my book.


Didn't the Animated series run for two seasons?

Yes, although season 2 is only 6 episodes: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Animated_Series

This was normal even for a popular Saturday morning show in the old days. A handful of new episodes would be mixed in with reruns on a second season.

It's a darn shame there hasn't been an animated Trek since. A TNG series was proposed in the 90's, but those in charge were simply not interested in the idea.

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Where were you in '77?



Suddenly I want to watch Voyager idk guys

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


SilverWook said:

It's a darn shame there hasn't been an animated Trek since. A TNG series was proposed in the 90's, but those in charge were simply not interested in the idea.



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I love how Mulgrew has that "WTF is this?" Expression when confronted with the furry

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Voyager could have used a panda crew member. Instead we got Neelix. ;)

And if the Into Darkness ads keep running every five minutes, I'm going to have to pull the plug on my tv. The last 48 hours to the premiere are going to be rough.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

And if the Into Darkness ads keep running every five minutes, I'm going to have to pull the plug on my tv. The last 48 hours to the premiere are going to be rough.
I was at a sports bar/restaurant last night for 30 minutes or so. I saw at least 3 ads. I guess they're going for the ESPN viewer. Strange that none of the ignorant jock co-workers I have who tease me for liking Star Trek have EVER mentioned Into Darkness.

Of course, if you're not paying attention, you might not even know its Trek, the font they use is pretty small. Does the announcer even say "Star Trek"?

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You have Jock co-workers? I thought you worked in IT.

Wasn't that the whole point in giving JJ the keys to the kingdom, though? to bring in fresh viewers - people who wouldn't normally consider going to a Star Trek movie.

I'm as anxious as you guys. The spoiler thread is a decent outlet but there's not a whole lot to discuss til the movie is out everywhere. 



Johnny Ringo said:

You have Jock co-workers? I thought you worked in IT.
I know. It's the weirdest thing in the world. They're always talking sports and cars and guns. I know at least one of them is overcompensating, but the rest are genuine.

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At the risk of turning this into another politics thread, it makes me sad that guns are a thing to talk about.  I lived in Texas for a short while and everyone talked about guns.


TV's Frink said:

At the risk of turning this into another politics thread, it makes me sad that guns are a thing to talk about.  I lived in Texas for a short while and everyone talked about guns.
It's a military support center. It literally comes with the territory.

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Anybody going to do the double feature thing tomorrow?  I would like to see the 2009 movie on the big screen again.

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doubleofive said:

The biggest issue I have is the game ending with the crew being sent to the planet to start the next movie. The ship has huge chunks missing, there are still loose Gorn onboard I'm sure, parts of the interior were on fire... I'm sure none of that will be mentioned in the movie. Also, the writer worked with Kurtzman and Orci so this is "canon" in the JJverse. The problem with that is that the "Countdown to Darkness" comics which are also "canon" end with the crew being sent to the planet to start the next movie. Both can't be "canon". They were doing so well keeping things straight, they had maybe 30 comics & one movie, all of it was working out pretty well. Then they sign off on contradictory lead ins to the second movie. Oh well. I'm pretty sure the comics are more "canon" in that they are about Kirk questioning the Prime Directive and don't end with the Enterprise in several pieces. But they could have had the game lead into the comic instead of creating this contradiction with the very few things they could contradict with.

From what I can tell the comic and game aren't necessarily contradictory. At the end of the comic Pike orders them to drop off April at the nearest starbase before continuing on their mission to Nibiru. So let's assume they do that then on their way to Nibiru they pick up a distress call and end up on that vulcan space station.

I haven't played the game but from the description I've read the game ends with a captain's log describing T'Mar as having recovered enough to resume duties on New Vulcan. So that would seem to suggest time has passed enough to deal with the damage to the ship and loose Gorn before they resume heading to Nibiru.

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Does the Enterprise lose any crew members in the comic or the game?


There are at least three that I know of from what I've seen of the comics, probably more than that.

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Yes, they do at least two or three during Galelieo 7. The movie references but is not bound to the comics. And 100% not bound to the game. I'll go into that on the spoilers thread later.

I saw the movie, it was unexpected. I'll leave it at that.

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Actually in the original episode they lose three. Two of the seven and then a third from one of the landing parties. In the comics they just lose one of the seven. The two other deaths I referred to were from the adaptation of Where No Man Has Gone Before.

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I asked because in the new film Kirk states that he hasn't lost a single crew member since taking command of the Enterprise, in defense of his brash decision making.


CP3S said:

I asked because in the new film Kirk states that he hasn't lost a single crew member since taking command of the Enterprise, in defense of his brash decision making.
You're right, & that doesn't fit in with the comics.

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I've concretely decided that I'm not ever going to watch any of the movies in Abrams' Trek series. I'm liking the original series too much to subject myself to what is obviously dumbed-down, unfaithful, all-flash-but-no-substance schlock.


The first one is good in my book. It's not like the rest of Trek is going to be ruined by watching the new stuff.

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Where were you in '77?