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All Things Star Trek — Page 75


First Nimoy, now Harve Bennett? Sad.

However, I'm ashamed to say that for some reason I thought Bennett had already died.

Incidentally, Bennett's proposed script for Star Trek VI--The Academy Years--was a reboot of sorts with younger actors playing the TOS cast, very much like JJ Abrams' Trek 2009.

The main difference was that there wasn't any "alternate reality" handwavium; it was still set in the original timeline.

Which, given the mentality of Rick Berman et al., would probably have turned out for the worse down the road, come to think of it.

(Although... I'm still mad at Lindelof for taking a brand-new continuity, and going straight to flat-out remaking the best Star Trek movie of all time. If you've got a shiny new universe, be a bit more creative with it!)

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Getting on with Voyager, I'm really enjoying it.  It has flaws and alot of the episodes of plot holes that aren't exactly hard to miss, but I'm still enjoying the ride for most of the episodes.  My major complaint as of now is 7 of 9's outfit.  Don't get me wrong, she has a great body, but I really don't see how she needs to wear pants so tight you can literally see the outline of her crack.  It's just not that attractive and it looks horribly uncomfortable.  But other than that, woohoo.


IIRC, didn't they alter her outfit eventually, because it was uncomfortable to wear? Maybe I'm thinking of T'pol. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


I'm a long time Trek fan who hasn't actually seen all of any of the series, just lots of bits here and there. But now, I'm watching TOS. Only 2 episodes in, so far, but am surprised at how surprised I am at the symptoms of the sixties. Crewmen leering at Rand, overly creepy Twilight-Zone-esque Charlie, etc.

It is good though, don't get me wrong.

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It's an early episode, there is less leering later on, except for space vixens. And it's not like there isn't any leering in TNG. A female crew member is checking out Riker's caboose in the pilot! ;)

Charlie X is supposed to be creepy!

And you should be watching production order, not broadcast order. NBC was the only one who thought showing The Man Trap first was a good idea.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


timdiggerm said:

SilverWook said:
And you should be watching production order, not broadcast order.
Due to delays in SFX or the network shuffling episodes around, the first season is more disjointed than it should be. It's not as bad as Firefly, but it's helpful to not have episodes with a character, then be introduced to him.

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timdiggerm said:

I'm a long time Trek fan who hasn't actually seen all of any of the series, just lots of bits here and there. But now, I'm watching TOS. Only 2 episodes in, so far, but am surprised at how surprised I am at the symptoms of the sixties. Crewmen leering at Rand, overly creepy Twilight-Zone-esque Charlie, etc.

It is good though, don't get me wrong.

 You did a great choice not starting with Spock's brain or that hippie crap


timdiggerm said:

SilverWook said:

And you should be watching production order, not broadcast order.


 If you watch it in the production order, you suddenly start to sense a sort of an "internal logic". 

You can of course watch TOS episodes in ANY order you want, but when you watch let's say The Corbomite Maneuver you will see it was clearly intended to be a season opener, but in the broadcast order it was I think episode 10.


pittrek said:

timdiggerm said:

I'm a long time Trek fan who hasn't actually seen all of any of the series, just lots of bits here and there. But now, I'm watching TOS. Only 2 episodes in, so far, but am surprised at how surprised I am at the symptoms of the sixties. Crewmen leering at Rand, overly creepy Twilight-Zone-esque Charlie, etc.

It is good though, don't get me wrong.

 You did a great choice not starting with Spock's brain or that hippie crap

 I am unfamiliar with the episode in question.  Could you elaborate?


It's the one Shatner ripped off when he made Star Trek V only the TV version is somehow worse and it feels longer.

It's called The way to Eden.


I'd personally go with that list as-is and watch "The Cage" and "Where No Man Has Gone Before" before "The Corbomite Maneuver".


Also, if you can, watch the original cut of "Where No Man Has Gone Before" sometime, and compare it to the broadcast version.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


DrCrowTStarwars said:

It's the one Shatner ripped off when he made Star Trek V only the TV version is somehow worse and it feels longer.

It's called The way to Eden.

 Yes, thanks a lot.

I love the original series very much but the only way how I'm able to watch certain episodes (e.g. those 2 I mentioned) is drunk


DrCrowTStarwars said:

It's the one Shatner ripped off when he made Star Trek V only the TV version is somehow worse and it feels longer.

It's called The way to Eden.

 I always thought The Final Frontier lifted off Beyond The Farthest Star myself. Both have a malevolent energy being that want to use the Enterprise as it's "body" to escape it's prison.

If you know anything about TFF's troubled history, the studio meddled with it, lest anyone be offended by musings on Gods and Devils, which was familiar territory for Trek.

There are no singing space hippies in TFF.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The aborted rock monster, though, was perhaps best left on the cutting room floor.

If only because it would have looked cheesy as heck.

Ten years later, though, the advent of CGI let Galaxy Quest pull it off.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


SilverWook said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

It's the one Shatner ripped off when he made Star Trek V only the TV version is somehow worse and it feels longer.

It's called The way to Eden.

 I always thought The Final Frontier lifted off Beyond The Farthest Star myself. Both have a malevolent energy being that want to use the Enterprise as it's "body" to escape it's prison.

If you know anything about TFF's troubled history, the studio meddled with it, lest anyone be offended by musings on Gods and Devils, which was familiar territory for Trek.

There are no singing space hippies in TFF.

 Well both have a cult leader highjacking the Enterprise to find Eden and when they get there instead of finding paradise they find so sort of danger.  That is what I was mainly thinking about.  As far as I know that idea was always the center of the script for TFF.

Yeah and the lack of singing space hippies is what makes TFF feel much shorter and less painful then TWTE.


ATMachine said:

The aborted rock monster, though, was perhaps best left on the cutting room floor.

If only because it would have looked cheesy as heck.

Ten years later, though, the advent of CGI let Galaxy Quest pull it off.

 There's so little footage of it, it's kind of hard to tell. It's unfortunate Paramount has showed zero interest in letting Shatner create a director's cut.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Does anyone here watch DS9 or TNG on Netflix I've been re-watching TOS on Netflix lately to appreciate Nimoy's contributions to the franchise, and the episodes look great. TNG looks awful on my screen though for some reason, and is all choppy and fuzzy and look like I'm watching a youtube video. DS9 has problems like this too but not nearly as bad as TNG. I don't understand this because recently TNG had blu rays released that (from what I've seen) look pretty good, not to mention TNG is very popular and I'd imagine would have an audience on Netflix. Is this a netflix problem or a problem with my technology and can it be fixed? Does anyone else have problems with this? I reported it to Netflix, but havent heard anything

The Person in Question