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All Things Star Trek — Page 52


Oh, yeah.  I'd forgotten I'd seen that posted on facebook.  I'm surprised no one else has commented on this.  No love for T'Pring?  Eh, then again, she was kind of a gold-digger bitch... or at least the Vulcan equivalent of one. =P

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


So it's a movie about Klingons where Tony Todd and JG Hertler are playing the Humans? ;)

Prelude was interesting. It looks like these guys have what it takes to pull this off.



JJ THAT IS HOW YOU DO STAR TREK AS AN ACTION MOVIE! Make it about real characters,real polotics,real strategic thinking,about the real cost of war and make your characters adults and fit the action into a compelling story about them. This is the best Star Trek anything I have seen since DS9 left the air,great work and I hope to see more. That was in a word amazing. It puts every big studio sci-fi movie or show I have seen in the past five years or so to shame. That was just great!!!!


Please don't pretend that is better than the JJ Trek films or "every big studio sci-fi movie or show in the past five years or so."


You know what? During the 20 minutes I actually got emotionally involved, I cared about the characters and what to know what will happen to them in the main movie. I didn't care about anybody or anyone in the JJ movies. So yes, for me it's much better than the JJ movies. Still it's FAR from a great Trek movie (I love movies 1,2,4,6,8), but it's much better than the last official movies. Of course just in my opinion.


I'm with Crow and pitt, that was infinitely better than JJ Trek.

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Yeah I cared about the characters and their fates.  Also I think the combat in Star Trek has always worked best when it is about characters trying to outthink each other and it remembers that people's lives hang on every choice made and little mistakes can cost lives and this movie had that in spades.  it was also very well acted unlike every other fan film I have ever seen and I will say it again I was more invested in this movie then I have been in any Star Trek movie or Sci-Fi movie in a long time so that twenty minutes were better and it looks like they are going to get their money so I can't wait to see the rest of it.


I'm geeking out over this one guys!

From an email I got from La La Land Records today:


If you enjoy our STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE soundtrack set, chances are you’ll love the new book “RETURN TO TOMORROW: THE FILMING OF STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE,” written by Preston Neal Jones. It’s a stunningly detailed and candid oral history, going behind the scenes of one of the most famous films not only in Star Trek history, but all of science fiction and cinema. Check it out here: http://creaturefeatures.com/shop/books/returntotomorrow/

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


I like the cover. It's reminiscent of the Star Wars SE trailer, where the X-Wing flies out of a tv set.

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Where were you in '77?


Johnny Ringo said:

So it's a movie about Klingons where Tony Todd and JG Hertler are playing the Humans? ;)

 Is that the same Tony Todd who is the Final MILF?


Did Bingo's post go through a wormhole? ;)

And I just realized the title of the new TMP book was also that of a TOS episode...

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Where were you in '77?


Anybody else worried that the next Trek film won't  meet its target date of 2016?

No confirmed director.  And only the first draft of the screenplay was finished on August the 18th 2014 reportedly.  As Orci claimed anyhow.

No news on whether the budget is hugely scaled back because they did not make as much as they wanted on into darkness, etc.

Ever since  Star Wars episode VII was announced with JJ at the helm the next trek has been given little fanfare.

Even the new Bond film seems to get more attention.

Maybe its the lack of news i don't know.  Even Wesley himself Wil Wheaton noted the lack of enthusiasm for the next trek film.  He called it star trek afterthought.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


I wouldn't say I'm worried

If ST3 takes a couple more years to come out and its good, that's better than more crap coming out in 2016. 

Maybe it will never come out. Still not worried. STID didn't leave me desperately wanting more.


I also wonder what CBS plans are.  They seem to have no interest in a new Star Trek tv series.  I imagine they will do Deep Space Nine and Voyager HD before even considering it at all.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


STID pretty much flushed whatever fan goodwill the first movie built up. (Non fans unfamiliar with TWOK seem to like it though.) Three years between movies is ridiculous these days.

If CBS/Paramount let the 50th anniversary go by with little more than token events and crappy merchandise, that will speak volumes.

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Where were you in '77?


For what it's worth I'm a Star Trek fan of only the Original Series and their films (TWOK especially of course) and I loved STID. I think I get the fan outrage but at the end of the day when I watch it I think "hey, that's a pretty good movie." Inappropriate allusions and continuity fucks aside, it's a well made and entirely enjoyable film.

On the other hand, I too am not super looking forward to the next film as it no longer has its best component (JJ) and it has replaced him with its worst element (Roberto Orci). So yeah. I'll still see it though.


If you're going to remake TWOK, admit it up front. Abrams and company played coy with the true identity of "John Harrison" online for months. I saw the 2009 film three times in a theater, (twice in IMAX) I was one and done with TWOK Redux.

A little more honesty with fans, and lot less bait and switch, goes a long way.

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Where were you in '77?