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All Things Star Trek — Page 45


doubleofive said:

Or not have everyone be an expert at every point in human history.

  It was really funny seeing the DS9 crews shocking lack of knowledge about the 23rd century in Trials and Tribbleations. From presuming the turbolifts work exactly the same, to trying to order Raktajinos, down to mistaking a crewman for Kirk! It's a wonder Sisko was able to use a console on the Enterprise bridge. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


Yeah i was shocked the thing didn't burst into flames myself.  The best moment has to be O'Brion cutting off power to a whole deck.


I recently acquired Japanese LD releases of Generations, First Contact, and Insurrection so it's gonna be a movie weekend.  I miss having some version of Star Trek to come home to on TV aside from reruns.


What was going on in that scene????

You know there is a reason Patrick Steward is one of my favorite actors of all time and Picard is my favorite Sci-Fi captain of all time.


Jetrell Fo said:

I recently acquired Japanese LD releases of Generations, First Contact, and Insurrection so it's gonna be a movie weekend.  I miss having some version of Star Trek to come home to on TV aside from reruns.

 It's too bad the TOS LD boxsets are still so bloody expensive. Some of the Trek tv specials and documentaries only came out on video in Japan as extras in those sets.

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Where were you in '77?


You know if I had the money I would collect the Laser discs of everything Star Trek just for the cool LP style covers.

Every time I start to feel tempted to grumble about the price of boxsets or shipping times from Amazon I just remember that I used to have to go all the way to dover(45 minutes away)to special video store and pay $25 for a single episode of Star Trek on VHS.  Those were the days.  Compared to that getting an inter season on Bluray for $60 in a case that will fit on my shelf doesn't seem so bad:)


DrCrowTStarwars said:

What was going on in that scene????

You know there is a reason Patrick Steward is one of my favorite actors of all time and Picard is my favorite Sci-Fi captain of all time.



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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

What was going on in that scene????

You know there is a reason Patrick Steward is one of my favorite actors of all time and Picard is my favorite Sci-Fi captain of all time.



 Thanks that was pure awesome!

The best has to be Goldburge's out take because we all know that is what the Holideck would really be used for.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

You know if I had the money I would collect the Laser discs of everything Star Trek just for the cool LP style covers.

Every time I start to feel tempted to grumble about the price of boxsets or shipping times from Amazon I just remember that I used to have to go all the way to dover(45 minutes away)to special video store and pay $25 for a single episode of Star Trek on VHS.  Those were the days.  Compared to that getting an inter season on Bluray for $60 in a case that will fit on my shelf doesn't seem so bad:)

 Welcome to my nightmare. ;)

There are LD's of many films I just can't let go of because the jacket art is too cool. Maybe someday I can frame them all and hang them up.

You'd think somebody would make a wall display/storage system for 12 inch vinyl records. They would pop out easily when you actually want to play one.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


DrCrowTStarwars said:

SilverWook said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

What was going on in that scene????

You know there is a reason Patrick Steward is one of my favorite actors of all time and Picard is my favorite Sci-Fi captain of all time.



 Thanks that was pure awesome!

The best has to be Goldburge's out take because we all know that is what the Holideck would really be used for.

 As do Barclay and Quark. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

SilverWook said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

What was going on in that scene????

You know there is a reason Patrick Steward is one of my favorite actors of all time and Picard is my favorite Sci-Fi captain of all time.



 Thanks that was pure awesome!

The best has to be Goldburge's out take because we all know that is what the Holideck would really be used for.

 As do Barclay and Quark. ;)

 I still remember the look on Odo's face when Jake Sisko went to play baseball on the holideck for the first time,he looked like Quark had just set the kid up with a hooker.  It didn't seem to cross his mind that there could be any other uses for the holideck.


Odo probably had to go into the holosuites on occasion during the occupation, and saw things best left to the imagination. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I don't even want to think about the programs Cardasians would run:(


SilverWook said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

You know if I had the money I would collect the Laser discs of everything Star Trek just for the cool LP style covers.

Every time I start to feel tempted to grumble about the price of boxsets or shipping times from Amazon I just remember that I used to have to go all the way to dover(45 minutes away)to special video store and pay $25 for a single episode of Star Trek on VHS.  Those were the days.  Compared to that getting an inter season on Bluray for $60 in a case that will fit on my shelf doesn't seem so bad:)

 Welcome to my nightmare. ;)

There are LD's of many films I just can't let go of because the jacket art is too cool. Maybe someday I can frame them all and hang them up.

You'd think somebody would make a wall display/storage system for 12 inch vinyl records. They would pop out easily when you actually want to play one.

 I am in the exact same fix.  I have a bunch of LDs and LPs that I replaced with Bluray discs and CDs a long time ago,but they still sit on my shelf because I can't bare to part with the covers.


If it actually works it would be quite cool but it doesn't look self contained so I'm guessing there is a little mystery something tossed in to make it look similar.


I would think video goggles would make more sense.

I've heard the next generation of "hologram" technology that allows Gorillaz to perform live, and Tupac and Michael Jackson to come back from the choir invisible will be a lot closer to the kind of thing science fiction has been showing us for decades.

It's kind of hilarious people found Star Wars' hologram more "real" than the real hologram Logan's Run used a year before.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Oh you got my hopes up that at some point in my life time I would be able to go on an adventure with John Steed and Emma Peel:(

I want a real Holodeck.


"What an Enterprise! NASA physicist, artist unveil warp-speed craft design"


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


The Trek influence on NASA's design is unmistakable.

The "ringship" was an early unused Matt Jeffries design for TOS, that has since become a canon ship since it's first brief appearance in TMP. It's most recently appeared in STID.

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Where were you in '77?