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All Things Star Trek — Page 15


I don't mind it. It's like Family Guy but without the pretense of having a plot.


Leonardo said:

It's like Family Guy

Ah, that's why I can't watch it.


TV's Frink said:

Leonardo said:

It's like Family Guy

Ah, that's why I can't watch it.

yeah, but

without the pretense of having a plot

I hate Family Guy too, but I don't mind Robot Chicken, it's just quick little ideas and vignettes. It's hit and miss though...

...Yeah, on the other hand, you're better off watching South Park.


Any sketch comedy is going to be hit or miss. RC usually bats it out of the park on their Trek and SW parodies though. This one is pure genius...


I've never seen them parody any of the later series except for TNG.

I feel Patrick Stewart is too good an actor to be slumming it in Seth McFarlane's shows, but then again he was in LifeForce. ;)

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SilverWook said:

Any sketch comedy is going to be hit or miss. RC usually bats it out of the park on their Trek and SW parodies though. This one is pure genius...



This one could've been good, if it wasn't for the fact that they probably used Google Translate to write these nonsensical lyrics. They would've been better off singing "Mozzarella pomodoro Espresso", that at least would've been funny. What I hear in the video is so far off from what they're supposed to say it's distracting. But hey, as long as it sounds foreign!... don't need to do actual research!
The voices are good, they're in tune and operatic, the music sounds decent, why not go the extra centimeter and get someone competent to translate them properly??? These things piss me off!! 


I wouldn't recommend a Robot Chicken marathon, that's for sure. More than three or four in a row will mess with your head.


So this random person on twitter is trying to get me to delete a tweet claiming it's "reposting" when all it is, is a link to a reblog on tumblr. He also claims it's his even though he refuses to contact me on tumblr. He's also trying to get twitter support involved. All this over a Star Trek image. This one. I just find this entire thing hilarious.

Here's links to the tweets and you can see what's going on.


That's it just simply asking for him to confirm who he is to me is suddenly "refusing to delete" something.


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Wait. Stop.

Isn't the ENTIRE PURPOSE of Tumbr to reshare things? And it's watermarked, kind of. I see nothing wrong. Report him for spam, laugh your way home.

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doubleofive said:

Wait. Stop.

Isn't the ENTIRE PURPOSE of Tumbr to reshare things?
Funniest thing about all this is that since his entire twitter consists of asking others to delete stuff he's gonna have to verify who he is anyway. Then he's gonna have to verify that he has the rights over that stuff. All in all, he joined the wrong site if it's really him and he doesn't want anyone sharing his stuff.(Edit: Meant to say "his edits" 'cause that's what it is.)

Though I thank him for giving me something to laugh at. http://i.imgur.com/UK732.gif Even if it's unintentional.


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They're control freaking over stuff using photos of characters they don't own. (Not to mention the actor's likenesses.) If it was original artwork, and the artist was upset, maybe I could comprehend the fuss, but there's probably a million funny altered Trek photos out there, not counting the pron.

What's next? A faneditor having a hissy fit when people share their work online?

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Where were you in '77?




BionicBob from FE.org included these links.  Apparently some fans made a high quality fanedit of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, updating the special effects and including the deleted rock monster scene.  Unfortunately they tried to go the fully legitimate route and sent it to CBS, which means it will probably be locked up with a cease and desist letter in return, but I hope I will get to see a more attractive TFF.  In my mind, it's actually a movie with a lot of good potential, and it saddens me that it has such a negative reputation.  The interaction between the main trio is wonderful in this film, IMO.

By the way, I finally finished Enterprise, the novel detailing Kirk's first time on the job as captain of the Enterprise, taking over for Pike.  There were a number of interesting elements of character development, but honestly, most of the book was just that with little else.  When the actually conflict materialized, it was rather light in feeling, which is fine considering it feels very much like a TOS episode, but the thing is that the whole book is long and slow.  It would be like watching a four part episode with part 3 dealing with the plot and the rest simply dealing with Kirk's insecurity in his new position and other humorous flotsam.  I enjoyed it, but it should have either been much shorter or dealt with a much more interesting threat.

JEDIT: Having just sampled a YouTube video, I now see that it's still not up to today's SFX standards, but is still a fine example of how the movie can be improved with modern work.  I do enjoy what I see, and would love to see the whole thing.


TV's Frink said:

I have not been able to get into Robot Chicken no matter how hard I try.

What? Each episode is just a series of memes and pop culture jokes, mostly from the 80's and 90's. It seems like it would be just your thing.

I really dislike Family Guy, but I love Robot Chicken.


Leonardo said:

What I hear in the video is so far off from what they're supposed to say it's distracting. But hey, as long as it sounds foreign!... don't need to do actual research!
The voices are good, they're in tune and operatic, the music sounds decent, why not go the extra centimeter and get someone competent to translate them properly??? These things piss me off!! 

Well, you're not suppose to actually know Italian, silly.

It's made by monolingual Americans for monolingual American. 

Get off our land entertainment! ;)


I see your winky, but I'm keeping my serious hat on this time, so pardon me if I sound stubborn (well, I am).

Isn't this view of culture kinda... I dunno, outdated, for lack of a better term? Nowadays culture is global. Stuff goes on the internet, everybody sees it. I think one should be prepared for that. And this is a show that relies its entire existence on pop culture and nerds! Nerds! People that for definition are the most anal retentive on the face of the earth! They're gonna notice the error, they're not gonna be pleased.
"The Simpsons" is guilty of this, too. In that horrible episode in which Sideshow Bob is somehow the Mayor (oh, sorry, Mayore.... yuck!) of a town in Tuscany, none of the italian spoken is even close to correct, it sounds like it was translated with Babelfish.
Getting back to Robot Chicken, I understand the general view of Opera is "people yelling in an incomprehensible language", but try to see this from the other side.

Picture some skit on italian television that tries to parody a Broadway show, and has all the characters speaking and singing in incredibly mangled english. Wouldn't you be baffled, at least? There's clearly an effort in getting people that can sing, dressing them up in beautiful costumes, having them do elaborate choreographies, and then they fall flat by having them sing stuff that sounds like it was taken from "Backstroke of the West".


Bottom line, either have foreign characters speak/sing complete gibberish, or spend a couple of bucks more and pay somebody to translate things properly. Machine translations do not work! Especially with Dante's language!


SilverWook said:

million funny altered Trek photos out there, not counting the pron.

Must resist, must resist, I will successfully resist!!!! *don't dig out the J/C pics* *Don't do it!!!*

Thing is if they just contacted me on Tumblr to prove that they're the same person I probably would've deleted the tweet no problem. If that's all they wanted. Calling the equivalent of the Twitter police on me tho for merely posting a link to a reblog. It's just a funny overreaction to me.

(update: I saved this as a draft as I needed to take care of something and just got around to posting it now. Anyways their last tweet to me was more demanding. http://twitter.com/EdjouTumblr/status/354574920619016193 So I ended up reporting them for spam. Unbeknownst to me that autoblocks the person. This is the first time I've ever reported spam on twitter so I couldn't have known that. Interesting how that works.)

That said. Watched the TOS episode with Trelane for the first time last Saturday. It was a nice touch that he couldn't recreate the taste of the food. Makes me wonder though if they should've been eating/drinking it in the first place. I also liked how at the beginning of the episode they had oxygen masks and verified the environment safe first. The ending made me think that maybe his parents are the caretakers in Voyager. I know it's not intentional but it seems to fit better to me than making him a Q. Overall really enjoyed that episode. Also the crew getting served drinks at the start made me feel like they were preparing to watch a film on the viewscreen.


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Oh yeah I echo Leonardo's thoughts on translation. I mean there's an episode of Power Rangers where they had ASL presented in the episode and they use the actual signs. I think there's like 1 or 2 mess ups but it's 99% accurate. This episode was in the first season of Power Rangers too... Then again it was made by a bilingual Jewish guy, then Disney shipped production over to New Zealand, then Saban took over again. Now it's a production of New Zealanders, Bilingual guy, Japanese stock footage, and some American talent... Saban might even know more languages than Hebrew and English. So I guess it's just a problem with monolingual Americans then.

As an aside my spell check wants to "correct" "New Zealanders" to "New Salamanders"....


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Thanks twister. American Sign Language, wow, had they messed that up, heads would've been flying left and right.

I just hate half assed jobs, that's all.


No problemi. Anche che un tv show recentemente di mostrare ASL tutto malamente.

(I'm sorry if I screwed that up. Trying to say "No problem. Also recently there was a show that showed ASL badly". My Italian has gotten rusty.)

It was some kind of comedy sketch. What happened was during an emergency there was an announcement with some official. Some comedy show decided to parody the ASL interpreter standing alongside him during the announcement. Only they apparently didn't use any signs at all. Just random hand movements. I didn't see it but there was quite an uproar in the Deaf community about it.


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CP3S said:

TV's Frink said:

I have not been able to get into Robot Chicken no matter how hard I try.

What? Each episode is just a series of memes and pop culture jokes, mostly from the 80's and 90's. It seems like it would be just your thing.

I really dislike Family Guy, but I love Robot Chicken.


I've tried a few times, and never made it through the first episode.


Maybe you should try the second episode...?

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


Frink, you might enjoy the all Star Wars themed specials. Amazing how they zing George and get away with it sometimes. (Unless he's wise to it, and doesn't care or mind?) The Jaws Special edition sketch was clearly mocking the flanneled one.

I'm surprised they haven't done more Trek bits based on the Abrams film. Only ever seen one DS9 sketch, and haven't seen them do Voyager or Enterprise.

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Where were you in '77?