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"Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival." What was the point?



I never understood the point of this scene at all. The original had a suitably sullen/disappointed Vader making his way back to his ship. Never one for small talk (or pleasantries it seems) he utters "Bring my shuttle." I mean, he has failed the Emperor, unburdened a harsh truth to his son (after cutting his hand off first) watched said son then plunging to a possible death...

At the same time, his leverage is escaping, his son is hanging on for his life (I'm sure Vader could sense he was still alive...) I just find it hard to believe he would really care for his Star Destroyer to stop what they are doing and set up a parade for his return. I mean, if he had come jogging out of the shuttle, shoving the officer out of his way so he could quickly get to the destroyers command centre, then maybe I would have bought it instead of tacking on an unused scene of Jerjerrod (?!?) from Jedi. I have seen people praising this scene as an well used addition to the film. Am I missing some great potential in this shot? What reminded me of this is that the Wookieepedia and EU material have retconned Jerjerrod to have really been present in Empire the whole time. 

Also, his voice when he commands his destroyer to prepare for his arrival sounds off to me.


As a kid, I never realized there was a difference. The new scene doesn't fit at all pacing-wise. The line "bring my shuttle" is delivered in such a way that it firmly establishes how pissed off Vader is. (Although if he was just going to get Luke in a few minutes, why should he be so pissed?) "Alert my star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival" simply doesn't work in that scene (heard it was leftover dialogue from SW) and the fact that the snippet from ROTJ with Jejerrod is on the end just goes to show how pitiful the thought process was. They put all that time into making a CGI shot of Vader walking up to the shuttle, and then cut to leftovers?

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
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I've said before that, from a purely filmmaking standpoint, this addition is probably the worst in the entire Special Edition.  Yes, there are things that are dumber and more agonizing from a fan standpoint, but, aside from the addition of the Jabba scene, there is no other part of the SE that RUINS THE PACING as much as this.  The Falcon is rushing back to save Luke, the music is pumping, the TIEs are closing in... AND THE FILM JUST FUCKING STOPS SO WE CAN WATCH VADER ARRIVE ON HIS SHIP?!  Whose crack-addled brain came up with that one?!

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


captainsolo said:

"Alert my star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival" simply doesn't work in that scene (heard it was leftover dialogue from SW) and the fact that the snippet from ROTJ with Jejerrod is on the end just goes to show how pitiful the thought process was.

Too bad no one ever called them "Star Destroyers" in ANH. And where would he have been arriving from in that movie?

I have no idea where they found the line, but it couldn't have been ANH.

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They probably just got Peter Serafinowicz (who also voiced Darth Maul) to do his Vader impression. Whoever did the voice, it definitely sounds off and is the most jarring scene in the entire movie because as others have noted, it's just .... all bad.


I'm waiting for this subplot to be re-instated in ANH and get written up as canon for the EU:





doubleofive said:


Too bad no one ever called them "Star Destroyers" in ANH.


Are you sure?  I seem to remember Han saying "Star Destroyer" when the Falcon was fleeing Tatooine.

And it's entirely possible that "Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival" was taken from a Tantive IV outtake that wasn't used.

I hate the line in its current ESB SE spot, but I've never thought it sounded like anyone but James Earl Jones.  I don't know where people are getting that idea.


Same answer he always seems to give.  If JEJ indeed dubbed for it, then the scene was shot and made pretty far into the editing stage.  What scene, etc?  Wouldn't it be in the novelization or comic book, or any of the other scenes from there?

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


one of these days i'll do a spectral analysis on the voiceprint. everyone i've spoken to says that even if it is JEJ saying the line, it's too high pitched, or off, or something is just not quite right ...


What was the point?  I would've thought it was clear.  George forced that change in there even though it totally conflicts with the tone and pace of the surrounding scenes.  He wanted to show Vader travelling on the shuttle to the Star Destroyer, pacing be damned, and the "alert my Star Destroyer" stuff better clarifies Vader's little trip.

"Bring my shuttle" is truer to Vader's character (esp at that moment) though.

All I really want is each film as it was originally seen and heard in theaters; no fixes, corrections, "improvements" or modifications necessary.


ChainsawAsh said:

I hate the line in its current ESB SE spot, but I've never thought it sounded like anyone but James Earl Jones.  I don't know where people are getting that idea.

 The line doesn't sound like JEJ to me.  It doesn't sound like Vader does in the rest of the original movie or like the new Vader lines recorded for the new dialogue with the Emperor for the 2004 release.


Is it even JEJ in Episode III?  He is uncredited (but he wasn't credited in Star Wars when it first came out, was he?)

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


For the 2004 Editions the Vader lines from the OT were all "re-modulated" or "cleaned up" to sound the same. Not sure if the 97 line addition was also cleaned up or not, but it clashes at least with how we "know" Vader's voice in ESB proper.


This might explain the difference. And yes, that's JEJ in Episode III. The only part that isn't, supposedly, is where he says "Yes Master," (after "can you hear me," as featured in all those trailers before the movie came out) which is supposed to be Hayden Christiansen's voice heavily modified (ironically, it sounded to me more like Liam Neeson, who of course had his "force voice over" modified in Episode II.. where he says "Anakin, Anakin" which is from Episode I, and then "Nooooo!" which is somebody else trying to do an impression of his voice).


To me it seemed that the Vader line had just been sped up or something to fit that really awkward editing on the SE. It has to be JEJ. Also, wasn't that line in Ep.II Qui-Gon and then a Tusken Raider screaming Noooo?

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


When I first heard the line back in 1997 I immediately thought it was someone else doing Vader's voice for that line. My opinion hasn't changed in the last 12 years, even after hearing Burtt say it was unused dialogue from Star Wars.

It sounds nothing like James Earl Jones.

Vader's voice and Luke's scream are what upset me the most about the Special Editions

Your brain just makes s**t up!

A fate worse than death? Having your head digitally replaced with that of Hayden Christensen!


That, along with Luke no longer saying "You're lucky you don't taste too good", are my least favorite changes. The pacing is ruined with shots of Vader making it back to the Star Destroyer. I mean, we know he's heading somewhere to get Luke, we don't need a play by play.


When Vader said "bring my shuttle," I LOVED that line, because he sounded pissed off. He wasn't even sure if Luke was still alive at that point, so naturally he'd be angry. There are only a few moments in the OT when we see Vader when he's pissed off, and when they happen it's because it's important. I thought it was a shame to get rid of what for me was one of the most memorable ones.


The entire special edition was pointless.  The restoration was necessary, but the changes and bad added cartoon cgi added nothing and actually take away from the experience. Things i'm for are reducing or removing the garbage mattes or blue screen bleed or fringing.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Even if Lucas really, really wanted to have the shuttle take off and land on The Executor why change the line?

It's doesn't contradict what we see on screen.

He could still have said "Bring my shuttle" and then walk over to the thing after it landed.

The dialogue change is utter bobbins.

It screws up the mood and doesn't even set up the pointlessly bolted on shots.



I imagine George Lucas taking a break from whatever the hell he does these days to look at this thread with his friend Ralph, who is secretly an OUT kind of guy.

Lucas: Hey Ralph, look at this.

Ralph: (reads in a kind of mumble to self) Hey wow, the nerve of that guy. (Ralph doesn't sound convincing, but Lucas doesn't notice)

Lucas: No, no, I think this guy has a point. And you know, I've been meaning to fix that whole "I know" line in Empire anyway -

Ralph: George, I don't think this guy means-

Lucas: (pontificating, oblivious to Ralph's sheepish objection) - See, Darth Vader is the greatest character ever invented in the long history of everything. In that scene, he is shrugging off his failure and reestablishing his ethos - it all relates very closely to Kurosawa and auto racing.

Ralph: (anxious to change the subject) Umm, what's the latest on Red Tails?

Lucas: Never heard of them. So clearly, in my last draft of Empire, I didn't spell out that Vader is again taking control of the situation. I mean, can you blame me, what with having to work with that that limp fish of a nothing film Kersh made? Jeez, the way he did it, it was like Interiors meets Star Trek.

Ralph: (at a loss for words) Hey...uh George...you in the mood for a burger or something?

Lucas: Ralph, can you wait here a while? I'm going to put on some Holst and write the pre-draft for my next draft of Empire.

Ralph: S-sure.

(Lucas leaves via the swinging door and comes back through it as it swings shut with a sheaf of script in his left arm)

Lucas: Go ahead, buddy. Read it. You'll love it - big Star Wars fan like you. Go on! You're the lucky first to read it!

Ralph: (extremely reluctant) "Attention all Imperial milit-"

Lucas: You're doing it wrong! Read the direction, too. And Vader speaks in all caps! Don't forget that.

Ralph: "Vader enters an open area on Bespin. All eyes are on him. He commands the sort of attention usually reserved for Lady GaGa and the Pope."

Lucas: HAH! Topical! I am so funny!

Ralph: "Vader wordlessly sticks out his right hand while looking straight into the picture and someone out of frame hands him a megaphone." They have megaphones in Star Wars, George?

Lucas: I've got design working on the Star Wars equivalent now. Anyway, continue! Come ooooonn! I wanna heeeeeeeear it!


Lucas: Faster, more intense!


Lucas: (smiling, pleased with his latest effort) Here's a hint: Who is John Galt?

Want to book yourself or a guest on THE VFP Show? PM me!


Gaffer Tape said:

I've said before that, from a purely filmmaking standpoint, this addition is probably the worst in the entire Special Edition.  Yes, there are things that are dumber and more agonizing from a fan standpoint, but, aside from the addition of the Jabba scene, there is no other part of the SE that RUINS THE PACING as much as this.  The Falcon is rushing back to save Luke, the music is pumping, the TIEs are closing in... AND THE FILM JUST FUCKING STOPS SO WE CAN WATCH VADER ARRIVE ON HIS SHIP?!  Whose crack-addled brain came up with that one?!

 Yeah, it's one of the least talked about alterations but it's really one of the worst changes. It makes you wonder how Lucas was ever successful at all because it demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge over pacing and basic filmmaking in general. The first time I actually watched Empire straight through was after getting the 2004 set and I seem to remember being confused as to why Vaders big ship looked identical to the second Death Star. The film might have well gone to a commercial break. "We interrupt the conclusion of Empire Strikes Back for this paid promotional segment by the Empire." God I wish Nostalgia Critic would just tear into that.

The music editing is really horrible too, it just abruptly goes back to the music when Vader reveals he's Luke's father.

If you have the 1997 version, you can also compare how much blue tinted it was in 2004.

Another Empire edit that bothers me (which no one else points out either). Lando frees Chewbacca who starts choking Lando. Leia says "You think after what you did to Han we're going to trust you?"

In the 2004 audio mix, Chewbacca's growl comes in sooner completely drowing out "trust you" from Leia.

"You think after what you did to Han, we're going to- garrragggaahhh"

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77



The Falcon is rushing back to save Luke, the music is pumping, the TIEs are closing in... AND THE FILM JUST FUCKING STOPS SO WE CAN WATCH VADER ARRIVE ON HIS SHIP?! 

Oh, come on, Gaff! Jeez, don't you remember how utterly confusing the original version was? Vader says "Bring my shuttle" - first of all, where is that shuttle going? Is he gonna get in it? Is he going somewhere? We don't know! Then, the next time we see him, he's in a STAR DESTROYER!! Not a shuttle, like we had just been led to believe! A GINORMOUS ship that don't look like no shuttle to me! Then again, how would I know in the first place - they don't show the shuttle!! But in the new version he says where he's going and we see the shuttle taking him there! What's not to like? We now have all the information we need!

It's like finally getting to see the Wampa monster feeding while Luke struggled to free himself. Why was Luke hanging there before? Now we know!

Want to book yourself or a guest on THE VFP Show? PM me!


vote_for_palpatine said:

The Falcon is rushing back to save Luke, the music is pumping, the TIEs are closing in... AND THE FILM JUST FUCKING STOPS SO WE CAN WATCH VADER ARRIVE ON HIS SHIP?! 

Oh, come on, Gaff! Jeez, don't you remember how utterly confusing the original version was? Vader says "Bring my shuttle" - first of all, where is that shuttle going? Is he gonna get in it? Is he going somewhere? We don't know! Then, the next time we see him, he's in a STAR DESTROYER!! Not a shuttle, like we had just been led to believe! A GINORMOUS ship that don't look like no shuttle to me! Then again, how would I know in the first place - they don't show the shuttle!! But in the new version he says where he's going and we see the shuttle taking him there! What's not to like? We now have all the information we need!

It's like finally getting to see the Wampa monster feeding while Luke struggled to free himself. Why was Luke hanging there before? Now we know!

I don't remember being confused by the original at all, at 10 years old. You don't need to show every last bit of exposition if it's obvious that Vader got to his Star Destroyer using his shuttle that was brought to him.


I will confess to still not really understanding how Luke's feet became encased in ice. Perhaps we need a scene showing how that happened, too? Oh, I know - I'll use my 10 year old IMAGINATION


Actually, if the whole "bring my shuttle" delivery thing was kept, along with the nice looking matte of him boarding said shuttle, and flying up to the Executor. I think that would actually improve the pacing and give a nice lead-in to that oh so pretty shot of the Falcon escaping Bespin as the dawn breaks behind them. As long as no time is wasted watching him walk out of the shuttle inside the Death Star Executor cutting back and forth doesn't hurt the movie at all, and in fact I think it helps the somewhat rushed feeling the original has at that point. Or maybe not, I don't know. The matte painting of Bespin "in the dark" would definitely have to improve though then.


miker71 said:

vote_for_palpatine said:

Oh, come on, Gaff! Jeez, don't you remember how utterly confusing the original version was? Vader says "Bring my shuttle" - first of all, where is that shuttle going? Is he gonna get in it? Is he going somewhere? We don't know! Then, the next time we see him, he's in a STAR DESTROYER!! Not a shuttle, like we had just been led to believe! A GINORMOUS ship that don't look like no shuttle to me! Then again, how would I know in the first place - they don't show the shuttle!! But in the new version he says where he's going and we see the shuttle taking him there! What's not to like? We now have all the information we need!

It's like finally getting to see the Wampa monster feeding while Luke struggled to free himself. Why was Luke hanging there before? Now we know!

I don't remember being confused by the original at all, at 10 years old. You don't need to show every last bit of exposition if it's obvious that Vader got to his Star Destroyer using his shuttle that was brought to him.


Anyway, VFP makes an excellent point, and I was thrilled to see the new version.  It was the way I always thought is should play out after I saw the original confusing version.  The only change I would make is that I would have played that part, but I am at least glad to see that Vader and I are kindred spirts.