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Ahsoka (live action series) - general discussion thread — Page 16


I’ve finally solidified my thoughts on the entire show. Like The Mandalorian Season 3 before it, I really like half of the show, but the other half is just really underwhelming. After a really disappointing and slow first episode, the show immediately picks up with episode 2 and for the next 2 and a half episodes, up until the midpoint of episode 5 is great. While I do have some issues with the pacing of episodes 2 and 3, I find them big improvements over the first episode. Despite not much really happening in some of the episodes, the content of them is done well enough that I don’t mind too much. The midpoint at episode 4 was definitely the best of the show. It successfully managed to pay off on most of the elements that were built up after the first 3 episodes. Then starting in episode 5 the show starts to stumble. The first half of the episode is fantastic, but the rest of it is a boring slog that just seems like it’s wasting time, and that continues to be an issue throughout the final 3 episodes. Exploring Peridia in episode 6 is really cool and Balon continues to get more interesting and we finally get to see Thrawn’s glorious return, but something about it feels off. Like episode 5 it really feels like it’s dragging its feet. This feeling continued throughout episode 7 which while I liked the whole episode, and it had lots of great action throughout, not much actually happened in the episode. After the last episode, the show just didn’t feel complete, despite episode 8 having some of the best material in the entire show. It really felt like they intentionally dragged out the material so they could get another season. It leaves the series feeling like it was only a setup and not an actual complete story. While I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the show as a whole the entire thing ended up feeling completely middling as a show because of how much was left unresolved. Ahsoka unfortunately is completely reliant on a season 2, resolving the plot threats that the show left up in the air for it to feel like it was worth it as a whole.


Fan_edit_fan said:

Essentially…they had alot of nerve not calling this Star Wars Rebels season 5.

Some people have said it should’ve been called Rebels Season 6. Because even if you did watch Rebels it seems like there’s a whole story arc between Ahsoka and Sabine that is just implied by this series.


Calling it a Rebels season at all is a big stretch. More like a bunch of five-minute “Tales of the Republic” plot ideas thrown together… and padded out to a long running time. And missing all the actual personalities like Hondo, Zeb, Rex, Kallus… etc.


Imagine if it didn’t have the “Clone Wars Anakin” thing or any Thrawn…what the hell would anybody geek out about from it all? There’s just nothing to ponder or think about with these shows. They desperately need good co-writers for these shows, Tony Gilroy quality. We’re just constantly seeing concept stories greenlit and amateurs put in charge.


Fan_edit_fan said:

Imagine if it didn’t have the “Clone Wars Anakin” thing or any Thrawn…what the hell would anybody geek out about from it all? There’s just nothing to ponder or think about with these shows. They desperately need good co-writers for these shows, Tony Gilroy quality. We’re just constantly seeing concept stories greenlit and amateurs put in charge.

That would still leave Home One, E-Wings, Threepio, those weird cat things & various other memberberries. Not to mention fanservice/callbacks like Baylan’s hallway scene.

I’m somewhat amazed that the series didn’t get a radical edit to address the ponderous delivery of the dialogue at the very least. If Filoni is to be allowed to continue in live action, he needs his own Marcia Lucas until he becomes halfway competent, not that I think he has the talent to make it.

I agree with you. How did the Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi & the Mandalorian Season 3 end up being so poor? Terrible writing is one obvious answer. The other is Disney treating Star Wars & Marvel as content farms for Disney Plus, which seems to have led to series being pumped out without enough development, or even thought as to whether there is really any justification in telling these (half-baked) stories at all.


The naming of these shows tells you the very purpose of them.

Take Ahsoka, The Mandalorian, Andor, Loki, The Falcon and the Wintersoldier, etc. these are working titles at best, bland descriptions of the shows designed to lure people into a Disney+ subscription.

They are designed to fill the shelf and sell the illusion of a variety of quality shows.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Lol, YES. The titling of the shows has been a big gripe for me. It almost feels like they have a mandate that these shows have to have the simplest titles so it is easy for people to find and identify them. Oh! This show is about Obi-Wan Kenobi! Or Boba Fett! Or Ahsoka! The Bad Batch!

Ironically I feel like it works for Andor. Because most audiences are probably like, “Andor who??” I kind of believe Andor may be a play on the Greek “andros”, meaning “man”. Cassian is just one man. But it plays into that idea that one small person, one man, can make a a big impact on the universe. One person’s choices can ripple into a wave of change.

Even the upcoming show “The Acolyte” and “Skeleton Crew” plays into this (if the crew is called the Skeleton Crew at least). The only thing that hasn’t played into this is Tales of the Jedi.

On another note, I saw this comment on Reddit and I agreed with it. This was in regards to why they didn’t show Ezrea hug Hera, and cut away before they could really even interact.

Something about this show that stood out to me is that Filoni - for some reason - is afraid of BIG emotion. Ezra and Sabine’s reunion should have been tears and crying and hugging and sobbing. They were both like, ‘Sup.
Same here. Big emotion. Run to one another. Embrace and cry. Revel in the fact you’re back together again. It was an emotional miss to me.


I agree that all of the streaming titles have been very uninspired. It’s pretty discouraging. Hopefully the new movies don’t end up having the same issue.

My blog: https://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/
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The star wars disney movies didn’t do very well in terms of be “inspired”, either.


The titling would be okay if the shows were actually about the people in the titles. Obi Wan Kenobi is about Princess Leia and Riva, Book of Boba Fett is about Fennec Shand and The Mandalorian, The Mandalorian is now about Mandalorians plural who are not The Mandalorian, and Ahsoka is about the whole cast of Rebels minus Zeb. Andor is mostly about Andor but it’s also about several other people who barely interact with Andor.


That’s just the marketing lesson Disney has learned from movies liked “Frozen” and “Tangled”. Anything complex or meaningful is too much.


Auralnauts - Ahsoka 1986 TV trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8E8ZXZlcbs

Honest Trailers - Ahsoka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHXDbVRxojo

Pitch Meeting - Ahsoka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-g56xMEQj0

Not Obi-Wan Kenobi - Ahsoka (all episodes; 2 hours long): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjBxsJjQK-k

I think I enjoyed these more than the actual series itself. I hope “How It Should Have Ended” does an Ahsoka video too, they’re usually on point.



Why Ahsoka Lost Nearly 40% Of Its Viewers From Debut To Finale - a 16 minute YouTube video by John Campea

(I’ve no idea who he is, but he seems fair and reasoned, with some good points made in this video)


The YouTuber Actual Andrew has done a number of engaging videos critiquing each episode of Ahsoka; the story issues, character problems and decision making, canon changes, unequal writing, use of key jangling, and misuse of the legacy characters in favour of empty fan service: Episodes 1 & 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, and Episode 8

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


Vladius said:

The titling would be okay if the shows were actually about the people in the titles. Obi Wan Kenobi is about Princess Leia and Riva, Book of Boba Fett is about Fennec Shand and The Mandalorian, The Mandalorian is now about Mandalorians plural who are not The Mandalorian, and Ahsoka is about the whole cast of Rebels minus Zeb. Andor is mostly about Andor but it’s also about several other people who barely interact with Andor.

I hate to admit it, but you’re right. None of the new projects have had any real focus.

My blog: https://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/
My books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08SLGZJ11
My bandcamp: https://nunohenrysilva.bandcamp.com/
My SoundCloud: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-327161148
My playlists: https://m.youtube.com/@nunohenrysilva/playlists
My Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/goldendreamseeker/submitted/


I found the first episode to be quite enjoyable. Despite finding the music lacking and the fact most of the characters had no warmth or levity. Were too stoic. I wonder if it just gets worse as time goes on , or is my opinion going to be out of the mainstream. I mean it felt Star Wars to me, unlike a lot of Disney Star Wars. I could picture this actually happening in the GFFA Lucas created. Was it perfect no. Visually interesting if some of the cgi was fake looking and in very obvious cgi sets and greenscreen.


I’m a huge fan of Rebels and I enjoyed Ahsoka’s appearance in Chapter 13 of The Mandalorian, so I was stoked for this series and had high hopes.

Which were dashed against the rocks.

I tried to love this show- I really did. There are a few cool elements and visuals. But overall, the pacing was so glacial, the story so non-existent, the acting so flat, and Thrawn’s decisions so inexplicably dumb that I just wound up hating it. In fact, I’m so disappointed with it that I wouldn’t care if it was canceled and left unresolved. I get that it was supposed to be a bridge to more stuff later on, but a show has to stand on its own as well, and this one fell far short of that.

Rant over.


To be fair everyone’s decisions were inexplicably dumb.


To be honest I don’t know how to feel about the show. Its fine as an idea but it didn’t need to happen, and it hasn’t added anything really new or interesting.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:

For all the assholes who keep giving me shit for my reviews, here’s your fuckin proof: https://youtube.com/shorts/7ytqBdVYoWw?si=-AIkldGZmOY-1LVP


While interesting is debatable. I’d say an entirely new galaxy qualifies as new.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

While interesting is debatable. I’d say an entirely new galaxy qualifies as new.

Yet it didn’t feel “new” whatsoever. Looked just like anything else in the inner/outer rim SW galaxy. 🤷‍♂️


How is it supposed to look? Right now thinking of that cheesey episode of Battlestar Galactica (the good one) where they find the crashed Pegasus on that dayglo planet. Easy pass.


How’s it supposed to look? I guess that’s the job of good writers with imagination. Making it look like Aldhani from Andor was just lazy and uninspiring. That’s like arguing that Hoth should have looked just like Tatooine because “how else would it look?”


Apparently Dave Filoni is now Chief Creative Officer of Lucasfilm, but Ahsoka season 2 still hasn’t been greenlit yet…

My blog: https://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/
My books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08SLGZJ11
My bandcamp: https://nunohenrysilva.bandcamp.com/
My SoundCloud: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-327161148
My playlists: https://m.youtube.com/@nunohenrysilva/playlists
My Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/goldendreamseeker/submitted/


I use to be a “Filoni should be in charge” kind of guy for a while. Not so much anymore…Ahsoka was so terribly written and he still doesn’t have the feel for live action. Oh well, better than nothing…which seems to be what was in charge before…just nothing and anarchy.

Filoni apparently had ZERO to do with Andor…that’s telling you something.


i think my final thots on this show is basiclly that i liked episodes 1-6 and 7 and 8 are bad, the finally was soo nothing with the only thing that matters being trawn and ezra has scaped and the magistrate has died and the rest is stuck on that planet
i has hoping that this show has gonna to make me more intresting in sw but nah
