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I’ve finally solidified my thoughts on the entire show. Like The Mandalorian Season 3 before it, I really like half of the show, but the other half is just really underwhelming. After a really disappointing and slow first episode, the show immediately picks up with episode 2 and for the next 2 and a half episodes, up until the midpoint of episode 5 is great. While I do have some issues with the pacing of episodes 2 and 3, I find them big improvements over the first episode. Despite not much really happening in some of the episodes, the content of them is done well enough that I don’t mind too much. The midpoint at episode 4 was definitely the best of the show. It successfully managed to pay off on most of the elements that were built up after the first 3 episodes. Then starting in episode 5 the show starts to stumble. The first half of the episode is fantastic, but the rest of it is a boring slog that just seems like it’s wasting time, and that continues to be an issue throughout the final 3 episodes. Exploring Peridia in episode 6 is really cool and Balon continues to get more interesting and we finally get to see Thrawn’s glorious return, but something about it feels off. Like episode 5 it really feels like it’s dragging its feet. This feeling continued throughout episode 7 which while I liked the whole episode, and it had lots of great action throughout, not much actually happened in the episode. After the last episode, the show just didn’t feel complete, despite episode 8 having some of the best material in the entire show. It really felt like they intentionally dragged out the material so they could get another season. It leaves the series feeling like it was only a setup and not an actual complete story. While I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the show as a whole the entire thing ended up feeling completely middling as a show because of how much was left unresolved. Ahsoka unfortunately is completely reliant on a season 2, resolving the plot threats that the show left up in the air for it to feel like it was worth it as a whole.