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Ages of Luke & Leia — Page 4

17 or 18 depends how long it took to build the death star
May the force be wth you .........
Originally posted by: SW
17 or 18 depends how long it took to build the death star
18 or 19 is more generally accepted, but it's not that important... u can make up your own mind, after all.
Some were not blessed with brains.
<blockquote>Originally posted by: BadAssKeith

You are passing up on a great opportunity to makes lots of money,
make Lucas lose a lot of his money
and make him look bad to the entire world
and you could be well known and liked

None of us here like Lucas or Lucasfilm.
I have death wishes on Lucas and Macullum.
we could all probably get 10s of thousands of dollars!
Originally posted by: boris
Originally posted by: SW
u can make up your own mind, after all.

Ooooh... George wouldn't like that!
Don't you call me a mindless philosopher...!