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Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded) — Page 32


Ahh, some very interesting work!
You definitely struck a chord with Anakin killing Dooku. Really ramps up the sensation of Anakin just murdering the guy. 

Requires a bit more work, but good job!

I'm currently working on hammering out some fine details with my dooku battle before I move on to something else. I can only work on something so long before moving on.


Alllllllrighty guys!
Here's some progress I've made on TPM!
Finally something that's not very actiony.

Here's the heroes arriving at Coruscant in TPM.
This is essentially my first run-through with editing, so expect more changes and streamlining along the way.


Ah yeah this is loads better! There is a good flow between the scenes. I really like the cut from the landing pad to the council, its a good way to arrange the scenes.

I like the introduction of the force theme. Will this be the first time it is heard in the whole saga perhaps?


aalenfae said:

Alllllllrighty guys!
Here's some progress I've made on TPM!
Finally something that's not very actiony.

Here's the heroes arriving at Coruscant in TPM.
This is essentially my first run-through with editing, so expect more changes and streamlining along the way.

That's some good cuts. Did you also change the pitch of Natalie's voice?


I'm glad you like how the scenes are arranged.
One of the biggest reasons behind that was the fact that I hate hate HATE the taxi bit between the landing pad and Palpy's apartment. It just does not sit well with me. So I chopped it. But that brought up new issues with flow. So I went to Qui-Gon's line, and felt that was a really natural way to set up the Council scene. And that's how that idea was born.

Hmmm - I hadn't thought about that, actually.
But I'm pretty sure we'll be hearing the Force Theme on Tatooine somewhere.

And yeah, I'll be pitching her voice back up.
But the current work is only for demonstration. I'll be doing it a little more high-tech for the final version.


aalenfae said:

I'm glad you like how the scenes are arranged.
One of the biggest reasons behind that was the fact that I hate hate HATE the taxi bit between the landing pad and Palpy's apartment. It just does not sit well with me. So I chopped it. But that brought up new issues with flow. So I went to Qui-Gon's line, and felt that was a really natural way to set up the Council scene. And that's how that idea was born.

Hmmm - I hadn't thought about that, actually.
But I'm pretty sure we'll be hearing the Force Theme on Tatooine somewhere.

And yeah, I'll be pitching her voice back up.
But the current work is only for demonstration. I'll be doing it a little more high-tech for the final version.

The Force theme should honestly be introduced when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan first take off their hoods on the Nemoidian's ship...at least in my opinion. Although I don't know if you even kept that scene.



Ah, yes - I forgot about the time they actually use it in the film on the droid ship as Qui-Gon is cutting the door. 
That musical cue - as of now - is staying. So currently, in my existing edit, that's the first time we hear it.


aalenfae said:

Ah, yes - I forgot about the time they actually use it in the film on the droid ship as Qui-Gon is cutting the door. 
That musical cue - as of now - is staying. So currently, in my existing edit, that's the first time we hear it.

My heart always sinks just after that moment when the theme comes in strong and we see the unstoppable force of the Jedi coming through 2 bulkheads... then it dies away almost as suddenly. If you could extended those OT themes out across that whole Jedi-kickin'-ass sequence it would be a huge boost.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


aalenfae said:

Alllllllrighty guys!
Here's some progress I've made on TPM!
Finally something that's not very actiony.

Here's the heroes arriving at Coruscant in TPM.
This is essentially my first run-through with editing, so expect more changes and streamlining along the way.

The removal of Ric's lines make it so we have no idea who the Chancellor is until the scene is almost over, not to mention the really long sweeping shots with nothing happening.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


timdiggerm said:

aalenfae said:

Alllllllrighty guys!
Here's some progress I've made on TPM!
Finally something that's not very actiony.

Here's the heroes arriving at Coruscant in TPM.
This is essentially my first run-through with editing, so expect more changes and streamlining along the way.

The removal of Ric's lines make it so we have no idea who the Chancellor is until the scene is almost over, not to mention the really long sweeping shots with nothing happening.

I kinda hope you're commenting a little tongue-in-cheek here, haha. The removal of random exposition (especially exposition that's restated in-context by the characters later - such as introducing the Chancellor) is a major goal of my edit.

And the soundmix is unfinished, so the really long sweeping shot feels much more lifeless than it will in the final cut. But I'd like the viewer just to appreciate the scenery a little bit. Like when Han and Leia arrive on Bespin. 

Now in response to the video I mysteriously didn't post here....
I can confidently say that I posted the video on vimeo, and literally while it was processing, I had a more radical idea for the scene.... which remains to be published. Keep posted, guys! :D 


aalenfae said:

timdiggerm said:

aalenfae said:

Alllllllrighty guys!
Here's some progress I've made on TPM!
Finally something that's not very actiony.

Here's the heroes arriving at Coruscant in TPM.
This is essentially my first run-through with editing, so expect more changes and streamlining along the way.

The removal of Ric's lines make it so we have no idea who the Chancellor is until the scene is almost over, not to mention the really long sweeping shots with nothing happening.

I kinda hope you're commenting a little tongue-in-cheek here, haha. The removal of random exposition (especially exposition that's restated in-context by the characters later - such as introducing the Chancellor) is a major goal of my edit.

I get that, and although I think it's a worthy goal, I think that faneditors can sometimes go a little crazy with cutting too much. Sometime it's okay if something is stated twice. Here, maybe the audience should know who the Chancellor is going into the scene, but it logically makes sense for Palpatine to introduce him to the Queen, so.... huh.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


I could understand if maybe Ric mentioned the chancellor more than a few seconds before he's introduced by Palpatine. But his line is obviously just added to assist the clueless audience who couldn't pick up on the "May I introduce Supreme Chancellor Valorum" just a few seconds into the scene.
Knowing who he is ahead of time doesn't change anything, except make us feel a little dumber when Ric starts narrating. We don't need a narrator to explain something that the characters are JUST about to explain. It's silly, and that's how it comes across in the original film.
Imagine if a random Rebel trooper said "There's Darth Vader boarding our ship!" when Darth Vader walked into the blockade runner in ANH. Sure, it'd help us know who the guy in black was... But in reality... we don't learn who Darth Vader is until seven minutes into the movie. And nobody's ever complained about that. 

Though, I do agree - after watching it a bit - that the landing sequence might seem a little dragged out. Especially the over-the-shoulder cockpit shot, which isn't too visually interesting. Might mess with that to improve the flow.


emanswfan said:

Aalenfae posted this on vimeo a few days ago, not sure why he didn't post it here yet.


I've battled with that mess of a scene for so long and have come to a very similar conclusion to you, Aalenfae. Great job!

It's really difficult (or impossible) to make them seem like friends in this scene so the best we can do it seems is use the elevator scene for that and make him assertive in this one. 

I've had some radical editing ideas in the past (some of which have still not been removed from my youtube) so I'd be happy if you borrowed some and I'd be delighted to run some of my ideas by you.


I think that it's possible to make them look as friends in both scenes, but the cost is to loose the general seriousness. I don't think that's a problem mainly because after the scene obiwan proves that he wasn't actually serious (you focus on the negative, he was pleased to see us). Besides, OT has a humorous note in very key moments too, think of Yoda reveal.


I was short on time so I didn't take care of Jarjar, just focus in the elevator scene and then when they're sitted

The video has more than one interpretation and it's likely that obiwan sort of pushes him to fancy padmé. However, even if dominant in the situation, Anakin would be loosing this thing of I PROMISE you as if it was actually something important. Aalenfae's last take was down that route and the result was quite amazing.

In the end it can be done, but I don't know if it should be done to change the mood of the scene. 


aalenfae said:

Though, I do agree - after watching it a bit - that the landing sequence might seem a little dragged out. Especially the over-the-shoulder cockpit shot, which isn't too visually interesting. Might mess with that to improve the flow.

That may be what I was picking up. To many shots of Valorum's shuttle/party.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Yeah, I was about to say - Mithrandir cut the scene very well to make them seem like friends. The words they exchange in the apartment aren't "friendly", but they're almost kind of bickering. Like they're getting on one another's nerves, but they both want to accomplish the same goal. Just in their own way. It does indeed communicate friendship. 

Well, it looks like I have two scenes to play with today, haha.
I'll see what I can do about the landing at Coruscant scene, as per timdiggerm's comments. And I'll see what I can do about the elevator/apartment.  


Yeah, I've seen these, surely!
Unfortunately, it just makes one depressed to watch these. The ideas are good, but not feasible with the material. In this case, a complete remake is in order.

But I have my own plans for a complete re-imagining of the story. Maybe sometime in the future I'll release my scripts. Or make my own radio drama of the prequels. 

^^^ I like the cut with the reduced bickering alot. It could work well that way. The alternative I know of is to minimize runtime but might work to eliminate conflict. If the sky out the windows could be altered to make it more sun-setty, the elevator-meet-and-greet could be cut right after Typho mentions greater danger than realized with some ominous music taking us to Fett and the changling. The part about "You're using her as bait!?" could be cut. Obi could then be reckless like Ani when he jumps out the window.

The problem with larger cuts (and mine are already pretty large for this scene!) is that the scenes are already edited pretty tightly. Cutting larger amounts of material (apart from a few lines and stuff) tends to have the effect of making scenes feel unnaturally short, which is sometimes just as bad as the stupid stuff that was cut. 

There has to be a very fine balance between content and natural flow. If stuff feels cut out, it'll feel like an edit. And I want to avoid the "edited" feeling as much as possible.


aalenfae said:

The problem with larger cuts (and mine are already pretty large for this scene!) is that the scenes are already edited pretty tightly. Cutting larger amounts of material (apart from a few lines and stuff) tends to have the effect of making scenes feel unnaturally short, which is sometimes just as bad as the stupid stuff that was cut. 

There has to be a very fine balance between content and natural flow. If stuff feels cut out, it'll feel like an edit. And I want to avoid the "edited" feeling as much as possible.

This attitude is one of the reasons I've got confidence that your edit will be good.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


I agree Tim. Most fanedits just cut out the bad parts, not giving a scene enough time to sink in before jumping to the next one.

So far, I've been really impressed with your work too, aalenfae, I'm looking forward to more!


Right. I'm not just cutting the bad stuff. And I'm not just leaving the stuff I like.
Sometimes, I've even cut out lines that I like. Sometimes I have to leave lines that I hate. Because my goal is to make the films work as best as I can make them work, with as little stupidity as possible. I honestly strive for balance.