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Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded) — Page 27


mrbenja0618 said:

Michaeldor said:

My storyline for C-3PO in TPM was:

1) He's on Trade Federation ship, everything is the same until...

2) In the scene, where Nute Gunray landed in Theed and says "ah, victory!" I imagined there would be perfect place to put TC (or 3PO). Now, he's appointed by Gunray to accompany the queen.

3) Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan free the queen with her handmaidens and 3PO goes with them to Tatooine and Coruscant.

In conclusion, at the end of TPM Trade Federation is defeated, Maul is dead, and C-3PO serves now Padme.

The idea of Trade Federation 3PO would be good if you redub Gunray with alien voice. He would translate Gunray's lines to Amidala and the rest of the Naboo folk.

By the way, hilts of Obi-Wan's TPM lightsaber is almost the same as Qui-Gons. The only difference are the little spikes at the end of Kenobi's hilt.

I appreciate your passion for a truly great character, but to me these movies already have way too much fan service as is. The only character I feel should be in the prequels is R2. R2 in A New Hope seems to already understand how to get around on Tattooine as 3P0 is lost. And I know they had that convenient scene in ROTS where he gets his memory erased, but I never understood why they didn't do the same with R2. Just dumb.

We already have R2, Jabba, Chewbacca, Greedo (in a cut scene) and I just read an article that a young Han Solo was originally supposed to be featured in ROTS in a scene WITH YODA!  

My problem is that with all these little winks and nods to the other films, it makes a galaxy that's supposed to be vast seem a lot smaller.

Long story, short (Too late?) I think Aalenfae is on the right path thus far. 


I definitely disagree. An original premise of SW was that it's told from the point of view of the little people, the droids, much like Hidden Fortress (at least, I think that's the source). Getting 3PO in at the beginning and having him serve the Queen thanks to the Federation hijinks allows for the Threeio/Artoo team to be formed in the first film (instead of forming, being broken up, re-forming, stupid battle jokes, etc) and removes the terrible Ani-built-him stuff. It's not a wink/nod; it's preserving a central theme/quality of the saga.

A wink/nod is Boba Fett at Mos Eisley.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


timdiggerm said:

mrbenja0618 said:

Michaeldor said:

My storyline for C-3PO in TPM was:

1) He's on Trade Federation ship, everything is the same until...

2) In the scene, where Nute Gunray landed in Theed and says "ah, victory!" I imagined there would be perfect place to put TC (or 3PO). Now, he's appointed by Gunray to accompany the queen.

3) Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan free the queen with her handmaidens and 3PO goes with them to Tatooine and Coruscant.

In conclusion, at the end of TPM Trade Federation is defeated, Maul is dead, and C-3PO serves now Padme.

The idea of Trade Federation 3PO would be good if you redub Gunray with alien voice. He would translate Gunray's lines to Amidala and the rest of the Naboo folk.

By the way, hilts of Obi-Wan's TPM lightsaber is almost the same as Qui-Gons. The only difference are the little spikes at the end of Kenobi's hilt.

I appreciate your passion for a truly great character, but to me these movies already have way too much fan service as is. The only character I feel should be in the prequels is R2. R2 in A New Hope seems to already understand how to get around on Tattooine as 3P0 is lost. And I know they had that convenient scene in ROTS where he gets his memory erased, but I never understood why they didn't do the same with R2. Just dumb.

We already have R2, Jabba, Chewbacca, Greedo (in a cut scene) and I just read an article that a young Han Solo was originally supposed to be featured in ROTS in a scene WITH YODA!  

My problem is that with all these little winks and nods to the other films, it makes a galaxy that's supposed to be vast seem a lot smaller.

Long story, short (Too late?) I think Aalenfae is on the right path thus far. 


I definitely disagree. An original premise of SW was that it's told from the point of view of the little people, the droids, much like Hidden Fortress (at least, I think that's the source). Getting 3PO in at the beginning and having him serve the Queen thanks to the Federation hijinks allows for the Threeio/Artoo team to be formed in the first film (instead of forming, being broken up, re-forming, stupid battle jokes, etc) and removes the terrible Ani-built-him stuff. It's not a wink/nod; it's preserving a central theme/quality of the saga.

A wink/nod is Boba Fett at Mos Eisley.

That's a valid argument, but still doesn't change the fact that the prequels are a jumbled mess, and unless completely reshot will never begin with the two droids together.

Of course my question is, why in the prequels must the two droids have to be 3P0 and R2? Why not 2 gungans? Could have been interesting to see it from their view. Starting on Naboo as the invasion happens.

Again, a very valid argument, and I do agree with your point, but I suppose I got jaded by the mass of wink/nods that are all over the prequels. 


And you were right. He did draw from The Hidden Fortress.


I'm pretty set on not having C-3P0 appear in my edits. At LEAST in I and II. 
He might show up in III, but I don't have a problem with that.

The problem is that in I and II (and in III), C-3P0 serves no point in the story. His presence is just a thoughtless add-on. The movies do feel more natural when C-3P0 is removed.  


Well, no. 
In ANH, he serves as the storyteller, bringing us through the action of the film (and interpreting for R2-D2).

In ESB, he might be mostly comical, but he serves a key role in building the tension on Cloud City. Even if it's a small role, he serves the story in some way.

In RotJ, he's the ambassador to the Ewoks, who are integral in the Rebellion's success on Endor.


However.... in the prequels, C-3P0 does nothing for the story. Nothing at all. He makes a stupid naked joke in TPM, he bumbles around and has some stupid puns in AotC, and he makes some pointless remarks in RotS.


aalenfae said:

Well, no. 
In ANH, he serves as the storyteller, bringing us through the action of the film (and interpreting for R2-D2).

In ESB, he might be mostly comical, but he serves a key role in building the tension on Cloud City. Even if it's a small role, he serves the story in some way.

In RotJ, he's the ambassador to the Ewoks, who are integral in the Rebellion's success on Endor.

His presence on Endor makes no sense until they find the Ewoks, a species the Rebels were apparently entirely ignorant of until Han & Co. make first contact. His presence at Jabba's palace is not particularly logical either, as he does nothing useful during the Barge battle, and nothing of consequence leading up to that. Artoo w/ a few more holograms could have done the job just fine.

However.... in the prequels, C-3P0 does nothing for the story. Nothing at all. He makes a stupid naked joke in TPM, he bumbles around and has some stupid puns in AotC, and he makes some pointless remarks in RotS.

That is true, unfortunately. It'd be great if TC-14PO could do something useful, at least in TPM...but yeah, probably too difficult to pull off.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Yeah - C-3P0's presence on Endor really didn't make sense. 
But.... at least he still served a purpose. SOME purpose.

Meditate on this... I will. 


Yeah. Even though R2 is kind of squeezed into the prequels, he does still play a role. And I don't have a problem with his presence in the prequels, either. He makes a lot more sense there than C-3P0, at least.


Fortunately, since C3P0 has no story significance and hardly interacts with the characters in TMP and AotC, he is easily removed. And sadly, never missed. 


aalenfae said:

Fortunately, since C3P0 has no story significance and hardly interacts with the characters in TMP and AotC, he is easily removed. And sadly, never missed. 



timdiggerm said:

Filming new TeeCee-Fourthreepio elements would be great, when combined with making the Gungans speak another language. If only it was so easy as that?

Not impossible, if we cut C3P0 from AOTC we can then use those shots, rota him as a separate element then re-color and composite onto different footage or new backgrounds.

I am proud to say I remember the 80’s!


Currently working on: Red Dwarf Night 10th Anniversary V2.

Red Dwarf Night 10th Anniversary


peter_pan said:

timdiggerm said:

Filming new TeeCee-Fourthreepio elements would be great, when combined with making the Gungans speak another language. If only it was so easy as that?

Not impossible, if we cut C3P0 from AOTC we can then use those shots, rota him as a separate element then re-color and composite onto different footage or new backgrounds.

Oh okay cool. Let me know when you have that done.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


timdiggerm said:

peter_pan said:

timdiggerm said:

Filming new TeeCee-Fourthreepio elements would be great, when combined with making the Gungans speak another language. If only it was so easy as that?

Not impossible, if we cut C3P0 from AOTC we can then use those shots, rota him as a separate element then re-color and composite onto different footage or new backgrounds.

Oh okay cool. Let me know when you have that done.

Yes I agree its a lot of work but its something I have been thinking about doing since reading this thread.

If it was to be done how could the new footage be used? Effectively if it was done we would then have a silver TC4EPO as a layer that could be incorporated into existing footage, again though what?

any thoughts?

I am proud to say I remember the 80’s!


Currently working on: Red Dwarf Night 10th Anniversary V2.

Red Dwarf Night 10th Anniversary


Hey there! The last updates were awesome as usual. Eric keeps poving that the PT problem must be engaged as a whole as it gives plenty of oportunities to try new things that would probably work better than the original stuff. Luckily this thought will continue to spread among faneditors, following Bob Garcia's, Eric's, and in the future Ady's works.

I hope not to deviate the topic too much, though every now and then it's useful to throw ideas in the pot and see what comes out. I've been watching clonewars lately, and found out very good CG enviroments specially in the currently developing arc (today's episode featured republic/imperial military installations in Coruscant which look very very OT. There was a scene in the drains (straightly copied from the Fugitive) that could fit easily in the CG context of the PT (considering how badly its CGI has aged) almost without any retouch (I'm saying this as a proof of a visual standard, not argument wise, why would you want a drain scene?)

Then there's the 100 episodes trailer of the series. When I was watching it, I realised how an excellent source of dialogue lines this series would be. Even in this little 5 min video there are better lines than in the actual movies!


Windu "he's too emotionally attached to her" aplying to Ahsoka could be used to show the Jedi suspecting on Anakin and Padme's marriage in ROTS or their affair in AOTC....

Another case, imagine this dialogue opposed to the poor "destroy the Sith we must":

Obi Wan: I can't not kill Anakin, Master!

Yoda: (Then) bring back this lost child before it's too late.

Then even more, if it was possible to assamble lines, you could actually have Yoda say "stop this lost child before it's too late" (this line, and editing Anakin's no return point, the children slaughter, out of the movie and you would make Vader's line in EPVI "OW once thought as you do" have a lot more depth).

I'm actually watching the series with different eyes now, and I suggest the others fan-editing muggles (?) to do it too; not just for inspiration, but to have a real sense of what new things could be accomplished dialogue wise (and therefore indirectly plot wise). 


Keep the good job Eric, and sorry for the little huge off topic!


I have just started a new topic which I think may be relevant to this one so here is the link:


Anybody who is interested in the files let me know.

I am proud to say I remember the 80’s!


Currently working on: Red Dwarf Night 10th Anniversary V2.

Red Dwarf Night 10th Anniversary


Mithrandir, I love your idea of using the Yoda line from the new TCW episode.
And what's even better - is that the line is almost music-free in the actual episode. Might make it really easy to use. 

I'm just afraid there won't be enough material to make Obi-Wan seem like he actually wants to bring Anakin back. As it is, I've slapped together a hodgepodge of lines from the EPIII video game (where Obi-Wan actually talks like he wants to help Anakin). Maybe I can kidnap Ewan McGregor and get him to record new lines for me, haha.

Little update:
Work on the prequels will come to a VERY slow crawl in the coming months.
Two reasons:

-I am going to be in Japan next year, and will only be able to do basic editing.

-I am working on a short film. It'd be awesome if everybody could back me on kickstarter:

Some of the budget is for some super-awesome software that I'll have afterward to make my Star Wars edits even better! So... there's some extra incentive, haha.


aalenfae said:

Mithrandir, I love your idea of using the Yoda line from the new TCW episode.
And what's even better - is that the line is almost music-free in the actual episode. Might make it really easy to use. 

I'm just afraid there won't be enough material to make Obi-Wan seem like he actually wants to bring Anakin back. As it is, I've slapped together a hodgepodge of lines from the EPIII video game (where Obi-Wan actually talks like he wants to help Anakin). Maybe I can kidnap Ewan McGregor and get him to record new lines for me, haha.

Little update:
Work on the prequels will come to a VERY slow crawl in the coming months.
Two reasons:

-I am going to be in Japan next year, and will only be able to do basic editing.

-I am working on a short film. It'd be awesome if everybody could back me on kickstarter:

Some of the budget is for some super-awesome software that I'll have afterward to make my Star Wars edits even better! So... there's some extra incentive, haha.

Good luck on the short film. I hope to contribute when I'm able. What is this super-awesome software you're trying to obtain?


Um - mostly plugins for After Effects. Like Element 3D - which is just a really handy 3D particle renderer, and Newton 2 - which is a jaw-dropping physics plugin for After Effects. There are other odds and ends I'll be obtaining, too. Like things I always (legally) wanted to get my hands on - like Action Essentials and Optical Flares.


All wonderful plugins. PM at some point, will ya, aalenfae?