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Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded) — Page 26


Ahh, yeah. That's a bit that I regretted having to cut, as well. 
I'm sure I'll think of some ideas before I'm done. So we'll wait and see!

The opening crawl will reflect some story changes that I'll be shamelessly stealing from magnoliafan. 
I do intend to redub the Neimoidians, (At least Nute Gunray) so I've got a lot of flexibility.


I have to agree--this is fantastic! Nice work!

I'm sort of sad about losing TC-14, though. I understand why she's got to go, of course, but she was one of TPM's very few strong visual links to the OT, so it's a little bittersweet.


So... since you're getting around to Attack of the Clones as well...

What are your plans with the whole Sifo-Dyas thing?
I always thought you could redub/subtitle the leader of Kamino into explaining it was Qui-gon Jin, and try cutting.... around that...

This is what I do, besides fanediting.


Wow, that is a great start.

Nice, quick, and action. Just like ANH. Brilliant work, man.


Yeah, I tried to keep TC-14, with her line about the Jedi. But... it didn't make sense in the context of the edit. Maybe I can include her footage later in the movie (as I'll be redubbing the Neimoidians). Maybe I can give her some new lines, as well.

Concerning Sifo-Dyas... I'm still on the fence. Making it Qui-Gon would be an interesting twist, but I'm not sure what it would serve (Other than make Qui-Gon's character more narratively important). I'm always open to ideas as to how to handle that sub-pot. 


Thanks! That's quite a compliment. The whole time, I was thinking "In the first 5 minutes of ANH, it's 100% action, 0% exposition." And it's perfect that way. I was thinking TPM could be the same. 


I'd suggest just canning the entire Sifo-Dias sublot, it's too stupid to make sense. The whole mystery element doesn't work, as the Jedi Council say they will devote all their resources to find out who created the army, and then it is never mentioned again. You could start AotC with Obi-Wan going to inspect the Republic's new army.

With regards the Phantom Menace, could you move TC14, and the shot with the Jedi lounge to just after they arrive at the Jedi Temple? The only thing that would need changing would be the windows... Could you just replace the space views in the windows with Coruscant city scape?

Out of interest did you have any pans to introduce Anakin any earlier? As he is the closest discernible thing to a lead character, but doesn't appear for the first 40 mins of the fillm.

"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." - Rabindranath Tagore

"Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth." - Kahlil Gibran


I always thought it would be interesting if Sifo-Dias was actually Palpatine, or something like that.


Yeah, making it quigon wouldn't do much except raise the question of why he would go against the Jedi order, especially with the whole "we can't fight a war for you"


I was just watching the fall of the Jedi trilogy and noticed how easy it would've been to cover up the whole sifo-dias misstep or change it into someone else who died 10 years ago, and had ties to dooku.


i also remember someone posting a clip from the end of Attack of the clones a while back were they changed the sidious/dooku dialog to call him (dooku) vader. Sure, a nice twist for those who have seen these movies before, but raises the question "has palpatine run out of names?"

reguardless, there's infinite possibilities for these edits, and it's nice to see someone make ambitious changes for the better.

This is what I do, besides fanediting.


aalenfae said:

Sorry for the double-post! Here's the video!



I'm just now getting to see this, so i realize my comments are incredibly late. Overall, this is the best edited opening I've seen of TPM. However, take this as food for thought.

I hate how Sidious is so painfully obviously Palpatine. I would suggest casting all his facial features in shadow. Also, maybe change the pitch of his voice so that is disguised as well.

Other than that, please consider removing all lines pointing out the obvious. "They have shield generators!" "It's an invasion army!" The audience already gets that it's an invasion army because the villain just ordered the invasion, and it looks very much like an invasion army even without the explanation.

However, even if you didn't make those changes this would still be my favorite opening I've seen so far.

Just go ahead and get done so we can watch it all.... Go ahead... Stop reading, and get to work. =)


It would be interesting if we never see the Jedi talk at all until theyre on the planet. Their first line should be something really profound.


Yeah - I always hated the "It's an invasion army!" line. Like... DUH! But... I want their line about warning the Naboo and contacting the chancellor, and it doesn't... feel right without the lead-in of "It's an invasion army!"

I'll see what I can do about the shield generator line, though!

That's a unique idea. Though... I feel it wouldn't be profound in the end. It'd be Qui-Gon talking to JarJar, and that's hardly a noble entrance xD, haha.


Also today - a pseudo update!
I made some rough-draft classic-style Star Wars logos for my prequel edits!

And, yes -  I know Seciors used "Army of the Republic" for his Episode II edit, but... it's a term from the movie, and it's the one I want to use. Because no way, no how am I gonna use "Attack of the Clones"


aalenfae said:

Yeah - I always hated the "It's an invasion army!" line. Like... DUH! But... I want their line about warning the Naboo and contacting the chancellor, and it doesn't... feel right without the lead-in of "It's an invasion army!"

I'll see what I can do about the shield generator line, though!

That's a unique idea. Though... I feel it wouldn't be profound in the end. It'd be Qui-Gon talking to JarJar, and that's hardly a noble entrance xD, haha.


Also today - a pseudo update!
I made some rough-draft classic-style Star Wars logos for my prequel edits!

And, yes -  I know Seciors used "Army of the Republic" for his Episode II edit, but... it's a term from the movie, and it's the one I want to use. Because no way, no how am I gonna use "Attack of the Clones"

I really like those.... Ready to see these. Are you going to release one at a time or all at once?


I think I will release them all at once - like in a big bundle.

I don't want them getting separated, really - as they're supposed to go together. 

Though... that might be a long time to wait. 
I might change my mind xD


aalenfae said:

I think I will release them all at once - like in a big bundle.

I don't want them getting separated, really - as they're supposed to go together. 

Though... that might be a long time to wait. 
I might change my mind xD

Change your mind. =) Keep us wanting more.


aalenfae said:

That's a unique idea. Though... I feel it wouldn't be profound in the end. It'd be Qui-Gon talking to JarJar, and that's hardly a noble entrance xD, haha.

Yeah I didn't think of that! Maybe his first line could be the "We must warn the Naboo" or some sort of line with "Naboo" removed. Maybe "An Invasion Force! We must warn the Queen"


aalenfae said:

Those are fantastic. I like how the white lines don't totally surround the bottom two. You have definitely got the retro edge. My only change would be to widen the gap between OF and THE on the ROTS one. have it match the gaps between the red lines and the words.


I'll keep tweaking the designs. I plan to start using these retro-style logos in my publicity media. Once I make a trailer, or something.


Hmmm, I felt that the slant gave it an aggressive look.
Though I agree it still feels a little "off". But I think that's because RotS is such a "dark" movie, and we've been conditioned to think the packaging needs to be serious.

I want the air of the movie to still have a bit of swashbuckling-ness to it, I guess. 


Thanks - I'll keep refining them. I'll post 'em up when I've made progress.

I'll show them around to some friends and see what they think.


Have you considered changing TC-14 into C-3PO (color change and Anthony Daniels lines- from "The Clone Wars" cartoon maybe?). That would give TPM more OT character, after all that's what you're trying to achieve in your edits.

One more thing: are you going to change Obi's lightsaber in AotC (in your edits- AotR) to green one that he took from Qui-Gon? His lightsaber in original Episode II is exactly the same as in previous episode (how did he managed to get it back for that bottomless pit?).


Suggestions always welcome!

Making TC-14 into C-3P0 simply creates the question: "How did he wind up on Leia's ship?"
Also - wouldn't he have died with the Droid Control Ship?

I like the idea of Obi-Wan using Qui-Gon's lightsaber - but it's obviously the wrong hilt. 


Could you put the TC-14, conference room scene where Obi-Wan says "I sense something illusive" on the Queen's ship after they leave Naboo, but before they land on Tatooine. Just after that you could have Palpatine introduce Darth Maul...

"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." - Rabindranath Tagore

"Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth." - Kahlil Gibran


My storyline for C-3PO in TPM was:

1) He's on Trade Federation ship, everything is the same until...

2) In the scene, where Nute Gunray landed in Theed and says "ah, victory!" I imagined there would be perfect place to put TC (or 3PO). Now, he's appointed by Gunray to accompany the queen.

3) Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan free the queen with her handmaidens and 3PO goes with them to Tatooine and Coruscant.

In conclusion, at the end of TPM Trade Federation is defeated, Maul is dead, and C-3PO serves now Padme.

The idea of Trade Federation 3PO would be good if you redub Gunray with alien voice. He would translate Gunray's lines to Amidala and the rest of the Naboo folk.

By the way, hilts of Obi-Wan's TPM lightsaber is almost the same as Qui-Gons. The only difference are the little spikes at the end of Kenobi's hilt.


Michaeldor said:

My storyline for C-3PO in TPM was:

1) He's on Trade Federation ship, everything is the same until...

2) In the scene, where Nute Gunray landed in Theed and says "ah, victory!" I imagined there would be perfect place to put TC (or 3PO). Now, he's appointed by Gunray to accompany the queen.

3) Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan free the queen with her handmaidens and 3PO goes with them to Tatooine and Coruscant.

In conclusion, at the end of TPM Trade Federation is defeated, Maul is dead, and C-3PO serves now Padme.

The idea of Trade Federation 3PO would be good if you redub Gunray with alien voice. He would translate Gunray's lines to Amidala and the rest of the Naboo folk.

By the way, hilts of Obi-Wan's TPM lightsaber is almost the same as Qui-Gons. The only difference are the little spikes at the end of Kenobi's hilt.

I appreciate your passion for a truly great character, but to me these movies already have way too much fan service as is. The only character I feel should be in the prequels is R2. R2 in A New Hope seems to already understand how to get around on Tattooine as 3P0 is lost. And I know they had that convenient scene in ROTS where he gets his memory erased, but I never understood why they didn't do the same with R2. Just dumb.

We already have R2, Jabba, Chewbacca, Greedo (in a cut scene) and I just read an article that a young Han Solo was originally supposed to be featured in ROTS in a scene WITH YODA!  

My problem is that with all these little winks and nods to the other films, it makes a galaxy that's supposed to be vast seem a lot smaller.

Long story, short (Too late?) I think Aalenfae is on the right path thus far.