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Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded) — Page 25


princethomas said:

I kind of like it, but its a thin line you are walking. Grittier and tougher yes.  Potentially killing someone is harsh though.

Good point also. Don't want to make him completely evil. I still think a gray area could be established with Anakin.


Frankly, I'm a fan of the idea.  Only problem is it wouldn't be consistent with the rest of the film.  If he could be shown to have this dark streak throughout, then it'd be a nice touch.  But to simply have that would be out of character.  I would love to see a meaner kid, and if there are other ways (including the Greedo deleted scene is a good start), I think it'd be a nice thing to see.


Yeah if Luke was PT Anakin he would have sneaked into the Ewok village and slaughtered them all (including the babies) before they had finished making Leia a new dress and plated her hair (are Ewoks all girls or gay or something?).


Yeah, I'm thinking of giving him a darker feel throughout.
This includes the Greedo deleted scene, and some biting, more sarcastic dialogue changes.

Now... if I could pull off my idea to redub him entirely, this wouldn't be quite so difficult.


Haha, I actually like that - if you can pull off a more gritty version throughout though.  I especially like that it was out of revenge that he did that...


My idea is to make Anakin more of a Han Solo kind of character. Somebody we like, but is rough around the edges.

Anakin would be a good kid, overall. But he's been brought up in slavery in a harsh environment, so he's rough around the edges. He'd have picked up Watto's mannerisms to a degree, and have a very high "fight to survive" mentality. 


aalenfae said:

My idea is to make Anakin more of a Han Solo kind of character. Somebody we like, but is rough around the edges.

Anakin would be a good kid, overall. But he's been brought up in slavery in a harsh environment, so he's rough around the edges. He'd have picked up Watto's mannerisms to a degree, and have a very high "fight to survive" mentality. 

Which is actually far more logical than what we got.

You don't want him to be the guy in the PG-13 movie that everyone's really hoping makes it. You want him to be the guy in the Rated R movie. The guy you don't really know where he's coming from yet.

Alright! I have an announcement! 

It'll be a awhile before I resume regular work on my edits.
However! I will be getting a brand new computer soon, which will be much better for my editing endeavors. 

After I get this new computer, I'll quickly finish up my secret side project, THEN resume work on my edits.

We'll see how long I can stick to my word this time, haha.  


:(   :)    :(    :)    :(    :)    :(

Not sure how I feel about this.  Your work is amazing.  All this waiting for amazing edits is just so hard!!!  But I look forward to your secret project and your (hopefully) sped up work on your PT edits once you get your new computer.  Best of luck to you.


Little idea of mine to keep the updates coming at SOME level!


Some visual and audio changes within the same shot. No cuts or anything here!
Tell me what you think! 


Of course it's better. The reds aren't making my eyes go bloodshot. What was your process?


Haha, yeah. The reddish/orange wash just looks fake, really.

I basically just desaturated the reds and yellows, which got rid of the wash. Then I used levels to push the shadows more towards blue, and away from the nasty mix of red and green they were before. 

Then I think I generally desaturated the entire scene.


aalenfae said:

Haha, yeah. The reddish/orange wash just looks fake, really.

I basically just desaturated the reds and yellows, which got rid of the wash. Then I used levels to push the shadows more towards blue, and away from the nasty mix of red and green they were before. 

Then I think I generally desaturated the entire scene.

Yeah. That whole film needs to be desaturated. Great work again.


Haha, glad you think so.

I used that process on some other Geonosis scenes, and it's looking fantastic. It's amazing how much more real the Geonosis scenes look without the orange haze.  


aalenfae said:

Haha, glad you think so.

I used that process on some other Geonosis scenes, and it's looking fantastic. It's amazing how much more real the Geonosis scenes look without the orange haze.  

It does... Now you have to fix the story structure which is more like a purple haze. =)


Hahaha, yeah. That's a monstrous task.

Basically, delete the whole movie, and it's fixed! 


Hey people!
I've been absent for a long, long time!

But now... I am back!

And later, I'll have a little clip to show - just to justify my long absence.
Talk to you later! :D 


Not bad! Did you do something to the Queen's voice?

OT-DAWT-COM nieghbour and sometime poster (Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green day!)


Haha, well, I'm glad you like it.

And yeah, I pitched Amidala's voice higher - so she sounds more natural. 
I'll be doing that throughout the movie. 

On a second note - I think I'll be able to make Naboo into Alderaan for the Prequel Trilogy. I THINK. We'll see. I've managed to cut out almost every single spoken reference to "Naboo" (not a bad thing, because they never say "Tatooine" in ANH, for instance). 
Making Naboo into Alderaan seems like a daunting task. But I don't think it's QUITE so difficult in the end. And it's a good, logical change.


aalenfae said:

Haha, well, I'm glad you like it.

And yeah, I pitched Amidala's voice higher - so she sounds more natural. 
I'll be doing that throughout the movie. 

On a second note - I think I'll be able to make Naboo into Alderaan for the Prequel Trilogy. I THINK. We'll see. I've managed to cut out almost every single spoken reference to "Naboo" (not a bad thing, because they never say "Tatooine" in ANH, for instance). 
Making Naboo into Alderaan seems like a daunting task. But I don't think it's QUITE so difficult in the end. And it's a good, logical change.

I really liked it Aalenfae, wonder if you can re-use Obi-Wan's "I sense something illusive" later on? Thats only because that small little bit of dialogue is all that I missed in the re-cut opening.

I think using Alderaan instead of Naboo would be a fantastic move; I think it would also have far more emotional impact in Episode 4, if a planet we know and like is blown up. (I really think Lucas missed a huge trick there!). Out of interest, what's your opening crawl? I'm just hoping you replaced the crappy trade dispute with something else ;-)

All in all excellent work, really liked it!

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