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Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded) — Page 21


I have an announcement to make!

I have returned from abroad, and can now resume work on RotS!
I wish I could return with some glorious preview to share, but all I have is a simple video to share:



Non-comparison version:


Explaination of what I've done:
Shot 1 -
Tightened the shot to hide computer screens
Recolored the cockpit to match OT style a little more
Stabilized camera
Retracked camera to take the attention off the cockpit and onto Plo's fighter.

Shot 2-
Partially removed the way-too-smooth camera trucking
Removed the fake camera shake.
Replaced fake camera shake with more realistic camera shake

Shot 3-
Removed the zoom from the shot

Shot 4-
No changes (yet).
I'm going to remove the camera shake with each blast.

Some color modifications and lens interactions to make it seem more like film and less like CGI.




Titus said:

Wow! You should work with adywan!!! Great effort on these movies!

I think Aalenfae's doing a good enough job on his own. Besides, his vision and Ady's aren't quite the same.

Aalenfae--lovely work (as usual).



Excellent work... I really wish you would do the rest of the films.


Thank you for the feedback! haha


And yes, while Adywan and I share similar skillsets, I feel that I have no desire to collaborate with his projects. As Captain Antilles said - we share different visions. 


Thanks! The rest of the films as in... all six? Or just the prequels? 




I hope you at least address the prequels.  I'm sure you'd do a fantastic job, and I'm content to let Adywan handle the OT.  I always read your thread, as you truly are a miracle worker!

No pressure at all, since I imagine this project will take a couple of years at least, but out of curiosity, how long do you anticipate Ep. III will take?  Do you think you'll have the energy to edit all three, considering how much time and love you're putting into this one?


I meant the prequels. As Ender said, Ady has the OT pretty well handled. The prequels are far more broken.


I totally agree. I'm a fan of Adywan's work, and I feel that - while I don't agree with all of the stuff he does - even if I made my own edits of the original trilogy, I'd probably prefer his anyways.

The prequels are a different story.  
Revenge of the Sith... I'm really not sure how much longer it will take me to finish. In my opinion, it's the MOST broken of the Prequels. That is - it has the most stuff that I want to change. So I predict perhaps another whole year before I'm going to be wrapping up.

But I guess this is time for my announcement. If some of you have been following my vimeo videos, you might have seen this coming, but I am actually already working on TPM and AotC. I almost have a full rough cut of AotC, and TPM that I've been working on while taking breaks from RotS. 


Ahhhh, cat's out of the bag.  When you told me you couldn't handle an ROTJ edit because you were working on ROTS and other projects, I didn't realize those other projects were the other prequels.  You have no idea how much this pleases me!  I've recently downloaded Q2's and L8twrtr's edits, and have been watching their TPM edits in increments and comparing them to secior's (the best TPM edit I've yet seen).  They all make very good editing choices, but I'd love to some vocal and visual changes as well, and I'm really excited about what I've seen you do thus far.  I'm really so glad to hear that this isn't just a one film correction, because I need to see the whole trilogy get aalenfae'd :)


aalenfae said:

Thank you for the feedback! haha


And yes, while Adywan and I share similar skillsets, I feel that I have no desire to collaborate with his projects. As Captain Antilles said - we share different visions. 


Thanks! The rest of the films as in... all six? Or just the prequels? 



Yes. Im sorry for offending you aalenfae. I didnt mean to disrespect your work. I thought that everyone here had a goal of working with Mr Adywan. You seem to have a total different perspective. Im sorry im trying to see how things work here :-) Again my appologies and keep up the very good work you are doing.

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Haha, I wasn't offended at all.
It's just that Adywan has his thing, and I have mine.

*Thumbs up*
Thanks! I intend to keep it up!

In the meantime... I have no new RotS videos.
I'm kind of restructuring a lot of things with the edit. Not starting from scratch, really. But kind of. I've gotten significantly better at after effects and stuff like that, so I'm going to be doing some things over. Though, it's nice to comfort myself with the knowledge that it won't take NEARLY as long for the second go-through. Especially because now I know exactly what I want for some things.

So while I try to organize all my crap for RotS, I've been taking breaks and working on TPM and AotC (but mostly AotC for now), and for that, I've got some stuff to show off:


This is an idea I got from Trooperman, I think. He replaced the footage of Obi-Wan's starfighter computer with Luke's droid translator from ESB. I loved the idea, but wanted to take it a little further

 The nightclub scene! I did another version earlier, if you wanna find that on my Vimeo page. But this one represents a musical choice offered by a friend. I like the mood it gives the nightclub, but I'm a little hesitant as it's not Star Wars music or John Williams music. Tell me what you think!
Oh, and there's also cutting changes throughout, of course.



aalenfae said:

This is an idea I got from Trooperman, I think.

Feel free to cop anything you like.  I consider these things open-source projects- I took a lot of other peoples' ideas for my edit and anyone is welcome to do the same. 

This edit is looking great.  Keep up the good work!


P.S. I really like the idea of putting lounge music in that nightclub.  I used a different piece but I really like this one- it's lower key and and sounds "otherworldly".  It definitely gives it more atmosphere.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition


Good! Haha, because I love a lot of your ideas. Though I'm going on memory, because I don't have a copy of your rough cut to watch :P

Thanks. I thought I'd make it more of like the cantina scene in ANH, and I originally used a jazz piece from The Clone Wars movie, but somebody I know suggested using that song from a James Bond movie because it had a more trippy feel to it. 

You can hear my original music choice in this video:


I've edited the post - the link should work now. 


aalenfae said:

Haha, I wasn't offended at all.
It's just that Adywan has his thing, and I have mine.

*Thumbs up*
Thanks! I intend to keep it up!

In the meantime... I have no new RotS videos.
I'm kind of restructuring a lot of things with the edit. Not starting from scratch, really. But kind of. I've gotten significantly better at after effects and stuff like that, so I'm going to be doing some things over. Though, it's nice to comfort myself with the knowledge that it won't take NEARLY as long for the second go-through. Especially because now I know exactly what I want for some things.

So while I try to organize all my crap for RotS, I've been taking breaks and working on TPM and AotC (but mostly AotC for now), and for that, I've got some stuff to show off:


This is an idea I got from Trooperman, I think. He replaced the footage of Obi-Wan's starfighter computer with Luke's droid translator from ESB. I loved the idea, but wanted to take it a little further

 The nightclub scene! I did another version earlier, if you wanna find that on my Vimeo page. But this one represents a musical choice offered by a friend. I like the mood it gives the nightclub, but I'm a little hesitant as it's not Star Wars music or John Williams music. Tell me what you think!
Oh, and there's also cutting changes throughout, of course.


Loved the first idea, I suggest you to add it to your trilogy if you manage to include it in all the shots; the only things I'd do to it is to colour correct the graphics in the display to a red gamma, and add some wires if possible, but hey, great call there!




aalenfae said:

You can hear my original music choice in this video:

Really good work here - nice and tight. I think I prefer this music though. With the other music it's not entirely clear that it's supposed to be music that's played in the bar. 

EDIT: I'm just realizing now that I've barely commented here. My apologies, I've been following this edit since the thread was started, and it looks exceptional. Quick question, is this how your duel will play out? http://vimeo.com/35930252   I think I see what you're trying to do here, and if it works out, it will be absolutely ridiculous (in a good way of course)!


     ^Great stuff!

        In the duel, it could show the shield starting to wink out on the protrusion and then show it going completely out to cover that slightly rough transition of the jump to the walkway.

        It had great flow overall :)



I see what you mean about the music.
Though I might have just mixed it better that time, so it sounds more like it's a "sound effect" and less like the soundtrack.
But I'll play back and forth with the different options and see how it goes.

As far as the duel goes, we must remember that this video is from half a year ago, haha. And while it has undergone some serious changes, this is very close to the pacing the duel will have when I'm finally done. 
Some of the rearranged opening to the fight needs some serious roto work to make the locations consistent (some of which I've already done).
And the entire thing needs a reconstructed soundtrack, as all the music and such has been rearranged.
And finally... I'm still on the hunt for a Ewan McGregor voice double for some added lines. The ones from the Ep III video game aren't too bad, but JUST not right enough for the final cut, I think.  


Cool to know that you've already got some of it to work. The pacing for it is great. It really makes the fight seem epic, while the original fight was more "look at all this lightsaber action!"


The beginning of that duel clip is really very good.  Replacing the music is the key.  There's a wonderful moment at the 44 seconds when you cut to the long shot and it synchs up with the arrival on a minor in the music...REALLY good instinct there.  It's really striking- I wish I had come up with it first...




Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition


dominiccobb, that's really high praise. Thank you!
My goal with the duel is just that. Make it epic, and not just a light show.

While it's far from perfect, I'm going to probably spend the most time on this part of the movie - making it as good as possible.

and trooperman, thank you too!
That part is my favorite part of the piece, so I wanted to give it a punctuated bit of action. I wasn't really thinking about majors and minors, though, haha. I actually timed up the music with that part of the action, and hoped the rest worked, haha. Well, except the grappling shot. That was another one I timed up.